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I knew it was him перевод на португальский

192 параллельный перевод
And I knew it was him.
E soube que era ele.
I knew it was him!
Eu sabia que era ele!
I knew it was him in that photo.
Sabia que era ele na foto.
His face that night, I knew it was him.
Aquela cara. Percebi que era ele.
And when I saw him up close, I knew it was him.
E, quando o vi de perto, tive a certeza de que era ele.
I knew it was an important thing to him.
Soube que era uma coisa importante para ele.
I told him it was absurd... that I knew you, and that you were incapable of anything of the kind.
Disse-lhe que era absurdo que te conhecia e que eras incapaz de algo desse género.
Well, when you telephoned me last night, i told him it was a girl i knew a date i couldn't get out of.
Uma cita urgente. Mim querida, te compadeço sinceramente.
He never told me what it was, but I knew from the moment I saw him, that something was wrong.
Ele nunca me disse o que era, mas eu percebi, assim que o vi, que alguma coisa estava mal.
I knew he was having a bad time with his heart and that it frightened him.
Eu sabia que o coraçäo estava a dar-lhe problemas e ele tinha medo.
Oh, it was over and done with, and I knew it, but... I still wanted to be near him.
Estava tudo acabado e eu sabia, mas queria continuar perto dele.
But once I discovered where he was, I could not leave him there... when I knew it was in my power to help him.
Mas uma vez que descobri onde ele estava, não pude deixá-lo ali. Ainda mais sabendo que poderia ser o único a conseguir ajudá-lo.
And sometimes when there was a man out there, he knew about it and he'd come in and sometimes I'd have him or he'd have me, whatever suits you.
E às vezes, quando havia um homem lá fora, ele sabia que ia poder entrar. Muitas vezes eu o queria ou ele me queria.
It was good. I just wanted to let him know I knew he'd make it.
Só queria que ele soubesse que eu acreditava nele.
You knew about him all this time... And you've been acting like it was something I made up?
Sabias sobre ele todo este tempo... e comportaste-te como se fosse algo que eu tivesse inventado?
Who knows, maybe I always knew... but I didn't want to believe that it was him that killed Carlo.
Quem sabe, talvez sempre o tivesse sabido... Mas não queria acreditar que tivesse sido logo ele a matar o Carlo, isso não.
I must've hit him harder than I knew. it was fright, fear, whatever it was, Your Honor.
Devo ter batido com força a mais, talvez por medo, Meritíssima.
I knew it was important to him.
Sabia que era importante para ele.
He knew I was in weak health. It seemed a fine stroke to him that his son should step into the whole property.
Ele sabia que eu estava doente, por isso pareceu-lhe boa ideia que o filho ficasse com os meus bens.
I knew it was wrong, but I thought of dragging him over to Festinger's lawn.
Sabia que era errado, mas pensei em arrastá-lo pelo relvado do Festinger.
I knew his career was taking him away from me. But I didn't want to believe it was over.
Sua carreira estava lhe afastando de mim, mas não queria acreditar que tínhamos terminado.
I don't think he ever really knew exactly how it was working through him.
Acho que ele nunca soube exactamente como é que isso o estava a consumir.
I knew it was my Christian duty to take him in- - try to get his mind right.
Eu sabia que era o meu dever cristão de ficar com ele- - Tentar por-lhe as coisas certas na cabeça.
- [Sighs] - I knew it was a bad idea to watch him open the mail.
Sabia que era má ideia vê-lo abrir o correio.
You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to break his fingers to get it away from him.
Percebes? Eu sabia que o Harry mentia ao dizer que não prestava, mas agarrou-se a ele de uma maneira que foi preciso arrancá-lo à força.
I just knew. It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd... I knew she just got rid of him.
Fez-se luz na minha cabeça e soube que ela se tinha livrado dele.
If I knew it was for you, I never would have given it to him!
! Para já, se soubesse que era para si, nunca lho tinha dado.
-'Cause he didn't say he was sorry... and I knew it would piss him off.
- Porque não pediu desculpa... e sabia que o irritariam.
I always knew it was him.
Eu sabía sempre que era ele.
But to me, and I know I knew him such a short time there was a kindness about him that was sweeter because it was so thoughtless.
Sei que o conheci pouco em comparação a todos vocês... mas, para mim, havia uma bondade nele... que era tão doce por ser irrefletido.
'Cause after I talked it through and made him see it our way, you know, he just- - He said that he kind of didn't want to admit it at the time, but he knew he was wrong.
Depois de fazê-lo ver o nosso lado, ele ficou... Até disse que não quis admiti-lo na altura, mas estava errado. E quer resolver isto.
When I told him that Maggie was dead and that I knew what had happened... h - he lost it.
Quando lhe disse que a Maggie morreu e que eu sabia tudo... ele ficou doido.
I knew that Trader was involved. What I couldn't figure out was why would anybody help him cover it up?
Eu sabia que o Trader estava envolvido, só não consigo descobrir é porque é que alguém o ajudaria a encobrir isto.
Before I knew it, I was working for him.
Quando dei por isso, já trabalhava para ele.
It's just I haven't seen him in 24 hours, and I would feel better if I knew where he was, you see.
Não o vejo há 24 horas e sentia-me melhor se soubesse onde ele anda.
It was like he knew I needed to talk to him and decided to make it as difficult as possible.
Parecia ter decidido dificultar-me as coisas ao máximo.
Sal knew it was today. I told him.
O Sal sabia que era hoje, eu disse-lhe.
I knew that ten grand was going to pinch him where it hurt,
Sabia que dez mil dólares iam deixá-lo mal.
Not who I was, but he knew she had a friend, a confidant, and it made him wild.
Não exactamente quem... mas sabia que ela tinha um amigo, alguém com quem se abria,
But when I heard him talking to his friends about buying candles and counting your eggs... I knew it was time to call Father Hubley.
Mas, quando o ouvi falar com os amigos, sobre comprar velas e contar os teus ovos soube que tinha de chamar o padre Hubley.
I knew nothing of the plot against him until it was too late.
Não soube nada do plano contra ele até ser tarde demais.
I knew nothing of the plot against him until it was too late.
Não sabia nada da conspiração contra ele até ser tarde demais.
It was that whenever he'd call me to tell me he was on some job, I knew you were right there with him.
Sempre que ele me telefonava para falar num golpe, eu sabia que tu estavas com ele.
I mean, he knew that we'd think it was him... that we'd spread the fear again.
Ele sabia que pensaríamos que era ele... que espalharíamos novamente o medo.
I can remember feeling angry with him because he was hurting me, and I was thinking "do it slow", and I also knew that he had to do it this fast.
Consigo lembrar-me de estar chateado com ele porque me estava a magoar, e estava a pensar "faz devagar", mas também sabia que ele tinha que o fazer depressa.
You went with it because you didn't want to see him kill her and you knew he wouldn't do it but I was shocked by him thinking that way, "An experiment."
Aceitávamos porque não queríamos vê-lo matá-la e sabíamos que não o faria mas fiquei chocado com o pensamento : "Uma experiência."
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
E sempre que eu lhe perguntava como é que ele conseguia, ele dizia sempre que conseguia sentir o que estava prestes a acontecer.
It was a good thing she knew him. I was about to do some serious damage.
Ainda bem que ela o conhecia, senão eu teria provocado danos graves.
See, I knew once my mom found out Dave was part of a Christian trio, it was only a matter of time before she booked him to play at one of her prayer meetings.
Sabia que a mãe, ao descobrir que o Dave pertencia a um trio cristão, lhe dizia para tocar num dos seus encontros para oração.
Colgate was an insane name, but if I didn't fight him on it... it must be because I knew we weren't having a girl.
Colgate um nome tolo, mas se não discuti por causa disso, só podia ser por saber que não teríamos uma rapariga.
I knew it was Nutella or Marmite he'd smudged on the gusset, but it was still him going, "We think you're shit."
E eu soube que era Nutella ou Marmite, pois sujou-me a roupa. Mas era como se dissesse : "És uma merda."

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