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Maloney перевод на французский

147 параллельный перевод
- The Maloney Sisters?
- Les Maloney Sisters?
And with that, he smiled as nice as you please and said, "That's all right, Miss Maloney."
Et puis il m'a gentiment souri et m'a dit : "Três bien, Mlle Maloney."
Can you imagine calling me Maloney?
Il m'appelle Maloney.
Cut out the Maloney Sisters.
Annule les Maloney Sisters.
Miss Maloney, this is Miss Hart.
Mlle Maloney, voici Mlle Hart
Miss Maloney will show you. Thank you.
Mlle Maloney vous conduira Merci
Miss Maloney, you have no one sleeping in your room.
Mlle Maloney, vous étes seule dans votre chambre
Maloney : What are you doing here, baby-frightener?
Oue fais tu ici, bourreau d'enfants?
Maloney : Beat it, eagan.
Fiche le camp, Eagan
Maloney : I'm not laughing, veterinary.
Je ne plaisante pas, vétérinaire
Sometimes I don't like you, Maloney.
Parfois, je ne t'aime pas, Maloney
We had to walk home. This isn't your first offense, Miss Maloney.
On a dû marcher Ce n'est pas la première fois, Maloney
Maloney : If I could dodge that night shift, I'd live with one.
Pour éviter les urgences de nuit, j'en épouserais un
[Lora clears thro at and giggles] Just a scalp wound.
hôpital municipal Affectation des infirmières B MALONEY URGENCES Une petite blessure au cuir chevelu
Ask Miss Maloney about it. She's been fighting it off all her life.
Demandez â Mlle Maloney, c'est une spécialiste
Policeman : Hey, hey. Maloney :
Hé Tu parles d'un dur
Maloney : Don't you know that you're supposed to report all bullet wounds?
On est censées signaler toute blessure par balle
Hey, Maloney, don't forget to wash that bedpan.
Maloney, n'oublie pas de laver le bassin de lit
Good night, kiddies. Girls : Good night, Miss Maloney.
Bonne nuit, mes jolies Bonne nuit, Mlle Maloney
Any more instructions, Miss Maloney?
D'autres instructions, Mlle Maloney?
Oh, Dr. Bell. Take good care of nanny, Maloney.
Dr Bell Occupez vous bien de Nanny, Maloney
With me own two eyes, I saw Gypo knock the scrapper Maloney flying across the road, like a man diving off the Bull Wall.
J'ai de mes yeux vu Gypo assommer Maloney et l'envoyer rouler de l'autre côté de la rue.
MALONEY : Well, a little bit, it does.
Eh bien, un peu.
Maloney and Herron are with him now.
Maloney et Herron ont pris le relais.
If you'd take the time to study your country's history, Mr Maloney... -... you'd be the first to admit it.
Apprenez l'histoire de votre pays, et vous devrez admettre..
I'm sorry I jumped the command, sir. Get back to Maloney. You're no good to me.
Retourne au camp!
Maloney told me you had at least two companies.
Le docteur m'a parlé de deux compagnies.
Yes. " Request was made by Joseph P. Maloney,
Un certain Joseph P. Maloney.
Then you must be J. Maloney.
Alors, vous êtes... J. Maloney?
Actually, Mr. Maloney, by talking to me, you could make yourself some money.
En fait, me parler pourrait... vous rapporter de l'argent.
You want to tell me why you put a headstone on an empty grave, Maloney?
Pourquoi avez-vous mis une dalle sur une tombe vide?
That must be the fellow with the pipe who called on Maloney.
Ce doit être le type à la pipe qui a été chez Maloney.
Joe Maloney's been itching for that job.
Joe Maloney voulait ce boulot.
But Maloney wouldn't be willing to do that, would he?
Maloney n'acceptera pas de faire ça.
Mr. Maloney? Barlow Creek?
M. Maloney de Barlow Creek.
Can you speak a little louder, Mr. Maloney?
Parlez un peu plus fort, s.v.p.
Oh. How come you changed your mind, Mr. Maloney?
Vous avez changé d'idée?
Oh, don't be silly, Mr. Maloney.
Ne soyez pas ridicule.
I see.
Je vois M. Maloney.
Mr. Maloney, are you admitting Edward Shoebridge is still alive?
Shoebridge est-il toujours en vie?
What's the matter with you? It wasn't me. It's Maloney.
C'est pas moi, c'est Maloney.
Do you really think Maloney wanted us dead?
Tu crois que Maloney voulait notre mort?
Maloney's probably got him buried in his backyard. Doesn't want us to find out.
Maloney a dû l'enterrer dans sa cour... et veut qu'on l'ignore.
Congratulations on the nice job you did on our car, Maloney.
Félicitations pour la voiture.
You know perfectly well what we're doing on the road, Maloney.
Vous le savez très bien, Maloney.
Why don't you just go ahead by yourself this time, Maloney?
Allez-y tout seul. Nous, on laisse tomber.
That's Maloney. He's after us.
Maloney qui nous poursuit.
Yes, Joseph Maloney, you were a generous man.
Vous fûtes un homme généreux, Joe Maloney.
No, that's not so, Mrs. Maloney. It was the other way.
Non, Mrs Maloney, c'est l'inverse...
Mrs. Maloney, I have to talk to you. He's dead and buried.
Il est mort et enterré, c'est fini.
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