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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ S ] / She was crying

She was crying перевод на французский

445 параллельный перевод
She cried! She said she was crying for joy.
Elle a pleuré.
But when she sobs over the memories you talked about, I swear to you she was crying for herself.
Mais quand elle sanglotait sur les souvenirs, c'était sur elle-même qu'elle pleurait.
Because you're so dumb you didn't realize she was crying because she's in love with you.
Parce que tu n'as pas compris que si elle pleure, c'est parce qu'elle t'aime.
She was crying.
Elle pleurait.
She was crying as she answered the phone. I didnt have a chance to tell her.
Elle pleurait, j " ai rien pu lui dire.
She was crying.
- Elle pleurait.
And she was crying, just like you are now.
Et elle pleurait, tout comme toi.
She was crying.
Et elle pleurait.
She was crying because Dan is leaving Hilverton.
- Vous la consoliez? Elle pleurait parce que Dan va quitter la ville.
Yes, and a moment ago, she was crying because you were dead!
Il y a un instant elle pleurait ta disparition.
She was crying.
En sanglot.
She was crying all last night
Je l'ai entendue pleurer toute la nuit.
- But I know why she was crying.
- Mais je sais pourquoi elle pleurait.
As I was leaving, I saw that she was crying.
Puis je suis parti. Je l'ai entendue pleurer.
Elle pleurait d'une sorte de frénésie tragique.
She was crying and all bloody where he'd beat her.
Elle pleurait, et elle était pleine de sang.
And she was crying, you know.
Et elle pleurait.
- She was crying.
- Elle pleurait.
She was crying this morning, and it looks like it's starting all over again.
Elle pleurait encore, ce matin.
It was a mess. Before I knew it, she was crying on my shoulder.
Et puis elle s'est mise à pleurer sur mon épaule, comme une enfant.
She was crying... and your'nice brother accuses me of chit-chatting.
Elle pleurait, c'est tout. Un vrai mufle, ton frère. "Je lui fais la conversation!"
The last time I seen her she was crying.
- Quand je l'ai vue, elle pleurait.
She was crying. She said she was... she was frightened of what was happening to her.
Elle sanglotait et disait... qu'elle était effrayée par ce qui lui arrivait.
- What do you mean? - I saw Matelda today. She was crying.
j'ai vu Mathilde pleurer.
"inside she was crying till she lost 105 pounds."
"Intérieurement, elle pleurait pour perdre 52 kgs."
She was crying outside.
Elle pleurait dehors.
There was a scene, she was crying... and you bent down and kissed every one of her fingers...
La scène où elle pleure. Vous vous penchez vers elle et vous embrassez ses doigts un par un, vous vous souvenez?
Ok, I believe you... you said she was crying?
- Bon, je te crois. Elle pleurait?
I think the only reason she was crying, though, was because she knew she can't get 50 marks a month from anybody else for this pitiful little room.
Sans doute parce qu'elle ne trouvera plus à louer 50 marks cette misérable piaule.
She was crying on the enormous set.
Elle pleurait au milieu de l'énorme plateau.
Had to leave the table, she was crying so hard.
Elle pleurait tellement qu'elle a dû quitter la table.
She was crying and vanished.
Elle se mit à pleurer et disparu.
Oh, I dare say she was crying'cause she could not go out with Missus in carriage.
Elle pleurait parce qu'elle n'a pas pu sortir en voiture.
Yes, for a moment just now, I fancied she was almost crying.
Oui, il m'a semblé qu'elle pleurait presque.
But she was crying.
Mais elle pleurait!
She was crying in front of my window. I think she's sick.
- Il doit être malade.
She was as near crying as anybody could be without crying.
Elle était à deux doigts de pleurer.
Was she crying when the last tenants were frightened out?
Elle pleurait déjà du temps des précédents occupants?
Then she cried, she was always crying.
Elle s'est mise à pleurer, elle pleurait tout le temps.
What was she crying about?
Pourquoi pleurait-elle?
When I got home from downtown, she was here crying and asked me to let her stay the night.
Quand je suis rentrée du centre-ville, elle était là à pleurer et m'a demandé de lui permettre de passer la nuit ici.
But I had no idea who it was... until that day she came here crying and half out of her mind.
Mais je ne savais pas qui c'était... jusqu'au jour où elle est arrivée en pleurant, à moitié folle de douleur.
I happened to wake up in the middle of the night and I noticed her crying. I asked her what was wrong, but she just turned away.
Je m'étais réveillée, et quand je lui ai demandé pourquoi, elle a vite éteint la lumière.
Was she crying
- Why was she crying?
Pourquoi elle pleurait?
- Nothing, she was crying.
Elle pleurait.
Did you hear her? She was practically crying.
Elle avait des sanglots dans la voix.
She was that pretty girl I'd seen crying in the pizzeria.
Elle était cette joli fille que j'avais vu pleurer dans la pizzeria.
Oh, I don't know her name, but she sure was crying when that taxi drove off.
Je ne sais pas mais en tout cas elle pleurait quand le taxi est parti.
I was holding her arms behind her and she's looking at me, begging and crying.
Je lui tenais les bras par derrière... et elle me regardait, elle suppliait et elle pleurait.
I remember I began to cry, because I couldn't help it, and she leaned over and she asked me why I was crying.
J'ai commencé à pleurer, je ne pouvais pas m'en empêcher, alors elle s'est penchée vers moi et m'a demandé pourquoi je pleurais.

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