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Baylor перевод на португальский

325 параллельный перевод
Mr. Baylor, do you honestly think I could recommend this building for historic preservation?
Sr. Bailer, pensa realmente que eu posso recomendar... este edifício para preservação histórica?
Mason Baylor?
Mason Bailer?
Forget the guys playing today. Nobody played this game better than Reed, West, Chamberlain, Baylor.
Ninguém melhor que Reed, West, Chamberian, Baylor.
Barbara Baylor is suspected of the murder of her husband in Washington, DC three years ago.
Barbara Baylor é suspeita de assassinar o seu marido, em Washington DC, há três anos atrás.
If you've seen either Barbara Baylor or Duke Dimarco please call our Crimealert hotline at 1 -...
Se vocês virem, Barbara Baylor ou Duke Dimarco... por favor liguem para "CrimeAlert Hotline" 1800-555-7654.
Baylor conspired with Dimarco to kill her husband for the $ 500,000 insurance policy on his life.
Barbara Baylor, conspirou com Duke Dimarco, matar o seu marido e receber U $ 500.000 do seguro vida.
Because of you, criminals like Baylor and Dimarco can be taken off our streets.
Por causa de vocês,... criminosos como Barbara Baylor e Duke Dimarco, foram tirados de nossas ruas.
Tune in to "Crimealert", Tuesday at 9pm, and see the capture of Duke Dimarco and Barbara Baylor.
Sintonize, "CrimeAlert", Terça-feira às 21 : 00 hs E vejam a captura de Duke Dimarco e Barbara Baylor.
I'm Dr. BayIor and I'm eminently qualified to perform this operation.
Sou o Dr. Baylor e estou qualificado para fazer esta operação.
Mr. Baylor is here.
Sr. Baylor está aqui.
- Arthur Baylor?
- Arthur Baylor?
God, Arthur Baylor.
Deus, Arthur Baylor.
Isn't that Arthur Baylor?
Aquele não e ´ o Arthur Baylor?
Get a copy of the tape to Baylor.
Manda uma cópia da cassete ao Baylor.
Mrs Black, Rudy Baylor.
Viva, Sra. Black, é o Rudy Baylor.
It's Rudy Baylor.
É o Rudy Baylor.
It's Rudy Baylor.
Rudy Baylor.
Rudy Baylor's number is on the back.
Também ao Sr. Rudy Baylor.
- My name is Rudy Baylor.
- Rudy Baylor. - Kelly Riker.
- Rudy Baylor.
Rudy Baylor. Sou eu.
- Baylor.
Rudy Baylor.
I would be honoured to introduce him to the practice of law in Tennessee.
Com licença do tribunal, teria a honra de introduzir o Sr. Baylor à prática do Direito em Tennessee.
Do you solemnly swear that you will support the constitution of the United States faithfully, and conduct yourself to the best of your abilities, so help you God?
Jura solenemente, Rudy Baylor, que apoia a Constituição e as leis da América e o Estado de Tennessee e que exercerá a sua profissão o melhor que souber com a ajuda de Deus?
This lawsuit bothers me.
Este processo incomoda-me, Sr. Baylor.
Young Rudy Baylor. And just on time, too.
O jovem Rudy Baylor, mesmo na hora.
Rudy Baylor.
Rudy Baylor.
- Rudy Baylor, please.
Está? - Sim, Rudy Baylor, por favor.
- This is Rudy Baylor.
- Fala Rudy Baylor.
Did any of you have a conversation with Rudy Baylor or Deck Shifflet?
Algum de vós conversou, recentemente, com o Sr. Rudy Baylor ou com o Sr. Deck Schifflet?
- Any objection, Mr Baylor?
Opõe-se, Sr. Baylor?
Did you or did you not have a phone conversation a few days ago with Rudy Baylor?
O Sr. Teve ou não uma conversa telefónica com o Sr. Baylor?
Mr Baylor, you must ask to approach the witness.
Tem de pedir licença para se aproximar da testemunha.
- Mr Baylor, what do you say?
Que lhe parece, Sr. Baylor?
Anything else?
Sr. Baylor?
This is my partner, Rudy S. Baylor.
O meu sócio, Rudy S. Baylor.
- Your next witness.
Outra testemunha, Sr. Baylor.
I'd like to turn the questioning over to my partner, Rudy Baylor.
Sr. Dr. Juiz, gostaria que a inquirição do Sr. Keeley fosse retomada pelo meu sócio, Rudy Baylor.
- Mr Baylor, your rebuttal.
Sr. Baylor, a sua refutação.
The lead attorney on the case, Rudy Baylor, was trying his first case.
Outra parte interessante é a do advogado, Rudy Baylor, se ter estreado neste caso.
Two months before she left him, she was admitted... to the emergency room at Baylor Medical Center.
2 meses antes de o deixar, ela foi admitida de urgência no centro hospitalar de Baylor.
Baylor said that we could trust her.
O Baylor disse que podiamos confiar nela
He was meeting one of our agents, Scott Baylor.
Ele ia-se encontrar com um dos nossos agentes, Scott Baylor.
Scott Baylor, too.
Scott Baylor também.
Walsh and Baylor died because they got information that led me to him.
O Walsh e o Baylor morreram - as suas informações levaram-me a ele.
That's why Walsh and Baylor were killed. They found out.
Mataram o Walsh e o Baylor porque eles descobriram.
Baylor, get in the car.
Baylor, mete-te no carro.
Lulu and Baylor are sick.
Lulu e Baylor estão doentes.
- I'm Rudy Baylor.
- Chamo-me Rudy Baylor.
- It's a fair question.
- É uma pergunta justa, Sr. Baylor.
- Mr Baylor?
Sr. Baylor?
- I should've been more careful. - They could've followed Baylor.
- Eles podem ter seguido o Baylor.

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