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Then who did перевод на французский

682 параллельный перевод
Then who did tell'em?
Alors qui leur a dit? .
Then who did?
- Alors c'est qui?
- No? Then who did?
Alors qui?
- Then who did?
- Alors qui?
Yeah, if you didn't kill him, then who did?
Et si vous ne l'avez pas tué, qui a fait le coup?
- No. - Then who did?
Alors, qui?
- Then who did?
- Qui alors?
Then who did you think it was?
Qui pensiez-vous trouver ici?
- Then who did he want?
- Qui, alors?
Then who did send you to General The?
Alors, qui vous a envoyé au général Thé?
Then who did?
Qui alors?
Then who did?
C'est qui alors?
Then who did?
Alors qui?
Alors, qui... l'a fait?
Then, the public will criticize you, and Chairman will fire you who ruins the reputation of the company, just like he did fire me 3 years ago.
le public te critiquera et le président te virera et ruinera ta réputation dans la compagnie comme il l'a fait pour moi il y a 3 ans.
Who did engage you, then?
Qui l'a fait, alors?
- Who did, then?
- Qui, alors?
Okay. Then we'll find out who did it.
On trouvera qui a fait ça.
If he didn't sock me and then run in here, where is the guy who did?
S'il ne m'a pas frappé et entré ici, où est le gars qui l'a fait?
Then who the devil did?
- Qui alors?
- Who did, then? - Nobody.
- Personne.
Well, who did then, who did?
- Qui, alors? - Qui?
Then who did?
Qui, alors?
Who did, then?
- Qui, alors?
- Well, who did then? Who didn't drink the cocktail you just served?
Qui n'a pas bu le coktail que vous venez de servir?
The girl who did it... must have been crackers, I suppose really, Strangled him and then half cut his head off.
La meurtrière devait être dingue. Elle l'a étranglé et décapité.
- Then who hit me on the head? - He did.
- Alors qui m'a frappé sur la tête?
Now, then, before we were interrupted... I believe we were about to drink a toast, so... disaster to the wench who did wrong by ourJohnny.
Alors, avant d'être interrompus... je crois qu'on allait porter un toast, alors... malheur à cette poule qui a fait du tort à notre Johnny.
I have witnesses. - Then who did kill her?
- Qui l'a tuée?
Then you know who did?
Alors vous savez qui c'est?
Then you did know all along who I was.
Vous saviez donc qui j'étais.
When I came home I buried them and then I started hunting the butcher who did it.
À mon retour, je les ai enterrés, puis je me suis mis en chasse de leur boucher.
- Who did it then?
- Qui a pris cette décision?
- Then who do you think did, Mr. Mullen?
- Alors, qui l'a fait, M. Mullen?
- Who did then?
C'est qui, alors?
And then Miriam... the real heiress to the estate. And so, Warren created Emily... a homicidal maniac who did his killing for him.
Warren a donc créé Émilie... maniaque à tendances homicides, qui a fait le sale boulot pour lui.
then tracked down the Indians who did it.
Enterrez-les et trouvez les lndiens.
Well, can you tell us who the hell did, then?
Alors qui a volé l'argent?
- Then who the hell did?
- Alors qui c'est?
I fight first for MacDhomhnuill, then for Charlie. Then because the Campbells, who did steal my cows, are with the enemy.
Je me bats d'abord pour Mac-ic-Raounill, ensuite pour Charlie, et parce que les Campbells, qui volèrent mes vaches, sont avec l'ennemi.
I think it was this swindle that Mr. Ffolly-Hardwicke stumbled upon. So did Compton who then added to his list of crimes, blackmail.
je pense que M. Ffolly Hardwicke est tombé par hasard sur cette escroquerie, ce qui a fait que Compton, a alors ajouté à sa liste de crimes, le chantage.
- Then who did?
Alors qui?
Who did, then?
On connait le meurtrier. POLLY :
- If not you, then who did?
- Qui alors?
Well, who did then?
Qui alors?
Then why did the paratroopers, who killed all civilians within 4 square kilometres, spare you?
Alors pourquoi les parachutistes ont-ils liquidé tous les civils de la zone, sauf vous?
And you, who behaved so well at the beginning, then did something extremely foolish.
Et vous qui, au début, vous êtes si bien comporté, vous avez commis une extraordinaire bévue
Well, then, who did?
Qui l'a fait, alors?
Then... then did we bust the harry tony mob Who did seek to import Scandinavian filth via germany.
Alors, on a coffré la bande d'Harry Tony qui cherchait à importer les saletés scandinaves par l'Allemagne.
Who did you expect then?
Vous pensiez appeler qui?
Then who do you think did it?
A qui pensez-vous? qui l'a fait?

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