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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You have my word on that

You have my word on that перевод на французский

86 параллельный перевод
- You have my word on that, sir.
Vous avez ma parole.
I haven't seen her since, you have my word on that,
Je ne l'ai pas revue depuis, tu as ma parole.
You have my word on that. Don't he, boys?
You have my word on that.
Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on that, as long as you let the passenger on first. - That's fair.
Je vous donne ma parole, mais le passager monte avant.
You have my word on that, you hear?
Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on that.
Tu as ma parole.
That's not gonna happen, you have my word on that.
Ça n'arrivera pas, je vous le promets.
You have my word on that, and I promise.
Vous avez ma parole.
- You have my word on that.
- Tu as ma parole.
You have my word on that, Senator.
Je vous en donne ma parole, Sénateur.
You have my word on that.
Tu peux compter sur moi.
You have my word on that.
Je te le promets.
You're going to the hospital right now. You're gonna be okay. You have my word on that.
On vous emmène à l'hôpital.
You have my word on that.
Je vous le garantis.
Sure. - You have my word on that.
- Rien de plus, c'est promis.
You have my word on that.
Tout à fait.
You have my word on that.
Je vous en fait ma promesse.
you have my word on that.
Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on that.
Je vous en donne ma parole.
You have my word on that, Dan
Vous avez ma parole, Dan.
And you have my word on that.
Et tu as ma parole, là-dessus.
You have my word on that.
Tu as ma parole. Bonne journée.
You have my word on that.
Je te donne ma parole.
You have my word on that.
You have my word on that.
- Tu as ma parole.
I'll fix your flint for this, Bohannon. You have my word on that.
je te le jure.
You have my word on that.
Vous avez ma parole
No, you have my word on that.
Non, tu as ma parole.
You have my word on that.
C'est promis.
You have my word on that.
Vous pouvez me faire confiance.
You have only my promise, but I give it sincerely that if we are allowed to leave peacefully no word of what we have seen shall be passed on to a living soul.
Vous n'avez que ma promesse, mais elle est sincère. Si nous pouvons partir sans encombre, pas un mot de ce que nous avons vu ne sera divulgué.
You have to take my word for it that I'm on the level.
Croyez-moi, je suis à carreau.
- I have your word on that? - My word? What's that worth to you?
Vous croyez à ma parole?
After a year, if you still have this love or obstinacy, you marry her. That is my last word on the subject.
Dans un an, si ton amour ou ton entêtement... comme tu voudras dure encore... tu te marieras.
You can have my word on that.
Vous pouvez me croire.
It's not like that. No? Well, if it's on the level, you have a word with my agent.
Yakob Borb est un homme de réputation internationale.
- You have my word of honour on that.
Vous avez ma parole d'honneur.
On that you have my word.
Là-dessus vous avez ma parole.
You can have my word and a couple middle fingers on that, Taylor.
Tu as ma parole et deux majeurs en l'air là-dessus, Taylor
On that, you have my word.
En ce moment, votre parole ne vaut pas grand chose.
I was just telling my father that we failed to have the FISH program take into account that the shape of an individual letter varies depending on where it's placed in a word. You write an "o" differently if there's an "s"
J'était juste en train de dire à mon père qu'on avait échoué à ce que le programme FISH prenne en considération que la forme d'une lettre individuelle varie selon sa place dans un mot.
No Jaffa blood will be spilled on this day... on that you have my word.
Aucun sang Jaffa ne sera versé en ce jour... tu as ma parole.
I mean, you only have my word on that.
Je veux dire, vous n'avez que ma parole.
"You have my personal word on that."
"Vous avez ma parole."
Well, you're gonna have to take my word on that.
Tu devras me croire sur parole.
And regarding your laundry, you have my word that Danny won't be involved, but you need to keep that man on a leash.
Et au vu de votre linge sale, Vous avez ma parole que Danny ne sera pas impliqué, mais vous devez le tenir en laisse.
You help us now, you have my word you won't be on that list.
Vous nous aidez maintenant, vous avez ma parole que vous ne serez pas sur cette liste.
On that you have my word.
Vous avez ma parole.
You just have to take me on my word on that.
Vous pouvez me faire confiance.
When we get back to London, and you have my word on this, we are gonna- - We're gonna do something so spectacular. And it will be so incredible, so effective, that the National Coal Board — -
Quand nous allons rentrer à Londres, je vous en donne ma parole, on va... on va faire quelque chose de tellement spectaculaire ça va être tellement incroyable, tellement efficace que les gars de l'administration des mines,

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