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Who wouldn't перевод на французский

2,538 параллельный перевод
We talked about it. - Laughed about who we wouldn't invite.
On en a parlé, ri des gens à ne pas inviter.
Robert, who wouldn't give me his last name or extension, that I would be the first appointment today.
We got experts who say it wouldn't take much forensic evidence to establish.
Mais nos experts disent que ce sera facile à prouver scientifiquement.
As for who might have set it on its course, I wouldn't think to guess.
Quant à celui qui l'aurait envoyé, j'en n'ai pas la moindre idée.
It was Mr. Ilber I was just speaking with on the phone a minute ago who wouldn't mean anything to you but he is a vey important curator.
Tout à l'heure je parlais au téléphone avec Monsieur liber ce qui ne veut rien dire pour vous mais, Monsieur liber est un curateur très important.
- Who wouldn't?
- Comme tout le monde.
- No, a mother is someone who... who loves her, who wouldn't have done this to her, someone she's supposed to have good memories about.
Elle doit garder un bon souvenir. Pas celui d'une mère carbonisée qui ne l'aimait pas assez, ni moi d'ailleurs, pour rester clean.
Because when Halig finds out who helped her, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
Quand Halig trouvera le coupable, je n'aimerais pas être à sa place.
I had a married client who had a girlfriend who wouldn't go away.
J'ai eu un client marié dont l'amie ne voulait pas partir.
They arrested a guy... who fit the description Mrs. Baxter gave them, but she wouldn't come in to I.D. Wasn't up to it.
- Ils ont arrêté un type qui correspondait à la description faite par Mme Baxter, mais elle n'est pas venue pour l'identification.
Weren't they the one's who would claim the France and the Britain wouldn't go to war for Poland?
Hitler retrouve ses chiens dans son chalet de Bavière.
It were nothing to do with that stupid no contact clause, it were fear that she wouldn't have a clue who I were.
Ça n'avait rien à voir avec cette clause interdisant tout contact, c'était la peur qu'elle n'aie pas la moindre idée de qui j'étais.
I thought that I was talking to the guy who wouldn't give me the time of day this morning.
Je croyais parler au type qui se fichait de moi ce matin.
Man, I know some mean muchachos who wouldn't think twice about putting a dent in your little boy-loving skull and shoving a fucking shiv down your dickhole.
Je connais des types pas cools qui seraient prêts à te casser la gueule et à t'enculer grave.
- He wouldn't know who she is anyway.
Il ne la reconnaîtra pas.
Who wouldn't wanna see that?
Qui ne voudrait pas voir cela?
Who wouldn't?
Qui ne le suivrait pas?
I wouldn't say who I was.
Je te dirais pas qui je suis...
Well, who wouldn't? I mean...
Pas étonnant...
Wouldn't such an area also contain houses... houses for the civilians who work in the factories?
Mais cette zone contiendrait aussi des maisons... des maisons où habitent les civils qui travaillent dans ces usines?
Who wouldn't after some of the choices you've made.
Qui ne ressentirait pas ça, après ce que tu as vécu...
"Who wouldn't after what he'd been through?"
"Normal, après ça!"
I just bigheadedly assumed that anyone who knew me liked me, and wouldn't do such a thing.
Mais je supposais naïvement que ceux qui me connaissaient m'appréciaient. Et qu'ils ne feraient pas ça.
Next time he got busted for beating a neighbor, then for beating a customer who wouldn't pay
La fois suivante il a été arrêté pour avoir battu un voisin, puis pour avoir battu un client qui refusait de payer
Plus you wouldn't be able to have them when you're actually in the active duty Army because who's going to be there to take care of them if you have to go off and actually fight?
Et vous ne pourrez pas les emmener quand vous serez en poste. Qui veillera sur eux si vous devez partir au combat?
She said, "Tell me who my real parents are." And until we told her, she wouldn't eat.
Elle demandait qui étaient ses vrais parents. Elle disait qu'elle ne mangerait pas tant qu'on ne lui dirait pas.
Rock up in something so indestructible that it wouldn't matter who saw us.
Trouver quelque chose de si indestructible que ça n'aurait pas d'importance d'être vus.
I mean... Who wouldn't be?
Qui ne le serait pas?
If this goes wrong, I wouldn't want to be you or anyone who knows you.
Si ça tourne mal, je ne voudrais pas être à ta place ou celle de tes proches.
Patrick and Trevor and Laura and Joy, four children who probably wouldn't be at all if Libby and I hadn't gone to Jacques'ranch that night.
Patrick et Trévor et Laura et Joy, quatre enfants qui ne seraient pas du tout si Libby et moi n'étions pas aller au ranch de Jock cette nuit.
Of course. I mean, who wouldn't?
Bien sûr, qui ne le serait pas?
They all closed ranks and wouldn't rat out who did it.
Aucun n'a avoué.
If you had any idea who was behind this, you'd let me know, wouldn't you?
Si vous aviez le moindre indice sur cette affaire, vous nous le diriez, n'est-ce pas?
i've known a lot of mercenaries from my world tour, ani haven't met one yet who wouldn't sell out whatever cause he was fighting for if the price was right.
J'ai connu beaucoup de mercenaires, et j'en ai pas encore rencontré un qui ne trahirait pas sa cause si on lui proposait un bon prix.
Once upon a time, there were three little girls who it wouldn't kill to miss a meal or two.
Il était une fois, trois jeune filles qui gagneraient à sauter un ou deux repas.
Right... that would be me who wouldn't want that.
Bon... C'est juste moi que ça dérangerait.
Hey, you're the one who told me to take it out of my backpack, where I knew I wouldn't lose it.
- C'est toi qui m'as dit de l'enlever de mon sac où je pouvais pas le perdre.
If I'd killed everyone who looked at me lustily... I wouldn't have made it out of school.
Si j'avais tué tous ceux qui me regardaient avec désir... je n'aurais pas fini l'école.
It wouldn't have happened if you'd told us who had the guns when we asked.
On l'aurait évité, si vous nous aviez dit qui avait les armes, à ce moment.
Who wouldn't want to sound like a 90-foot robot, you know?
Qui ne voudrait pas parler comme un robot géant?
I mean, who wouldn't wanna look at something so beautiful?
C'est si beau qu'on ne peut que regarder.
- Who wouldn't?
- Qui ne le voudrait pas?
If I got mad at everyone who thought they were better than me, I wouldn't have any time to do stuff.
Si je me mettais en colère contre tous ceux qui se sentent supérieurs à moi, je n'aurais le temps de rien faire.
The law builds on the past and I wouldn't be who I am, if it weren't for that laundry room.
Les lois se construisent sur le passé, et je ne serais pas qui je suis sans cette laverie.
So your conference wouldn't be for control freaks... who micro-manage everything, would it?
Cette conférence est pour les malades qui veulent tout contrôler, - qui font du micro management?
I mean, who wouldn't be.
Qui voudrait pas.
Who's morals wouldn't keep him from shooting you in the back!
Dont la morale ne l'empêchera pas de vous tirer dans le dos!
Just an ordinary man... who's morals wouldn't keep him from shooting you in the back.
Juste un mec normal... dont la morale ne lui interdirait pas de tirer dans le dos.
Who's morals wouldn't keep him from shooting you in the back!
Dont la morale ne l'empêcherait pas de tirer dans le dos!
Who wouldn't rather be a master than a slave... if that were the only choice?
Qui ne voudrait pas être maitre plutôt qu'esclave... Et si c'était le seul choix?
I might, but I wouldn't know who to take.
J'aimerais mais je ne sais pas qui emmener.

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