And then i said перевод на португальский
1,035 параллельный перевод
And then I said, " Hey, what are you gonna do?
E depois disse : "O que vais fazer?"
And then I said, "Hey, Elvis. Tell me true, who do you like better, Priscilla or me?"
Depois, eu disse : " Elvis, diz-me a verdade, de quem gostas mais,
I killed a lot of men I didn't know between 1861 and 1865. Nobody said anything about it then.
Matei muitos desconhecidos entre 1861 e 1865 e ninguém disse nada então.
Then I saw you, I stop the truck and said...
então eu a vi, frei o camião, me assomei e diz-lhe...
I'll take you there and then I go, like you said.
Levo-te lá e vou embora, tal como disseste.
Then he asked me, do I think sex is dirty. And he said it is, if you were doing it right.
Logo me preguntou se o sexo me parecia sujo e respondi que se o fazes bem, então é.
But a few years ago, I said I was thinking of getting another one and since then, some people have called me "Two Sheds."
Mas, há uns anos, disse que estava a pensar arranjar outro e, desde então, tratam-me por "Dois Barracões".
Sir Harold, I think it was Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian War... 415 B.C. He said, "If Syracuse falls, all Sicily falls, and then Italy."
Sir Harold, creio que foi Alcibíades, na Guerra do Peloponeso, em 415 antes de Cristo, que disse : "Se Siracusa cair, toda a Sicília cairá e depois a Itália."
I said countesses, and then behinds –
Que não!
It's just like that time in Albuquerque, I said it then and I say it now :
É como foi em Albuquerque, disse e digo agora :
Look, I read somewhere, a famous psychologist once said that if your kids see you pat your wife on the fanny and she looks like she likes it, then it gives them a healthy attitude towards sex.
Li uma vez um famoso psicólogo, que dizia, que se os filhos vissem o pai, a dar palmadinhas no rabo da mãe e ela parecesse gostar, isso lhes dava uma atitude saudável em relação ao sexo.
So I waited and, O my brothers I got a lot better munching away at eggiwegs and lomticks of toast and lovely steakie-wakes. And then one day they said I was going to have a very special visitor.
Fiquei à espera e, ó meus irmãos comecei a recuperar com o auxílio de ovos, grandes torradas e belos bifes até que um dia me disseram que ia receber uma visita muito especial.
But I tell you, Mr. Bradford, like I said before, we only bump into each other now and then.
Mas digo-lhe, Sr. Bradford, como já disse antes, nós só nos encontramos de vez em quando.
You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing : You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Disseste que eu devia pensar por nós dois... por isso tu vais entrar naquele avião com Victor.
And then on top of that, he said, "I will fix up the building."
E, além disso, que iria reparar o edifício.
And then he finally took it out of the bag. He still wouldn't let me read it... but he was reading some of the things it said off it to me up in the air like this. I didn't recognize anything he said anyway... so I pretended I didn't give a shit.
Por fim tirou um papel do saco, não me deixando ver... e leu umas coisas, mas eu não reconheci nada e saí da sala, fingindo que não me interessava.
Murray the Khad a radio show then, and he said : "I'm gonna play the new Jimi Hendrix album."
O Murray The K, tinha um programa de rádio... e tocava o álbum do Jimi Hendrix.
Then I danced in tuscaloosa and the Mayor said the nicest things about me.
Depois dancei em TuscaIoosa e o Mayor eIogiou-me muito.
And then said "would you sell it?" And I said "well, deIightedIy."
E então disse : "Vendia-lo?" E respondi : "Bem, com prazer".
Then I said, "Iron Cross, First and Second Class, and I served in the Hessian Lifeguard Regiment."
Disse-lhe que tinha a Cruz de Ferro, de primeira e de segunda classe e que tinha servido na Guarda Pessoal do Kaiser.
And at the time, this city had a thousand-bomber raid. I said, "Oh, you've had the bugger then?"
Emden e, na altura, esta cidade já tinha sido bombardeada muitas vezes.
And she said, " Then I would prefer that, because if I shoot myself,
E ela disse :
Then I showed this sketch to Käthe Hausermann and said that here I'd found the two steel pins. But she protested, saying there had to be three.
Depois mostrei-lhe isto e disse-lhe que tinha encontrado aqui dois pivots.
Then I became angry, and said to him, "He's dead."
Depois aborreci-me e respondi-lhe : "Morreu!"
Then he said I ought to stay on and "Help your daddy," he said.
Depois disse-me que eu devia ficar com ele e "ajudar o meu pai".
The doctor said I should expect the dreams to recur every now and then.
O médico disse que seria normal voltar a ter os sonhos.
Then I held my child like this over the basin. Yes. I poured some water on his forehead, and I said :
Depois levantei o meu filho assim, sobre a bacia, derramei-lhe água na testa e disse :
Begged me not to marry then hugged me, gave me a dear little brooch she'd bought and said she prayed I'd always be happy.
Depois abraçou-me, deu-me um alfinete amoroso que comprara e disse-me que rezara para que eu fosse sempre feliz.
And then she said, "I finally caught him by the cobbler's"
O ladrão era careca.
But then... me and Jim Bob here was driving down the street... and I said to Jim Bob, I says, " God durn, Jim Bob...
Mas depois... eu e aqui o Jim Bob estávamos a guiar pela rua abaixo... e eu disse ao Jim Bob : " Caramba, Jim Bob,
And then he said, "I hear you there y."
Então ele disse, "Percebo-te, moço."
Now, I don't happen to think that dogs step on the third rail, but I said in response to that, you think the dog will step on the third rail, then build two fences and have the dog run between
Eu não pensei que os cachorros andassem pelo terceiro trilho, mas lhes disse em reposta a isso,
Disseram que lhes darias o costume, mas depois riram-se e não percebi nada.
I was in Lovely Lads, and then we looked at each other and said we might as well join up, you know?
Eu estava nos "Lovely Lads". Depois, achámos que era... melhor unir-mos.
Mr. Redding went straight to the studio and then I heard the shot about 10 minutes later, as I said, and then, shortly after that, he and Mrs. Protheroe left the studio together going towards the Square.
O Sr. Redding seguiu diretamente para o estúdio. Ouvi o tiro dez minutos depois, tal como já referi. E pouco tempo depois ele e a Sra. Protheroe saíram do estúdio, em direção à praça.
If by the powers which you are said to possess you can find such an envelope as I describe with its enclosure then you will have deserved well of your country, and earned any reward, which it is within our power to bestow.
Se as qualidades que diz possuir lhe permitirem encontrar o envelope, juntamente com o seu conteúdo, terá prestado um grande serviço ao país e receberá qualquer recompensa que esteja ao nosso alcance conceder.
And, I said okay, but if he didn't tell you, then I would.
E eu disse-lhe, ok, mas se ele não te contasse, eu contaria.
You said I could go out and then decide, right? You scared?
Disseste que eu podia experimentar e depois decidir.
* And then she said, I got some news this mornin'*
Sim, sabemos que está a preto e branco. Em breve ficará a cores.
And when I said yes, he turned and it was Al. My Al? Well, then what happened?
É minha irmã, mas estou disposto a prescindir dela.
I first said no then I remembered. I heard footsteps and looked up the stairs.
Lembrei-me que depois espreitei quando ouvi passos na escada.
I'm sure you've said that to many, and it was not true then either.
De certeza que já disse isso a mais mulheres e sempre foi mentira.
And then I tried to call back and they said that you were busy, so I just...
Voltei a telefonar, mas estavas ocupado. Por isso eu...
And then he said... He said that he could give me anything I wanted. He said that he could make me happy.
Então ele disse... que queria dar-me tudo, que podia fazer-me feliz.
And if you really think that I said I loved you as part of some scheme, then that is pathetic.
E tu, se pensas que quando disse que te amava era um esquema, és uma desgraça.
And do you remember then that you said that if I was ever in real trouble, if I ever really needed a favor, you'd do anything you could to help me?
E lembra-se de depois dizer que se alguma vez eu estivesse realmente em apuros, se eu precisasse mesmo de um favor, faria qualquer coisa que pudesse para me ajudar?
Yes, I-I-I know it's a mess, but, you see, it got me scriffy, and then when he looked into my eyes and said, "Chipmunk, I love you"...
Sim, eu sei, é uma confusão, mas, veja, fiquei abatido, e quando ele olhou para os meus olhos e disse, "Macaquinha, eu amo-te"...
Anyway, he said that he was gonna chill some champagne, and he would open the door for me so i could get in robin's apartment. And then he'll disappear.
Enfim, ele disse que ia abrir um champanhe e vai-me abrir a porta para mim do apartamento do Robin e então ele desaparece.
And then you missed Sanchez, and Heller panicked and he said the deal was off, and that I was dead if he ever saw me again.
E aí você falhou o Sanchez e o Heller disse que já não havia acordo e que eu morria se me voltasse a ver.
And then he said "I have some news."
E depois ele disse "Tenho novidades."
Then finally, I leaned over to her and I said, " Madam, I have dined with some of the ugliest goddamn bitches in my time.
Então, finalmente, eu inclinei-me para ela e disse " Senhora, jantei...
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32