Bring him in here перевод на португальский
140 параллельный перевод
Bring him in here.
Traga-o aqui.
- Bring him in here!
- Traga-o aqui.
Then I'd bring him in here, make some small talk to put him at his ease, probably offer him a drink,
Depois, trazia-o para aqui, começava a conversar, para o pôr à vontade. Possivelmente oferecia-lhe uma bebida.
Bring him in here.
Trá-lo aqui para dentro!
Bring him in here.
Traga-o para aqui.
Man, why don't you bring him in here and ask him?
- Porque não o trazes cá para lhe perguntar?
Bring him in here.
Traga-o aqui!
Get the mayor, bring him in here.
Vamos buscar o Presidente e esconder-nos.
- Bring him in here.
Tragam-no aqui.
Bring him in here!
Tragam-no aqui!
- Yes. Why did you bring him in here?
Nelson, por que é que o trouxeste para aqui?
bring him in here!
Mandem-no entrar.
( quietly ) BRING HIM IN HERE.
Tragam-no aqui.
Bring him in here.
Trá-lo cá.
I don't care, just bring him in here!
Espere aqui um minuto! Eu não me importo o que você quer!
Alex, I told you not to bring him in here.
Alex, eu disse-te para não o trazeres para aqui.
Jimmy T, find Captain Hamill, bring him in here.
Jimmy, descobre o capitão Hamill. Trá-lo cá.
Bring him in here. - Mind your own business.
- Mete-te na tua vida.
Unchain him and bring him in here.
Liberte-o e traga-o cá.
But if you don't help us find Gaines, we don't have a choice but to bring him in here.
Mas, se não nos ajudares, não temos outra alternativa senão trazê-lo cá.
I think we should bring him in here.
Acho que devíamos chamá-lo aqui.
You tell me who told you about it, we'll bring him in here. He corroborates what you're saying, I'll give you Ralph on a platter.
Dizes-me quem te contou, nós trazemos o gajo aqui... ele confirma o que dizes, e eu dou-te o Ralph numa bandeja.
- We must bring him in here.
- Temos de deixá-lo cá.
- Bring him in here before he pisses himself - Give me a minute. - And attracts attention from the neighbors.
Sam, trá-lo para dentro antes que se mije e dê mais nas vistas.
In fact, it was suggested that someone be sent to bring him here.
De facto, sugeriram que alguém o trouxesse aqui.
Bring him right in here. Right in here.
Tragam-no para aqui.
That fellow seemed awful anxious to come in here, so bring him in.
Esse tipo parecia muito ansioso por entrar, então traga-o.
Bring him on in here.
Tragam-no cá.
If you want him detained here permanently, you must bring him before the Board of Control... or get a master in lunacy to sign an order.
Se desejam retê-lo aqui permanentemente, devem levá-lo ao Comitê de Controle... ou conseguir que um especialista em demência assine a ordem.
Dress the author in the attire of honour and bring him here.
Procure o dono dessa letra, vista-o com roupas de gala... e traga-o até aqui em um cortejo.
Bring him in here, bring him in here!
- Joseph? - Sim. Tragam-no aqui para dentro.
You and I are going to bring the President here, and we're going to use everything that we have in our power to save him.
Paul, tu e eu vamos trazer cá o presidente... e vamos usar tudo ao nosso alcance para o salvar.
( Helga shouts ) BRING HIM IN HERE!
Tra-lo cá.
They put a chain around his neck, put him in a cage, they bring him here.
Eles colocaram-lhe uma coleira, colocaram-no numa jaula, e trazem-no aqui.
He'd bring Vito down in his baby carriage... And park him right here... Then tuck his policy slips in your old man's blanket.
Trazia o Vito no carrinho de bebé, estacionava-o aqui, e enfiava as apostas no cobertor do teu pai.
It was your bright idea to bring him here in the first place.
Foi ideia tua trazê-lo para casa, para início de conversa.
And yet he didn't bring you to serve him here in Shrewsbury.
Contudo, ele não o trouxe para o servir aqui. Porquê?
I gotta bring him in here, give him a can of Ajax and let him wash his hands.
Get him in that cruiser, bring him down here... and we'll get this done, then I'm buying at the Thick.
Subam ao carro e tragam. Depois convido no Thick.
I'm here to bring him in.
Venho para o prender.
If Bryan's not here, you can bring him in.
Se o Bryan não estiver, pode metê-lo cá dentro.
I gotta be honest with you. The Group brought me over here to bring him in.
O Grupo mandou-me cá para o levar de volta.
The village intends to arrange a car to bring your father back back here to bury him in the village.
É intenção de toda a vila arranjar um carro para trazer o teu pai para que seja enterrado aqui na vila.
I'm surprised that he has stayed out here in the Uncharted Territories. His knowledge could bring him great fame and power. Even great wealth.
Surpreende-me que ele ainda esteja nos territórios inexplorados... seus conhecimentos lhe dariam fama, poder... até riqueza!
You'll remain here until they bring him in.
Vais ficar aqui até que o tragam.
We're going to bring him out here, and see how he likes being in the cold.
E se ele gostar? Ei!
Bring him back here first thing in the morning.
Logo pela manhã, trá-lo aqui.
Tomorrow call all the solicitors in Vigata... and find out who's handling Piccolomini's will if, as I suspect, Nene had left everything to his sister... go to Levanza, get Impallomeni and bring him here
Amanhã de manhã ligas para todos os notários de Vigata e perguntas quem é que se ocupa do testamento do Piccolomini. Depois, se como receio tinha feito o testamento a favor da sua irmã Ignazia... vais a Levanza, procuras o Silvestro lmpalomeni e trazes-mo aqui.
I can bring him back here first thing in the morning... to say a few words.
Eu posso trazê-lo aqui logo pela manhã... para dizer algumas palavras.
No, I understand. You run over a Chinaman, stuff him in the back, then bring the truck here so I can share in the experience.
Então atropelaram um chinês, meteram-no no banco de trás e vieram partilhar isso comigo.
Find Clark and bring him back here... with just enough life in him so we can all have a taste... or you're the one we'll be feeding off of tonight.
Encontra o Clark e trá-lo até aqui... senão vamos alimentarmo-nos de ti esta noite.
bring him up 49
bring him in 236
bring him home 34
bring him to me 82
bring him 79
bring him along 26
bring him back 59
bring him down 34
bring him out 34
bring him over here 16
bring him in 236
bring him home 34
bring him to me 82
bring him 79
bring him along 26
bring him back 59
bring him down 34
bring him out 34
bring him over here 16
bring him here 75
bring him back here 16
in here 1287
bring 74
bring it on 469
brings back memories 21
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring him back here 16
in here 1287
bring 74
bring it on 469
brings back memories 21
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it in 351
bring them 33
bring it here 88
bring' em on 16
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it over 24
bring her 47
bring her back 80
bring them 33
bring it here 88
bring' em on 16
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it back 84
bring it over 24
bring her 47
bring her back 80