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And then he died перевод на португальский

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He kept talking about lilacs and then he died.
Não deixava de falar de algo... e depois morreu.
And then he died.
Depois, morreu.
He damn near killed me... and then he died very badly himself.
Ele quase me matou... e depois também morreu de uma forma horrível.
You know, he'd show me pictures... he'd talk about it... and then he died.
Tú sabes, mostrava-me fotos... estava sempre a falar nisto... e depois morreu.
... and then he died. ALLY :
Ás vezes tem-se que aumentar as coisas para continuar no centro.
Just that maybe they shook his hand and then he died.
Talvez lhe apertassem a mão e ele morresse.
And then he died.
E depois morreu.
Yeah, and then he died.
Sim, e depois morreu.
And then he died. And now something in me died too.
Quando morreu, algo morreu em mim também.
He was in such good health... and then he died in an accident It was an accident, right?
O pobre Piccolomini tinha tão boa saúde e, no entanto, morreu por acidente porque, trata-se de um acidente, não, Comissário?
My mother died years and years ago, and there was only my father, and he died last summer. And then I took this job.
Ele morreu no verão passado, e então arrumei esse emprego.
His mother died when he was a baby, and then his father.
A mãe dele morreu quando ele era um bebé e depois foi o pai.
And he died last summer, and then I took this job.
Ele morreu no verão passado, e então arrumei esse emprego.
Then my mama died and Chauncey came down here and he said :
Assim que a minha mãe morreu o Chauncey veio aqui e disse :
You shot him and then laughed at the way he died!
Diante de mim o matou a tiros e depois riu se de como morria.
And then when he died they did an autopsy and found out that he was a raving queen.
Quando morreu fizeram-lhe uma autópsia e descobriram que era uma bicha delirante.
He died somewhere else, and then he was moved there later on. Mm.
Não, morreu noutro local e depois foi levado para casa.
Then about two years ago, when Mr. Wagner died, well, Eric didn't know anything about running a ball club, so he got Hanlon to come in and take over, run the business for him.
Há cerca de 2 anos quando o Sr. Wagner morreu, o Eric não fazia a menor ideia de como gerir um clube e pôs o Hanlon ao comando da parte empresarial.
But Christ never fetched no infant child out of a cactus tree and then waited for two hours until it died to bury it, did he?
Mas Cristo nunca tirou um bebê das espinhas de um cacto, e esperou duas horas que morresse, para o enterrar.
About a month ago, and then again a few days before he died.
Há um mês e, depois, uns dias antes de morrer.
And then Brun prayed... and he died. He was struggling.
Estava lutando.
Some say he set that fire himself, you know, to get rid of his family, and then disappeared to make it look like he died in the fire, too.
Há quem diga que ele se livrou da família e fingiu que morreu no fogo.
He snored all night, he said nothing, then in the morning he woke up and died.
De noite ressonava... Não disse outra coisa! - De manhã acordou e morreu!
She'd scream louder and louder and then, when she finally died, he looked so satisfied I thought he was gonna light up a cigarette afterwards.
E ela gritava cada vez mais alto. Depois, quando ela finalmente morreu, ele pareceu tão satisfeito que só faltou acender um cigarro.
He lived here till his wife died, and then he went back tο Lοndοn.
Depois voltou para Londres. Aquela casa tem uma história bem interessante, não tem, Tilly?
And then then he died.
E depois morreu.
And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died. Nothing could be done.
Então disse-nos que, pouco antes mesmo antes do nascer do sol, a bebé havia morrido.
He killed Father Jim and then died the same meaningless death. No, sir.
Ele matou o Padre Jim, e no final teve a mesma morte estúpida.
I thought, he had died right then and there.
Pensei que ia morrer ali mesmo.
He was making him answer questions and beating him up, then Ned just died.
Fazia-lhe perguntas e espancava-o... depois o Ned morreu.
Then, I lost this ring in the woods and when he went to find it, he got stung by bees and he died.
Um dia, perdi o anel no bosque... e, quando ele foi procurá-lo, foi mordido por abelhas e morreu.
Then the father died, and he proposed to the mother.
Quando o pai morreu, declarou-se à mãe.
And then when he died in the mines, I just kept on.
E depois, quando ele morreu nas minas, continuei.
He came in peace and then died only to come back to life.
Ele veio em paz e morreu para depois ressuscitar.
"the guy was OK " until we twisted his head back around, And then he just fucking died on us. "
"O tipo estava bem, até eu lhe torcer o pescoço, e vai daí, morreu!"
He's been her fantasy since her old man died. Then she found out he was doing her mom, and that was it.
Tem sido a sua fantasia desde que morreu o seu velhote e depois descobriu que o Sr. Lombardo andava a comer a mãe e acabou-se.
And consequently when an SS general died, he was ritually cremated. His ashes were placed and then he, his place was taken by a new general.
E consequentemente, quando um general SS morria, era incinerado num ritual, as suas cinzas eram lá depositadas, e então, o seu lugar era tomado por um novo general.
He's been her fantasy since her old man died. Then she found out he was doing her mom, and that was it.
Tem sido a sua fantasia desde que morreu o seu velhote e depois descobriu que o Sr. Lombardo andava a comer a măe e acabou-se.
If you do not believe in the legend, then he was just a man and it does not matter how he died.
Se não acreditam na lenda, então, foi só um homem e não importa como morreu.
He died! And then he was alive again! Now you know.
Ele morreu e depois voltou a viver!
And then after he died, I took over.
Quando ele morreu, eu fiquei com o bar.
And then before Jesus died, he opened his eyes and looked at her and said,'Mother, do not cry'.
E... antes de morrer, Jesus abriu os olhos, olhou-a e disse : "Mãe... não chore."
And then we had lunch about six months before he died. And it was a lovely meeting. It was so... sweet.
Foi tão... doce.
So he died of a heart attack, somebody sawed his head off and then glued it back on, all in 30 seconds.
Então, morreu de ataque cardíaco, alguém lhe serrou a cabeça e, depois, voltou a colá-la em apenas 30 segundos.
One time, this squirrel ran out into the street and I ran over him and he didn't die right then, but I'm pretty sure he died right after.
Uma vez um esquilo atravessou a estrada e eu atropelei-o... e não morreu logo mas deve ter morrido daí a pouco.
He was hurt and then died later?
Onde fica esse lugar?
And- - well, he- - he died and then- -
E... Bom, o... morreu e... nunca fui um bom pai.
And I have no idea whether he then had- - Whatever reason he had left it, whether he had died or whether....
Eu näo sabia... por que razäo o abandonara, se tinha morrido ou se...
If I left him there and he died, then what would have happened?
Se o deixasse lá e ele morresse, então o que teria acontecido?
You know, the device said that he died when he sent the ceasefire and then, and then the Veneks offered peace.
Sabe, o aparelho disse que ele morreu ao enviar o cessar-fogo e então... os veniks ofereceram a paz.
But then he died, suddenly and opportunely murdered, again some 16 years ago.
Mas eis que morreu, oportunamente assassinado, há 16 anos.

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