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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We'll see what happens

We'll see what happens перевод на французский

213 параллельный перевод
Well, let it go a couple of days, and we'll see what happens.
Eh bien, attendons un jour ou deux, et voyons ce qui arrive.
Drink it, collapse, and then we'll see what happens.
Buvez-le, feignez un malaise, nous verrons ce qui se passe.
We'll see what happens.
Plus tard.
We'll have a laugh... through the next one, see what happens with different emotional factors.
Nous la ferons rire et verrons le résultat dans ces conditions.
We'll see what happens.
Nous verrons ce qu'il se passera.
We'll put him in the receiving tank and we'll see what happens.
On va le mettre dans le réservoir et on verra ce qui va se passer.
We'll see what happens.
Très bien. On verra.
Gladly... we'll see what happens later.
Bien volontiers, nous nous reverrons plus tard.
We'll have to wait and see what happens.
J'attends de voir ce qui se passera.
Now, you sit down there, and we'll stick this out and sort of see what happens.
Asseyez-vous, on va tenir bon et voir ce qui se passe.
- We'll just see what happens.
- Nous verrons.
We'll see what happens.
Bien, nous verrons.
We'll see what happens then!
Tu verras!
We'll buy a second share of stock, see what happens to it.
On va acheter une 2e action, et on verra.
We'll see what happens.
On verra bien.
Then we'll see what happens.
Et là, on avisera.
- We'll see what happens.
- On verra le résultat.
- Me too. We'll see what happens.
- Moi aussi et on verra bien.
- I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next.
Reste à voir ce qui se passe ensuite.
We'll see what happens.
On verra bien comment ça va finir tout ça.
Yeah, we'll see what happens.
On va bien voir...
We'll see what happens.
Attendons de voir.
Don't show up tonight. We'll see what happens to you.
Si tu viens pas ce soir, fais attention!
We'll let him think so and see what happens.
Qu'il le croie, on verra ce qui se passe.
Je devrais avoir le titre en janvier, et on verra ce qui se passe.
Then we'll see what happens.
Et après, nous attendrons la suite.
- We'll see what happens.
On verra... on s'arrangera.
Now we'll see what happens.
Mais qu'est cela?
- We'll see what happens.
- Voyons ce qui se passe.
We'll work the land and see what happens,
On travaillera la parcelle et on verra,
We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Nous devrons juste attendre et voir ce qui arrive.
Afterwards... We'll see what happens.
Puis on verra.
We'll just wait and see what happens, huh?
Qui vivra verra.
- We'll see what happens.
- On verra ce que ça donne.
We'll see what happens.
On verra.
We'll see what happens.
On verra comment ça se passe.
No matter what happens, we'll see you next season.
Quoi qu'iI arrive,... rendez-vous bientôt.
We'll see what happens.
Je vais essayer quand même.
Well, we'll see what happens.
On verra.
We'll have to see what happens when Pa'Dar gets here.
Nous verrons ce qui se passera quand Pa'Dar sera là.
And when you get there, stay put. We'll see what happens.
Va là-bas, et restes-y en attendant de voir.
Of course, we'll have to see what happens with interest rates in the new year.
Mais on devra vérifier les taux d'intérêt l'an prochain.
And now, we'll just see what happens.
Et maintenant, on verra ce qui arrivera.
So, we'll see what happens tomorrow.
On verra ce qui se passe. Ta voile pendouille.
And then, well, we'll see what happens.
A ton retour, on verra ce qu'on fait.
Well, we'll see what happens to you.
On va voir comment tu te débrouilles.
We'll wrap and we'll see what happens
On remballe et on verra ce qui se passe.
We'll see if it happens, is what we'll see.
On verra que si ça arrive, c'est ce qu'on verra.
So we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Bon, on attend et on voit.
What happens when he walks into my store? Then we'll see who's worried about five-day waiting periods.
Qu'il entre dans mon magasin et on verra qui attendra 5 jours.
We'll have to see what happens.
On verra si ça tient.

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