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Kick him out перевод на французский

382 параллельный перевод
- All right, just lead him. I'll kick him out.
- Tire-le, je vais le pousser.
But first I'll get Flammand to give this tradesman his money and kick him out.
Payez-le et qu'il quitte cette maison.
Kick him out or it's me who leaves.
Flanque-le dehors ou c'est moi qui m'en vais!
- Just as they were to kick him out!
- Alors juste qu'ils allaient le virer.
Kick him out, Willie.
Mets-le dehors d'un bon coup de pied au derrière, Willie.
Why don't you kick him out?
Si vous n'en voulez plus, abandonnez-le.
OK, doc, kick him out.
Foutez - le dehors.
After she gets a hammer lock on his heart they kick him out in the street.
Après qu'elle a mis son cœur sous verrou, ils le jettent à coups de pied dans la rue.
Kick him out!
Why don't you kick him out?
Pourquoi ne le chasses-tu pas?
You can do me a big favor. If he comes into your place, kick him out for me.
Ne l'acceptez pas chez vous.
Let's kick him out!
On va te foutre dehors!
After that, my advice is you kick him out of Castelrosso.
Après ça, je vous conseille de le virer de Castelrosso.
I'll use him and kick him out.
Je l'utiliserai et le renverrai.
I'll kick him out of this house! Stop your father!
Je vais le ficher dehors à coups de canne.
Why didn't you kick him out of Person City?
Pourquoi vous ne l'avez pas chassé?
Kick him out if you want to.
Mettez-le dehors, si vous voulez.
Dudu, kick him out!
Dudu, sorts-les!
Kick him out, Abel. Or do I have to do it?
Jette-le dehors Able, ou je dois m'en charger?
- We should kick him out once and for all.
On devrait le chasser.
All of you said so. We didn't say kick him out.
On n'a pas dit de le virer.
When I kick him out, blast them.
Quand je le pousserai, tirez!
- Kick him out then.
- Vire-le alors.
I'll kick him out in the street like a dog!
Je vais le jeter à la rue comme un chien!
- Kick him out. - No way!
- Jette-le dehors à coups de pied au cul. [br]
Kick him out. It will make an impression.
Ça fera grosse impression.
Kick him out!
We can't seem to get rid of him. But... we'll manage to kick him out.
Malgré nos efforts, on n'est pas arrivé à s'en débarrasser.
You'd think whatever his name is... would come in here and kick him out.
On imaginerait qu'un de ses voisins viendrait le chasser.
You know that I'm alone, And now when I've found a friend, Tony wants to kick him out.
Tu sais que je suis seule, et maintenant que j'ai un compagnon, Toni veut le chasser.
You didn't kick him out?
Vous ne l'avez pas foutu dehors?
We get a big kick out of him.
Il nous amuse beaucoup.
You kick in with 10 percent of what you take that chump for or I'll go out and tip him off.
Vous me filez 10 º % de ce que vous lui arnaquez ou je sors tout lui dire.
Gail would have got a kick out of him.
Gail aurait pris son pied avec lui
Excuse me, who were you saying you were going to kick out, me or him?
Parions que je vous chasse à coups de pied! - Combien.
He's lucky they don't kick the artificial leg out from underneath him.
Non! II préfère protéger sa jambe de bois!
It must take some, uh, special kind of guy... a guy that gets a kick out of worming his way in and, uh... just when you get to like him, in goes the knife, right?
Ça doit être un type assez particulier, un type qui prend plaisir à s'infiltrer, et quand vous commencez à l'apprécier, il vous poignarde.
When I get the valley clear for him, he's going to kick me out, like he did before.
Quand j'aurai nettoyé la vallée pour lui, il me renverra comme avant.
I think it's time I asked him to kick you out.
Je crois qu'il est temps que je lui demande de te jeter dehors.
We simply do the research, kick around ideas with him... - and block out a rough preliminary form.
Nous en assurons la documentation et en esquivons un brouillon.
And then, he told me that... he gets a kick out of talking to me because... because I understand him.
Enfin... il aime me parler il aime me parler parce que... parce que je le comprends.
Girls always get a big kick out of him, anyway.
Les filles en sont folles.
Tomorrow I'll kick him the hell out of the laboratory!
Je le chasserai demain au diable du laboratoire!
She brings this bloke home and introduces him to the kids as Uncle Bill. - Your kids'd get a kick out of him.
Bref, si elle dit aux gosses que, le gars, c'est leur oncle Bill, ça leur plaira.
You kick a cheat out of town, not lynch him.
Un tricheur, on le met dehors, on ne le lynche pas.
I get a big kick out of him.
Il me plaît!
Gee, I get a kick out of him.
Ce type fait ma joie.
We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time... and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose!
Vous n'allez jamais les lâcher. On va leur passer au travers comme un couteau dans du beurre.
Riley tried to fuck me... so I had to kick the shit out of him, you know?
Riley a voulu me baiser. Je lui ai pété la gueule.
... I'm going to kick him out, it doesn't matter to me... Romolo, the kids are here!
Les gars sont là!
Let's take him out back and kick the shit out of him.
Est-ce que vous voulez qu'on l'emmène dans un coin et qu'on le corrige?

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