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Krist перевод на французский

60 параллельный перевод
Is it legible, Krist?
C'est lisible, Krist?
And Kurt and Krist saw the drummer, listened to him for a while, and said, "Wish we could get a drummer like that."
Kurt et Krist ont vu le batteur, l'ont écouté jouer et ont dit : "Il nous faudrait un batteur comme ça."
So we turned around, we called Krist from a payphone and said, "This car, we're not gonna get to... We can't do it."
On a fait demi-tour, on a appelé Krist et on lui a dit : " Avec cette voiture, on n'arrivera jamais...
We left it in front of Krist's house and jumped in the van and drove down.
On l'a laissée devant chez Krist, on est montés dans le van et on est partis.
Krist had his SVT and Kurt had a Mesa amp and I think he had a couple of speakers cos he wanted to be incredibly loud.
Krist avait son SVT et Kurt avait un ampli Mesa et des haut-parleurs car il voulait un son très puissant.
I remember one night sitting in our apartment with Kurt and I think Krist was there, too.
On était à l'appartement un soir, avec Kurt et Krist aussi, je crois.
You had Krist this tall and Kurt this tall and this elfin drummer.
Krist était grand, Kurt lui arrivait là, et le batteur avait l'air d'un lutin.
I just thought that there was something really special that happened between Dave and Krist and Kurt on stage.
Je trouvais que quelque chose de très spécial se produisait lorsque Dave, Krist et Kurt étaient sur scène.
Dave and Krist had a great groove going.
Super groove de Dave et Krist.
Underneath the guitar and the vocals, Krist's bass is giving a cool little pulse.
Sous la guitare et la voix, la basse de Krist donne une belle impulsion.
You didn't know whether Kurt was gonna jump in the audience and be beaten up, whether Krist was gonna throw his bass so high you'd never see it again, whether the amps would survive another song.
On se demandait si Kurt allait sauter dans le public et se faire tabasser, si Krist allait balancer sa basse dans les airs et si les amplis allaient tenir.
I remember shows where Krist and Kurt spent three or four minutes destroying their gear and I'm just sitting watching.
Je me souviens de concerts où Krist et Kurt passaient quatre minutes à détruire le matos tandis que je les regardais faire.
As we went back and overdubbed, it was very difficult... for both and Krist and Dave to do the drums and bass, cos with no click track the timing was all over the place.
Au moment d'ajouter de la musique, c'était très difficile... pour Krist et Dave de jouer de la batterie et de la basse sans métronome. Ils n'avaient plus de repères.
And he had the same problem that Krist did, trying to get in tune, in tune to Kurt's funky five-string acoustic.
Il a eu le même problème que Krist pour garder le rythme, pour suivre la partie acoustique un peu décalée de Kurt.
I am Krist and we are Nirvana.
Je m'appelle Krist, du groupe Nirvana.
- - "When you Krist met?"
- - Quand as tu rencontré Krist?
It was blatant that I I wanted to form a group and find people with which to play while Krist did not want.
Je parlais toujours de former un groupe et de trouver des gents avec qui jouer mais Krist ne voulait pas.
trying to Krist to make you feel what not decided never to do Finch is a day pass? by me and told me :
en essayant de la faire écouter à Krist mais il ne prenait jamais le temps de l'écouter Un jour il est venu me voir et m'as dit :
When did cover of Creedence Clearwater did Jam in the big house from Krist in Aberdeen which was very big.
Nous avons fait des reprises de Creedence Clearwater Revival on a jammé chez Krist a Aberdeen c'était une très grande maison!
] pomiciavano and I saltavo above the table and I accarezzavano.
... Sherry et Tracy ont commencées ( les copines de Kurt et Krist ) à baiser avec tout le monde et j'ai sauté sur la table?
I had developed Krist a hatred for Seattle and for the people of Seattle simply... for our need... of'not belonging'.
I had developed Krist a hatred for Seattle and for the people of Seattle simply... for our need... of'not belonging'.
- Poneman ] of'Sub Pop'in a bar and Krist was drunk by morning.
- Poneman ] of'Sub Pop'in a bar and Krist was drunk by morning.
We met at 23 : 00 and Krist was drinking by 8 : 00.
We met at 23 : 00 and Krist was drinking by 8 : 00.
Krist it was aimed and pull rutti and ran shooting to scream something to customers in the bar.
Krist it was aimed and pull rutti and ran shooting to scream something to customers in the bar.
Krist was too disruptive.
Krist was too disruptive.
Once I called Krist as a fact and I told him I drogavo... and...?
Once I called Krist as a fact and I told him I drogavo... and...?
Krist is the kind that makes things but in return wants the glory.
Krist is the kind that makes things but in return wants the glory.
But with Krist c'?
But with Krist c'?
Krist and Dave should not letting a cock to do.
Krist and Dave should not letting a cock to do.
The other day he Krist bed in'Melody Maker'that would be involved a reading of poems in England.
The other day he Krist bed in'Melody Maker'that would be involved a reading of poems in England.
And I : "God, Krist at least not you have defined a fucking heroin who kills her newborn or forget in a taxi!"
And I : "God, Krist at least not you have defined a fucking heroin who kills her newborn or forget in a taxi!"
But I do not know how much I can still do with Dave, Krist and sounds of my voice and guitar.
But I do not know how much I can still do with Dave, Krist and sounds of my voice and guitar.
Dave Grohl, Kris Novoselic and Pat Smear, our deepest sympathies.
{ \ a1 ) } à Dave Grohl, Krist Novaselic et Pat Smear, toutes nos condoléances.
We had Krist Novoselic come in and play bass on I Should Have Known.
Krist Novaselic est venu jouer sur l Should Have Known.
That was a very special moment,'cause I had not been in the same room with Dave and Krist since we finished Nevermind.
C'était un moment très spécial, car je ne m'étais pas retrouvé avec Dave et Krist depuis qu'on avait fini Nevermind.
I was not surprised that Dave asked Krist to play on the record.
Je n'ai pas été surpris que Dave demande à Krist de jouer.
I think what Krist played on the song was the absolute perfect thing for him to do on a Foo Fighters record.
Je crois que ce que Krist a joué, c'était le truc parfait pour un album des Foo Fighters.
About halfway through the session, I kind of looked over at Krist when we were playing, and we were going for it.
Vers le milieu de la session, j'ai un peu regardé au dessus de Krist quand nous jouions, et nous allions le faire.
And you know, Krist was moving the way he used to move, and you were getting into it and I was playing.
Et tu sais, Krist bougeait comme il en avait l'habitude, et tu vois ou je veux en venir... [chuckles]... et je jouais.
Krist Novoselic story ".
L'histoire de Krist Novoselic ".
I'm Krist, and I play bass and I don't sing, thank God.
Je suis Krist, je joue de la basse. Je ne chante pas, Dieu merci.
We got Krist Novoselic, got Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl.
Nous sommes avec Krist Novoselic, Kurt Cobain et Dave Grohl.
I'm here to pick up Kris...
Je viens chercher Krist...
Hey, Krist!
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } KRIST NOVASELIC BASSISTE, NIRVANA { \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Hé, Krist!
Krist Novoselic Kurt's friend

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