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Hoses перевод на португальский

175 параллельный перевод
Get below. Keep the magazine cool with the hoses.
Vocês os três, vão com ele.
Think what a time we'd have getting that filth out of our hoses.
Você acha que foi fácil tirar todo aquele lixo.
There will be no Christmas trees. But there will be delousing with ice water from the hoses.
Não terão árvores de Natal, mas serão despiolhados com água gelada das mangueiras.
The grilling, the rubber hoses.
As meias de borracha.
Try the channel hoses and keep them at minimum capacity,
Testem as luzes do canal mas que fiquem no mínimo.
- Just rubber hoses maybe.
- Ou preservativos.
I sent him to cut the hoses off.
Antes de comer. Mandei-o desligar as mangueiras.
Get me into that tiled room and then out come the rubber hoses.
Metem-me numa sala com azulejos e dão-me umas belas mangueiradas.
These prisoners were carrying these rubber hoses.
Estes prisioneiros traziam estes tubos de borracha.
Those prisoners you brought had rubber hoses on them.
Os prisioneiros que trouxe tinham tubos de borracha.
Empty fuel drums and men carrying siphon hoses add up to one thing.
Bidons vazios e homens com tubos de borracha para sacarem combustível.
- I've got to check some of the hoses.
- Tenho que ver as tubagens. - Boa noite.
Run the hoses out over here!
Tragam as mangueiras para aqui!
- Would you mind checking those radiator hoses?
Se importaria em olhar as mangueiras do radiador? Darei uma olhada.
Grab the hoses, fast.
Agarrem as mangueiras, depressa.
Oughta be good for one new tire and a couple of hoses, at least.
Tem de valer um pneu novo e alguns tubos, pelo menos.
I want steam hoses here on the double.
Quero já aqui mangueiras de vapor.
Tell me, Victor what is all that smokescreen about lending and leasing and garden hoses?
Diga-me, Victor, sobre o que é toda essa cortina de fumo emprestando e arrendando e mangueiras de jardim?
And these air hoses... They got dry rot.
E estas mangueiras de ar estão cheias de caruncho.
And the hoses are over here.
E as mangueiras, aqui.
Tell them to bring their hoses back here!
Diga-lhes para trazerem as mangueiras para aqui!
All the hoses are rotted and the tubing is rusted through.
Os mangotes podres, as ligações oxidadas...
The Marines are standing by with fire hoses.
Os fuzileiros estão a postos com as mangueiras.
Let's connect the hoses.
Mais três graus Celsius.
Make sure you breathe through these hoses most of the time.
Respirem pelas mangueiras a maior parte do tempo.
Get the hoses going!
Ponham as mangueiras a funcionar!
I don't see any hoses.
Não vejo tubos, nem nada.
Johnny is on hoses tonight.
O Johnny tem a mangueira esta noite.
You talk as if I wasn't there with you in Birmingham facing dogs and fire hoses.
Parece que não estivemos em Birmingham perante cães e mangueiras.
First guy to die, hoses!
O primeiro a morrer, perde.
We can't make this work, all we got left is rubber hoses.
Não podemos avançar com isto, só temos especulação.
Two LCG bags... the red suit hoses, and you've got the flight plan cover.
Dois sacos LCG, as mangueiras dos fatos vermelhos e a capa do plano de voo.
We were hit with fire hoses, chased by dogs...
Fomos atingidos com mangueiras de incêndio, perseguidos por cães...
Get some hoses on those trees up there, fellas.
Ponham mangueiras nessas árvores, amigos.
Save your hoses, Chief.
Poupa as mangueiras, chefe.
Save your hoses!
Poupem as mangueiras!
Open hoses. Open hoses!
Abram as torneiras!
All these rubber hoses gotta go, Max.
Estes tubos de borracha têm de sair.
Dump the hoses now!
- Tirem as mangueiras já!
But security tells me you requested no fire hoses and no restraints of any kind.
A segurança diz que não requisitaste nada...
I had the dogs turned on me, the fire hoses, the tear gas.
Atiçaram-me os cães, canhões de água, gás lacrimogéneo.
What choice did you have when they turned the fire hoses on you in Selma?
Que escolha tiveste quando eles lançaram-te água em Selma?
Chain saw! Waxy buildup, stat. Bring in the hoses, stat!
Call the firemen Bring lots of hoses
Chamem depressa bombeiros Que tragam muitas mangueiras
Then, all of a sudden he swings up his Thompson and he hoses them.
Então, de repente, alça da Thompson e arruma-os.
I fixed the hydraulics and electrics, sir, but the oil hoses still need attention.
Arranjei os sistemas hidráulico e eléctrico, mas não os copos de lubrificação.
- Our hoses should be like- -
- As mangueiras devem estar...
Outside of Chelmo, thousands of Jews were taken in sealed vans with hoses pumping gas into them.
Em Chelmo, milhares de Judeus foram fechados em vagões selados... com tubos a bombear gás sobre eles.
Their hoses dry rot, leak, come loose. This is what you get.
- E tu sabes o que acontece a seguir.
- Check your hoses.
Verifiquem as mangueiras.
[Narrator ] Bathtubs of money, wheel barrows of awards... fire hoses of respect - the Simpsons had it all. [ Cheering]
Banheiras de dinheiro, carrinhos de prémios, mangueiradas de respeito.

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