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Greenpoint перевод на португальский

81 параллельный перевод
Eu sou de Greenpoint.
Call Greenpoint Hospital.
Ligue ao Hospital de Greenpoint.
- They're taking him to Greenpoint.
- Levam-no para Greenpoint.
An apparent retaliation for the murder of a black youth... last week in Greenpoint.
Parece ser a vingança pela morte de um jovem negro... na semana passada, em Greenpoint.
Greenpoint, next stop.
Próxima paragem : Greenpoint.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Em Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
If it happens, your territory will be absorbed by Shoreline Station and Greenpoint.
Se acontecer, o teu território será absorvido pela estação Shoreline
- "It's what lies within us." - Yep. Yeah, nothing made Marc happier than kicking Greenpoint's butt.
Sim... nada fazia o mark mais feliz, do que ganhar aos bombeiros de Green Point...
Dad, she's Greenpoint.
- Pai, ela é de Green Point
No, courtesy of Greenpoint.
Veio de Green Point
This informant tipped me to some guys in greenpoint Selling ak's out the trunk of their car.
O informante me deu a dica de uns caras em Greenpoint que vendiam rifles AK no porta-malas do carro.
Where have you been? Greenpoint.
Onde esteve?
One's in Greenpoint, but I think we can skip it.
Uma em Green Park, mas podemos recusar.
It sure was different from Greenpoint, though. Gosh, it was so clean...
Mas era muito diferente de Greenpoint, era tão asseado!
It's just that I haven't jumped around like that since I took trampoline at the Greenpoint Y.
É que não saltava assim desde o trampolim no "Greenpoint Y".
On saturday my mother insisted on calling her doctor, and he had us meet him at his office in greenpoint on a saturday night.
No sábado, a minha mãe insistiu em ligar para o médico dela. Fomo-nos encontrar com ele no consultório Greenpoint. Num sábado à noite.
You know, it was Greenpoint, Brooklyn, everybody did that, then.
Era Greenpoint, em Brooklyn, toda a gente fazia isso.
Aries T oy Company, it's a toy manufacturer in Greenpoint.
Fábrica de Brinquedos Aries. É um fabricante de brinquedos em Greenpoint.
Aries T oy Company, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
"Fábrica de Brinquedos Aries, Greenpoint, Brooklyn."
She's the flack for this new hip restaurant that's opening tomorrow out in Greenpoint, near you
É relações públicas de um restaurante que vai abrir amanhã em Greenpoint, perto de ti.
He was the guy who had that show in Greenpoint where he hung himself from a flagpole by his nipples, remember?
Foi o tipo que se meteu dentro de uma piscina pendurado pelos pés.
They located the car in Greenpoint.
Localizaram o carro em Greenpoint.
They found the shooter car over in Greenpoint, but nobody claimed responsibility yet.
Acharam o carro do atirador em Greenpoint, mas ninguém assumiu responsabilidade ainda.
Next stop, Greenpoint.
Próxima paragem, Greenpoint.
That deal your brother Grant made, greenpoint, bunch of land out in Brooklyn ruined by an oil spill.
Aquele acordo que o seu irmão Grant fez, Greenpoint, um terreno em Brooklyn arruinado por um derramamento de óleo.
Grant, he swore that greenpoint was gonna be the big one.
Grant jurou que Greenpoint seria em grande.
I went to a cheap bakery supply store in Greenpoint and got us some supplies. Here. It's the basic cake decorating kit.
Um kit básico para decorar bolos.
I'm sorry. Was he talking about the greenpoint towers complex?
Ele estava a falar no Complexo de Prédios Ambientais?
Look, while I abhor your chosen profession, our unholy union may be the only thing keeping Neal from washing up in Greenpoint.
Mesmo que eu abomine a tua profissão, a nossa união amaldiçoada pode ser a única solução para evitar que o corpo do Neal apareça em Greenpoint.
Diana, I need local backup in Greenpoint.
Diana, preciso de reforços local em Greenpoint.
- You know, big difference, Williamsburg and Greenpoint. - Oh, sure, yeah.
He's a city councilman to the fifth Brooklyn district, right?
Ele é Vereador do 5º Distrito em Brooklyn, certo? Greenpoint.
Because voters are mad about the rezoning in the greenpoint district.
Pois os eleitores não gostaram do rezoneamento no distrito da Greenpoint.
You should be more concerned about getting me the greenpoint towers project.
Devias preocupar-te mais em arranjares-me o projecto das Torres Greenpoint.
Why are you so interested in greenpoint?
Porquê que estás tão interessado no Greenpoint?
It's probably coming from one of my competitors on the Greenpoint towers deal.
- Provavelmente é um investidor interessado no negócio das Torres Greenpoint.
And around 4 : 00 a.m., you finally called me from an IHOP in Greenpoint, and I came and picked you up.
E por volta das 4 da manhã, tu finalmente me ligas de um IHOP em Greenpoint, e eu fui buscar-te.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, over the bridge.
Existe? Green Park, Brooklyn, no lado de lá da ponte.
So Hannah says Greenpoint. I'm like, "Where the fuck is that?"
A Hannah falou em Greenpoint e eu não sabia o que era.
Our van exited the Queens to Midtown Tunnel... to Greenpoint.
A carrinha a sair do túnel no Queens para Greenpoint.
Took Greenpoint Ave. To McGuinness...
Foram pela Avenida Greenpoint à McGuinness.
Well, we're not sure, but this area right here, it's pretty much boxed in by Greenpoint Ave... McGuinness and Franklin.
Não sei, mas esta área aqui, fica entre a Avenida Greenpoint, McGuinness e Franklin.
Oh, darling, go to Greenpoint.
Querido, vai a Greenpoint.
A witness saw a black Yukon leaving Greenpoint just after the van arrived.
Uma testemunha viu um Yukon preto a deixar Greenpoint logo após a carrinha chegar.
Breaker Nine, this is Pam calling from a plow truck in Greenpoint.
Breaker Nine, fala a Pam de um quebra-gelo em Greenpoint.
during a crossing to Greenpoint, two ferries collided.
durante uma travessia para Greenpoint, duas ferry colidiram.
Grabbed from Greenpoint.
Raptada em Greenpoint.
I wish!
Fui a uma loja barata de artigos de pastelaria em Greenpoint buscar coisas para nós. Quem me dera!
- No, I live in Greenpoint.
Não, moro em Greenpoint.
Soube que ele vai candidatar-se à posição
The van's in Greenpoint.
A carrinha está em Greenpoint.

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