Maybe it was you перевод на французский
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Or maybe it was you.
Si ça se trouve c'est toi qui l'a déréglé la télé.
I thought, you know, Maybe it was you.
C'aurait pu être vous.
Maybe it was you after all?
C'était peut-être toi après tout?
You know, maybe it was a reaction to the sardines.
C'était peut-être une réaction aux sardines.
W... uh, you know, maybe it was.
Peut-être bien que oui.
If you were with her, maybe it was my fault.
Si t'étais là avec elle, c'est de ma faute.
Well, he wanted to thank me for giving up our trip to Aspen so that you could defend him, but since I did hurt my knee there last year, maybe it was better that I didn't go.
- Il m'a dit qu'il voulais me remercier d'avoir... annuler notre voyage à Aspen pour que tu puisse le défendre, mais étant donner que je m'étais esquinter le genoux l'an dernier là-bas, c'était mieux d'annuler.
No, if you... if you'd told me in the first place, if you'd told me what kind of job it was, then I would've considered it although... it makes me seem like you've maybe made a mistake.
Si vous m'en aviez parlé, j'aurais eu le temps d'y penser. J'ai un peu l'impression que vous avez commis une erreur.
I was thinking maybe I could make it up to you?
Je pensais que je pouvais me rattraper.
You said Loki was a night god. Maybe it works at night.
Loki était un Dieu nocturne, ça ne marche peut-être que la nuit.
I was going to say that... If you feel great, maybe you should just accept it as a gift.
Je voulais dire que si vous vous sentez bien, vous devriez l'accepter comme un don.
Maybe it's not romance to you but it was founded on real old-fashioned respect and values.
Tu ne trouves peut-être pas ça idyllique, mais leur relation était fondée sur des vraies valeurs d'antan.
Maybe it was just easier, you know? When you'd come to me for advice and stuff, like you used to before.
Ca aurait peut-être été plus facile... si t'étais venue me demander des conseils et des trucs.
You thought maybe it was me?
Vous pensez que c'est moi?
My partner and I got the impression maybe something was bothering you... ... maybe you felt uncomfortable talking about it.
Mon partenaire et moi... avions le sentiment que quelque chose vous gênait... que vous aviez peut-être quelque chose à ajouter.
Sir, did you ever stop to think that maybe it was doing this that caused the previous caretakers to go insane and murder their families?
Avez-vous jamais considéré que c'était peut-être à cause de ça que les précédents sont devenus fous et ont assassiné leur famille?
Maybe it's because the last time you were here you claimed that I was here to destroy your people.
C'est peut-être parce que, lors de votre dernière visite, vous m'avez accusé de vouloir détruire votre peuple.
and you're under no obligation... but I thought it might be fun, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go... with me.
Ne vous sentez pas obligée mais ça peut être amusant... Je me demandais si ça vous dirait de m'y accompagner... Voilà.
Maybe I was deluded. 0r maybe you were right when you said that..... if something stupid could trip up Brandi's feelings, she's not really into it.
Tu devais avoir raison, ce matin. Tu as dit que si une broutille affectait Brandi, ce n'était pas sérieux.
No, but maybe you wish it was you who was getting married, not him. Oh, please.
Je crois que tu aimerais bien te marier à sa place.
Have you stopped to consider... that maybe it was Chapel who killed that agent in Syracuse?
Imagine que Chapel ait tué l'agent de Syracuse.
But then, you get to this point where... you're looking backwards and you're, like... "Well, maybe it was better back then."
Mais arrivé à un certain point, tu te dis : "C'était mieux avant."
Listen, now that you mentioned it, Marie, I was thinking... that maybe we could have Thanksgiving here this year.
Eh bien, puisque vous en parlez, Marie, je me disais qu'on pourrait peut-être le fêter à la maison, cette année.
Maybe because it was costing you too much to stage (! )
Peut-être parce que ça coûterait trop à organiser.
Well, no, maybe it wasn't perfect... ... but you know, it was pretty cool, you know?
C'était peut-être pas idéal... mais c'était vraiment cool.
- maybe kwasi was involved and you just took the ride? didn't even know what it was about?
D'après l'Assistance, vous avez un autre enfant.
Maybe it was arrogant to think that but it's even more arrogant to think there isn't a cure just because you couldn't find it.
C'était peut-être arrogant de le croire. Mais c'est bien plus arrogant de penser qu'il n'y a aucun remède juste parce que vous ne l'avez pas trouvé.
Sometimes I think if I had just said things a little differently then maybe you'd have come around before it was too late. No.
Si j'avais dit les choses différemment, j'aurais su te convaincre plus tôt.
That wasn't me. It was you, probably. Maybe your sister, too?
Je n'y étais pas pour grand-chose.
It was so hard to tell your child, your 6 or 7-year-old when it's time for water, you know they wanted some water and maybe the child attempted to go to a fountain that was marked for white.
C'était pénible d'avoir á dire cela á un enfant de 6 ou 7 ans lorsqu'il voulait boire de l'eau et qu'il voulait utiliser une fontaine qui était réservée aux Blancs.
Who do you think sent that tape? Maybe it was a practical joke by some kids.
Il me donnait toujours au plus méchant ou tordu, il savait que je serais pire qu'eux.
Maybe it had tapered a bit after Hilly was born... but you had sex pretty regularly.
Jusqu'à Hilly, vous faisiez régulièrement l'amour.
I don't know if it was a lack of vitamins, or the bad food, or the darkness, or maybe the drugs they put in you, but my hair is gettin'thin and it looks terrible. - You were in an institution?
Je vous comprends.
Maybe it was you Billy!
Ou toi?
I was thinking that... I don't know, if... If you don't want it, maybe we could...
Je pensais que... si tu veux bien... on pourrait la porter chacune son tour.
There was a kind of a sense of camaraderie... of all being in it together, really... and often we would jam together... and bands would play and we were maybe setting up or... what you would call sound checks today... we would just set up and trying out instruments... and someone would come and Jimi would kinda play.
Il existait un sentiment de camaraderie, on sentait qu'on faisait partie d'un tout. On improvisait souvent ensemble tandis que les groupes jouaient. Et quand on accordait nos instruments, comme on dit aujourd'hui, quand on les testait, quelqu'un se mettait à jouer et Jimi enchaînait.
It was a "Maybe see you there" kind of deal.
"Je te verrai peut-être là-bas".
Maybe you should think aboutjoining the yearbook staff. I did. It was a lot of fun.
Tu devrais aller dans le groupe de l'almanach, comme moi.
It was the most wonderful, spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life... but I feel like maybe we missed out on something, you know?
C'était l'acte spontané le plus merveilleux de ma vie... mais je sens qu'on a peut-être manqué quelque chose, tu sais?
And maybe since it's our anniversary, I was wondering if maybe you wouldn't like to try again?
Comme c'est notre anniversaire de mariage, je me demandais si tu ne voudrais pas ressayer?
Maybe you're right. What I sensed wasn't the Captain. It was me wanting to believe she wasn't dead.
Peut-être n'ai-je ressenti que mon désir que le capitaine soit toujours en vie.
I was just wondering maybe you could do it yourself.
Je comprends pourquoi les poissons n'ont pas mordu!
If it was all you knew... maybe it would be a comfort.
Si vous ne connaissiez que ça... Ce serai peut-être plus facile.
Maybe you don't know what it was like for me to get away from there.
Mais tu sais pas ce que ç a été... pour moi d'en partir.
Hey, maybe you don't realize it, but that disgusting stunt... was this idiot's way of saying he likes you.
Eh, peut-être que tu réalises pas, mais cette affaire dégoûtante... c'était sa façon à cet idiot de te dire que tu lui plais.
I thought maybe it was because you were too busy... entertaining your colored girlfriend.
Je pensais que c'était surement parce que tu étais trop occupé... à divertir ta petite amie colorée.
Maybe I wanted it. I thought he was with you.
Ils croyaient peut-être que tu avais ça.
Maybe it was outside forces or you have commitment problems.
Etait-ce dû au contexte, à des forces extérieures?
Maybe you don't wanna hear it, Buffy, but taking off was incredibly selfish and stupid.
Tu ne veux peut-être pas entendre ça, mais t'enfuir était extrêmement égoÏîÏste et idiot.
I was about to tell you I was getting out of it. But if we're just "goofing around," maybe I will go out with him.
J'allais te dire que je m'apprêtais à annuler, mais... quitte à déconner, je vais peut-être sortir avec lui.
Maybe it reminded you the day you got shot. The day Dan Lang was killed.
Ca vous a rappelé votre blessure... et la mort de Dan Lange.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24