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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ L ] / Look what i have

Look what i have перевод на французский

871 параллельный перевод
Look what I have here.
Regardez ce que j'ai là.
Come on, look what I have.
Viens voir ce que j'ai là.
Look what I have.
- Regarde ce que j'ai apporté.
Rhoda! Look what I have for you.
Regarde ce que je t'ai apporté.
- No, look what I have.
- Non, regarde ce que j'apporte.
I don't know what I would do... if I didn't have you and Missy Rose to look after me.
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans toi et Missy Rose.
Now, now, look here. You'll just have to learn that a man who's worked as i have, risen as i have, and who knows the world is the proper judge of what's right and wrong.
Un homme qui a travaillé comme je l'ai fait... qui s'est élevé, connaît la vie, est seul juge de ses actes!
What'll the battle look like if I have a handful of slaves to fight these men?
Et si nous n'avons qu'une poignée d'esclaves?
Have a look at his statement. I'd like to know what you think of it.
Voici sa déposition.
Then you wait. And look at what I have in my bag.
Alors attendez, et regardez Ce que j'ai dans mon sac
Look, I think I know just about what you two have in mind.
Je crois avoir compris ce que vous cherchez.
But when I look at what you two have got here... Well, I don't know. Maybe there are some things you should buy with your heart, not your head.
Mais quand je vois ce que vous avez obtenu... je me dis que parfois la raison du cour l'emporte sur toute autre.
Look, I'll tell you what. I have to see some old friends this afternoon.
Ecoutez, je dois voir de vieux amis, cet après-midi.
I tell you what I'll do. I'll look in later, and if you're still awake, we'll have a little game.
plus tard, si tu ne dors pas, on fera une partie de cartes.
And look what else I have.
Et regarde ce que j'ai.
What's the address? So after the man brought me here to the telephone, he sent for a tow car. And then he kept insisting I have a doctor look at me right away.
Après m'avoir conduit au téléphone, l'homme a envoyé un remorqueur et a insisté pour qu'un médecin m'examine...
I just have to look at you to know what happened.
Vous regarder me suffit pour savoir ce qui s'est passé.
So I'm leading with my chin. What have I got to lose? Look, Eddie!
Non, mais je n'ai rien à perdre.
But it is what I would have done. Now look here.
- Après tout, il y a un tas de...
I know what a sense of loss and disappointment you both have, but look at these telegrams.
Je sais, vous êtes déçus, mais lisez ces télégrammes.
Be quiet or I'll have you put in charge. Look what she did... be quiet!
Silence ou on vous coffre!
I don't have to look in the book, I can still remember what you wrote.
Inutile, je me souviens très bien de ce que vous avez écrit.
What I don't understand though, is... you don't look like a man who would have any trouble meeting a woman.
Ce qui m'échappe, c'est que vous ne devez pas avoir de mal à rencontrer des femmes.
Don't look at ME like that what have I done to YOU?
- Me regarde pas comme ca, qu'est-ce que je t'ai fait?
I thought maybe you'd better have a look at this, and see what your husband did say.
Je pensais qu'il serait bien que vous lisiez ceci pour voir ce que votre mari a dit.
Look, brother, i don't know much about this cult of yours - what's permitted, what isn't permitted - but i seriously doubt if you have the authority to imprison a man against his will.
Je ne connais pas bien vos cultes, ce qui est permis, ce qui ne l'est pas? Mais je doute que vous ayez le droit d'emprisonner un homme contre sa volonté.
Look at what sort of people I have to live with!
Voilà avec qui je dois cohabiter!
Look... what I have here.
Regarde... ce qu'il y a lr.
Look, he doesn't have teeth, in effect, so what I tried was to make him a prosthetic, but it wasn't possible.
en fait il n'a pas de dents. Donc j'ai essayé de mais c'était impossible. Et maintenant je vais... les voisins du dessus t'attendent.
â ™ ª Buying on credit is so nice â ™ ª â ™ ª One look at us, and they charge twice â ™ ª â ™ ª I have my own washing machine â ™ ª â ™ ª What will you have, though, to keep clean â ™ ª
On achète tout à crédit On nous regarde et on double le prix Je l'aurai, ma machine à laver
You look at what we don't have. I look at what we do have.
Vous voyez nos différences, je vois nos points communs.
Look, what have you been doing with all my books? I needed the shelf.
Je dois rendre ceci à Mlle Pringle.
You can do what you like. Ah, I shall have a look around.
Mais cette fois, j'agis selon ma méthode.
What have I got to look forward to?
De quoi j'ai l'air?
Look, I'll show you what I have left.
Vois ce qu'il m'est resté.
Now, I'll have a look what's the day like today at home.
Voyons voir, quoi de neuf?
- Mm-hmm. Well, what do you say you and I have a look before we call the cops?
Que dirais-tu qu'on y jette un coup d'œil avant d'appeler la police?
But now, I look upon what we have here.
Mais maintenant, je vois ce que nous avons ici.
What I have in mind makes your little diner look pathetic.
eh ben, dis-toi bien que ton Midi et ta gargote. à côté de cette affaire-là, c'est des rêveries de midinette! .
The law wouldn't look kindly on what I have to say to you. You're a family man?
Éh, je vous dirais bien quelque chose... mais je crois que c'est pas non plus conseillé par le Code!
Look, if I pulled him off now, he'd still suffer from some kind of depressive psychosis... because he'd never know what would have happened... if he had stuck it out long enough to contact the other witnesses.
- Tu vas trop vite. Si je l'en sortais maintenant, il souffrirait de psychose dépressive car il ne pourrait pas savoir ce qu'il aurait pu apprendre.
look what I found it must have been hidden somewhere up there
Regardez ce que j'ai trouvé. Ça devait être caché quelque part par là.
What? - Look, all I can say is, I have never been so disillusioned with anyone in my whole life.
- Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que de toute ma vie, jamais on ne m'a autant déçue.
When I look at a woman's legs, I look at them because I have to not because I particularly want to. I mean, what good is a casing without the sausage inside, huh?
Je les regarde par nécessité, pas par envie, voyez-vous?
Hm. That's what I thought at first, but have a look at this.
C'est ce que j'ai d'abord pensé, mais regardez ça.
Look, I don't care what I have to do, as long as I get paid.
Peu importe ce que je dois faire, du moment qu'on me paie.
Look at what I have.
Regardez ça.
If Earth didn't warn you we were coming, Governor, they must have had a very good reason. I wonder what it was? Now look here
Si la Terre ne vous a pas prévenus, il doit y avoir une bonne raison.
Look, when I say, follow me, my warriors... what you have to do is follow me and fight.
guerriers vous devez suivre et combattre. Ou ça finira mal.
- You know what I think we should do? - What? Have a look at your brother.
Ce qu'il faudrait, c'est... examiner votre frère.
And I came to have a look at you and find out what this is all about.
D'abord, je voulais vous voir et puis vous demander... Ma gamine me parle tout le temps d'un concours de beauté.

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