And died перевод на португальский
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- The one that got lost and died from exposure.
- A que se perdeu e morreu.
People have gotten hurt and died because of all of this.
Houve pessoas que morreram e ficaram feridas por causa disto.
Fletcher chanced upon the box and died in two hours.
Fletcher teve chance de deitar as mãos na caixa e morreu em duas horas.
- because my husband died, and I...
- porque o meu marido morreu e eu...
Up until the point when he collapsed and died, Collins'performance was spot-on.
Até ao momento em que ele desmaiou e morreu, a actuação do Collins estava a ser perfeita.
Cause we hacked into her brain after she died and read her memories.
Porque invadimos o cérebro dela depois que ela morreu e lemos as suas memórias.
Apparently, I had an uncle, uh, Cyrus, who died and out of the blue left me a pretty handsome sum.
Ao que parece, tinha um tio... Cyrus, que morreu e, do nada, deixou-me uma bela maquia.
My volleyball practice went long and then my phone died.
O meu treino de vólei demorou e o meu telemóvel morreu.
My friend's pig did get really sick, and she died, which was super sad, of course, but what really upset me was watching my pig, Lulu, grieve.
O porco da minha amiga ficou muito doente e morreu, o que foi muito triste, é claro, mas o que me deixou triste foi ver a minha porca de luto.
So, her mother died in childbirth, and she was raised by her father.
Então, a mãe dela morreu no parto, e foi criada pelo pai.
You've sat here and told me... you had no relationship with Reddington before he turned himself in and now you're saying he was with your father when he died?
Esteve aí a dizer-me que não tinha nenhuma relação com o Reddington, antes de ele se entregar e agora diz que ele estava com o seu pai quando ele morreu?
If you died, your widow got surf and turf.
Se morresses, a viúva recebia frutos do mar.
The real story, and it was something people were ashamed to say at the time, is that he died of lung cancer.
A verdadeira história, e era algo vergonhoso de se dizer naquela época, é que ele morreu de cancro nos pulmões.
Three people died and they dismiss - because of a technicality.
Três pessoas morreram e ilibam-no por causa de uma tecnicalidade.
Susan and I would spend a lot of time together, we could talk, we had the thing in common, both of her parents died when she was young, and I had one parent die when I was young.
Susan e eu passávamos muito tempo juntos, podíamos falar, tínhamos aquilo em comum, ambos os seus pais morreram quando ela era jovem, e a minha mãe morreu quando eu era jovem.
Sareb and Bobby became very close right after Susan died.
Sareb e Bobby tornaram-se muito próximos logo depois de Susan ter morrido.
The sole issue for you ladies and gentlemen to decide is how Morris Black died.
A única questão sobre a qual é pedido às senhora e senhores jurados para decidirem é como morreu Morris Black.
To prevent his death or to change the manner in which he died? " And they...
Para evitar a sua morte ou para alterar a forma como ele morreu? " E eles...
His brother and sister-in-law died six years ago- - car crash.
O irmão e a cunhada morreram há 6 anos. Acidente de carro.
- And everything that tried to eat the toad, from crocodiles to household pets, quickly died from the poison they secreted.
E tudo que tentou comer o sapo, desde crocodilos até animais de estimação, rapidamente morriam por causa do veneno que eles secretavam.
I know that he died and the one before him, Fred Chyre, died, too, but the one before that's not dead, just transferred.
Sei que ele morreu, e, aquele antes dele, o Fred Chyre também morreu, mas o outro antes desse, não.
My father had just died, and I found myself a little crazy.
O meu pai tinha acabado de falecer e eu andava desorientado.
- And when Renate died?
- E quando a Renate morreu?
These girls died from a combination of starvation and dehydration.
Estas raparigas morreram da combinação de fome e desidratação.
You hired Reiden and people died.
- Contrataste a "Reiden" e pessoas morreram. - A nossa principal preocupação,
Well, it's after my father died, and my stomach hurts.
Bom, isto é depois do pai morrer e dói-me o estômago.
I have spoken to every prisoner, corrections officer and administrator who might have had any kind of interaction with Frank Broussard before he died.
Falei com todos os prisioneiros, guardas prisionais e administradores que possam ter tido qualquer interacção - Com o Frank antes de morrer.
And then one day mama bear made a mistake... and her cubbie died.
Então, um dia, amãe urso cometeu um erro e o seu filhotinho morreu.
George became a single dad to two kids, Nick and Jamie, when his wife died in a car crash.
O George foi pai solteiro de duas crianças, Nick e Jamie, depois da esposa morrer num acidente.
And Daddy grabbed me, and he said, "Michael died," and I...
Depois, o pai agarrou-me e disse "O Michael morreu" e eu...
My brother died, and a big reason why he's not here is prescription drugs, and so till you see that happen, till you see people go down that path, people think it's a joke,
O meu irmão morreu e a razão por não estar aqui são os medicamentos prescritos. E até isso acontecer, até se ver as pessoas morrerem, julga-se que é uma piada.
And let's not forget what she did to your father, who died trying to protect us from threats that she made posing as a Homeland Security agent, which is a federal crime.
E não nos esqueçamos do que ela fez ao teu pai, que morreu a tentar proteger-nos das ameaças que ela fez quando se fez passar por agente da Segurança Nacional, o que é um crime federal!
Joe got deeper and deeper inside my head, and before he died, he made me admit things, things about myself...
Quando eu ia àquela prisão, o Joe entrava profundamente na minha mente, e antes de ele morrer, ele fez-me admitir coisas, coisas sobre mim...
Among the wounded was his fiancée, left comatose and on life support until 18 months ago, when she died.
Entre os feridos, estava a noiva dele, que ficou em coma até há 18 meses atrás quando morreu.
- You're a loyal subject and will cooperate - Trudy died
- Ela morreu por causa disto.
Remember that time Jeremy died and you turned off your humanity and tried to kill the prom queen, aka your best friend Bonnie?
Lembras-te de quando o Jeremy morreu e tu desligaste a tua humanidade e tentaste matar a rainha do baile, ou seja, a tua melhor amiga Bonnie?
- and then she died...
- E depois ela morreu...
One amethyst died this morning and a second one is losing power, which is causing the amniotic fluid in the cavern to dry up.
Uma das ametistas morreu esta manhã, e uma segunda está a perder energia, o que causa com que o fluido amniótico da caverna seque.
And I'm pretty sure 12 girls just died to make it the world's shortest pregnancy.
E tenho quase certeza de que morreram 12 raparigas... Para tornar o tempo da gravidez mais curto.
"and then I died." I...
- "E então eu morri."
Two names because two died and two moved out of state.
Corrigindo! 2 nomes porque 2 morreram e 2 mudaram-se do estado.
And when you told me he died, I...
Quando me disseram que ele tinha morrido, eu...
Well, now we try to piece together where the victim was and who he had contact with before he died.
Bem, agora tentamos juntar tudo e ver onde é que a vítima esteve e com quem falou antes de morrer.
And your right to use it ended when he died and it became my house.
E o seu direito de usá-la acabou quando ele morreu, e tornou-se a minha casa.
When she died, we had her cremated and we shot her ashes into space.
- O quê? Quando morreu, mandámos cremá-la. Enviámos as cinzas dela para o espaço.
Claire is stronger than I thought, and bombing Gabriel will make her stronger still if the archangel died in the blast.
A Claire é mais forte do que eu julgava, e ter bombardeado o Gabriel fará dela ainda mais forte se, o arcanjo morreu na explosão.
She died of typhus three days before and was buried near Golgotha.
Ela morreu de tifo três dias antes e foi enterrada perto de Gólgota.
He died in an accident a year ago and...
Ele morreu num acidente há 1 ano atrás...
My sister and brother-in-law died in 9-11.
A minha irmã e o meu cunhado morreram no 11 de Setembro.
You know, a few weeks before my sister died, we went to Virginia Beach for her birthday, just the two of us, and we were laying there and I asked her what she was thinking.
Sabes, algumas semanas antes da minha irmã morrer, fomos a Virginia Beach para o aniversário dela, só nós duas, e quando estávamos deitadas lá e perguntei-lhe o que estava a pensar.
Everything necessary to convince the U.S. State Department that Lien Mah was a Chinese national who died while visiting the United States and to arrange for her body's return to her homeland.
Tudo o que é necessário para convencer o Depto. de Estado dos EUA de que Lien Mah era uma cidadã chinesa que morreu enquanto visitava os Estados Unidos e a providenciar o regresso do seu corpo à terra natal.
died 275
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did he 39
and do you 86
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17