And drink перевод на португальский
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For real, though, I miss you. So we would just sit around and drink all day?
- Vamos passar o dia a beber?
Have a seat in one of the cells, and drink tea with jake?
Sentar-te numa das celas e tomar chá com o Jake?
Like human beings, they eat and drink.
Eles bebem e comem como os seres humanos.
You need to take some aspirin and drink plenty of fluids.
Tens de tomar uma aspirina e beber muitos líquidos.
Go and drink gunpowder tea and playing draughts.
Bebam chá de pólvora e joguem às damas.
And now, let us stop talking business, Mr. Prime Minister, and drink the first water from the plant.
E agora, deixemo-nos de negócios, sr. primeiro ministro... E bebamos da primeira água da estação de tratamento.
Yeah, it looks like I'm just gonna pop out and drink some blood.
Sim, parece que vou aparecer e beber sangue.
Try and drink it.
Esperimenta beber isto.
♪ We'll talk and drink ♪
Vamos falar e beber
A psychedelic drink, and she has a spiritual awakening?
Uma bebida psicadélica, e ela tem um despertar espiritual?
Your friend Enzo made me drink his blood, and now I'm just so thirsty.
Seu amigo Enzo me fez beber o sangue dele, e agora estou com tanta sede.
Now why don't you be a gentleman and get me the hell out of here because we are way too old for this party, and I need a drink stat.
E agora por que você não é um cavalheiro e me tira daqui Porque nós estamos velhos para essa festa, E eu preciso de uma bebida
All he wants to do is hunt, Drink and dance with the court ladies.
Ele só quer caçar, beber, e dançar com as senhoras da Corte.
You can drink from these and then put'em on your head to be a clown from an Italian opera.
Tu podes beber num destes e depois pô-lo na cabeça para ser um palhaço de uma ópera Italiana.
He sat down at the table and he's like, you know, staring down his drink.
Ele sentou-se à mesa a... olhar para a bebida dele e disse :
You know, I-I was gonna go get a drink around the corner, if you wanted to wrap up here and join.
Sabe, ia beber alguma coisa ali ao virar da esquina, se quiser terminar aqui e vir comigo.
And here's your little fancy-pants drink, doc.
E aqui está a sua bebida toda elegante, doutor.
I didn't have too much to drink, and I said "No."
- Não bebi demais, e disse "não".
That is why you will drink this broth, and that is why you will stay alive, so that, together, we can bring Shalem's son into the world.
É por isso que beberás este caldo, e é por isso que continuarás viva, para que juntas, possamo trazer o filho do Shalem ao mundo.
And when we finally lock them up... well, I've been fantasizing about calling my partner to give him the good news, and then finally relaxing with a stiff drink... knowing I've done my job.
E quando finalmente as prendermos... Bom, imagino como seria ligar para o meu parceiro, para lhe dar a boa notícia, e finalmente relaxar com uma bebida forte, sabendo que fiz o meu trabalho.
Oh, please, you're Mexican and you don't want to drink during the day?
- Por favor... És mexicano e não queres beber um copo durante o dia?
Fine. One drink, and we'll head home.
Uma bebida e vamos para casa.
I'd like the strongest drink you have, and also a wine spritzer on the side in case I don't like it.
- Meu senhor, quero a bebida mais forte que tiver e um copo de vinho com água com gás, para o caso de eu não gostar.
You and I are gonna drink.
Nós os dois vamos beber.
No, it's not for me, and now I really need a drink.
Agora preciso mesmo de um copo.
I was gonna walk into that bar, give my daughter her new car keys, and say, " honey... chug that drink.
Ia entrar no bar e dar à milha filha as chaves do seu novo carro e dizer : " Querida,
You just put eggs and tadpoles in a glass, and the woman has to drink it.
Só têm de pôr ovos e girinos num copo e a mulher beber isso.
You know, it's not that late, and I feel like a drink.
Sabe, não é assim tão tarde, e apetece-me uma bebida.
And that is something to drink to.
E isso é algo a que se deva brindar.
You need to drink more water and you would be full.
- Bebe mais água e já te sentes cheio.
Okay, drink water, not soda, and I don't want you to eat too late.
Bem, bebam água, e nada de refrigerantes. E não comam muito tarde.
We'll just have a drink, and they will just have to deal with it.
Tomamos uma bebida e eles têm de aceitar.
We need to drink a bottle of water and try to get some sleep.
Precisamos de beber uma garrafa de água e tentar dormir um pouco.
If I had 15 minutes, we'd drink tea, eat biscuits, I'd talk, you'd laugh, and we'd be on our way.
Se eu tivesse 15 minutos, tomávamos chá, uns biscoitos, eu conversava, tu rias-te, e seguiríamos os nossos caminhos.
Shit, I paid for the goddamn baseball field, and I still can't get the drink I want after the game at the bar.
Porra, paguei pelo raio do campo de basebol e, mesmo assim, não consigo tomar a bebida que quero no bar, depois do jogo.
Then the Curzon Club with this first chap, the one before Raymond and Stan, where he gave me this pink fizzy stuff to drink that I must say tasted rather strange.
Depois o Clube Curzon, com aquele primeiro sujeito, o de antes de Raymond e de Stan, onde ele me deu esse espumante cor de rosa para beber, o qual, devo dizer, tinha um gosto bem estranho.
Samuel B. Chapman. Looking very serious and smart with his energy drink.
Samuel B. Chapman... parecendo sério e inteligente com a sua bebida energética.
Drink up and run with scissors tonight, because Mama got you.
Bebam à vontade e brinquem com tesouras, aqui a "Mamã" toma conta.
Why don't you greet your guests? I'm gonna make myself a drink, and face the wall.
Vai receber os convidados, eu preparo uma bebida e viro-me para a parede.
And it wasn't until the third or fourth day that I realized that Jon doesn't drink coffee.
E só no terceiro ou quarto dia é que me apercebi de que o Jon não bebe café.
I thought, "I'll finish my drink and then I'll feel her up."
Por acaso estava a pensar : "quando terminar a bebida, vou lá falar".
Ok, tonight, we'll go have a drink, and I'll fix it.
Ok. eu saio com ela, bebemos algo e resolvo o problema.
Sit back, relax, grab a drink... and enjoy me cleaning.
Recoste-se, descontraia-se, pegue numa bebida e aprecie-me a limpar.
Well I asked him if he wanted a lap dance. He offered to buy me a drink too. And then when I said no, he showed me the gun sticking out of his waistband.
Perguntei-lhe se queria uma lap dance, também me ofereceu uma bebida e, quando eu disse que não, mostrou-me a arma que saía da sua cintura e sugeriu que eu a chupasse.
You keep the farm going, you raise four kids, get them to school every day and you don't drink a gallon of bourbon to do it.
Cuidas da quinta, criaste quatro filhos, leva-los todos os dias à escola e não bebes 3 litros de whisky.
Hope you and your drink are okay.
Espero que tu e a tua bebida estejam bem.
I'll go fetch it and we can drink a toast to that awful woman and her hideous son.
Vou buscá-la e podemos fazer um brinde àquela mulher feia e ao seu filho medonho.
A young man with an empty soul, muddied by drink, and as dark as the graves of those who crossed his path.
Um jovem com uma alma vazia, envenenada pela bebida, e tão escuro como os túmulos daqueles que cruzaram o seu caminho.
Come and have a drink with me.
Venha tomar uma bebida comigo.
The first of the pair arrives early and has a drink at the bar.
O primeiro do par chega cedo e toma uma bebida no bar.
Drink your champagne and let's get going.
Bebam o champanhe e vamos andando.
and drinking 16
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking beer 18
drinking wine 19
drink your drink 16
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking beer 18
drinking wine 19
drink your drink 16
drink some water 60
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it up 21
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20