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I thought i was going to die перевод на португальский

78 параллельный перевод
I thought I was going to die. I was hanging on the elevator for 20 minutes!
Pensei que morria, estive preso 20 minutos no elevador.
The first time I felt it I thought I was going to die.
A primeira vez que o senti pensei que ia morrer.
I thought I was going to die that day not being able to see you
Pensei que ia morrer por não poder estar contigo.
I thought I was going to die.
Desculpa. Julguei que ia morrer.
Yeah, when I thought I was going to die. I told Dr Albright I loved her.
Quando eu pensava que ia morrer, disse à Drª Algright que a amava.
When I was back in that room, I thought I was going to die.
Quando eu estava lá dentro, pensei que ia morrer.
I thought I was going to die in here.
Pensei que ia morrer aqui.
They told me you were shot. I thought I was going to die.
Disseram-me que tinhas sido atingido.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensei que ia morrer.
For a while I thought I was going to die.
Durante algum tempo pensei que ia morrer.
But for a while there, I thought i was going to die.
Mas cheguei a pensar que ia morrer.
If I had died every time I thought I was going to die,
Se tivesse morrido de cada vez que pensei que ia morrer,
After your grandfather died, I was devastated, I thought I was going to die.
Depois que minha avó morreu, eu fiquei arrasado, eu pensei que ia morrer.
Tonight, when she was talking, I wanted my father so much, I thought I was going to die.
Há pouco, quando a ouvi falar, senti muito a falta do meu pai.
When I was down in that well Teabing told you about I thought I was going to die, Sophie.
Quando estava no fundo daquele poço de que o Teabing te falou pensei que ia morrer, Sophie.
I thought I was going to die, but when I jumped out, it felt like I was flying.
Pensei que ía morrer, mas quando saltei senti-me como se estivesse a voar.
I thought I was going to die then.
Pensei que ia morrer então.
I thought I was going to die, at the cliffs that day.
Nunca pensei que sairia vivo daquele penhasco.
He was really really mad. I thought I was going to die.
Estava mesmo zangado, pensei que me fosse matar.
I thought I was going to die.
Julguei que ia morrer!
'Cause I thought I was going to die.
Pensava que ia morrer.
I thought I was going to die like that.
Pensava que iria morrer assim.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensei que fosse morrer.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensava que ia morrer.
I thought I was going to die today.
Pensei que ia morrer hoje.
Thought I was going to die.
Pensei que ia morrer.
Goodbye : Thought I was going to give up and die, huh?
Adeus, Pensou que havia desistido e morreria, huh?
I thought I was going to die.
- Julguei que ia morrer.
I got so goofy last night, Diane, lying here wondering whether I was going to live or die, that I thought I saw a giant in my room.
Senti-me tão estúpido ontem, Diane, deitado ali, pensando se ia viver ou morrer, que acreditei ter visto um gigante no meu quarto.
And I remember the last thing that I thought was I'm going to die now.
E eu lembro-me que a última coisa em que eu pensei foi... que ia morrer agora.
But I sort of mumbled his bad news and he thought I said he was going to die.
Bem, não mato. Mas eu meio que resmunguei que tinha más notícias e ele pensou que eu fosse dizer que ele ia morrer.
Well, I'd agree if I thought he was really going to die in six weeks but I don't.
Bom, concordaria se eu acreditasse mesmo que ele ia morrer daqui a seis semanas. Mas não acredito.
Sometimes I laughed so hard, I thought I was going to puke and die.
Às vezes ria-me tanto, que pensava que ia vomitar e morrer.
Clark, I really thought I was going to die.
Clark, pensei mesmo que ia morrer.
Because there were times where I thought that I was going to die.
Porque houveram alturas em que eu pensava que ia morrer.
Thought I was literally going to die.
Realmente achei que ia morrer.
I was standing naked before the doctor and looking very proud into his eyes and ah, thought he should see how a Jewish woman is going, a proud Jewish is going to die, because most of us knew that in Auschwitz
Eu estava de pé nua em frente do médico e a olhar muito orgulhosa para os olhos dele e, pensando que ele veria como uma mulher judia vai, uma judia orgulhosa vai morrer, porque muitos de nós sabíamos que em Auschwitz
I thought that when it was done I was going to die. That you would kill me.
Achei que no final morreria, que vocês me matariam,
Look, I thought that I was never going to see you again... and I didn't want to die without you knowing that I liked you, you know.
Eu pensava que nunca mais te iria ver e não queria morrer sem que soubesses que gostava de ti.
I thought you were gonna tell me I was going to die again!
Achava que me ias dizer que ia morrer outra vez!
- I thought that I was going to die...
Pensei que ia morrer..
I thought she was going to die.
Pensei que ela iria morrer.
I really thought I was going to die that night.
Pensei mesmo que ia morrer.
And I thought that I was going to die.
Pensei que ia morrer.
I thought my mother was going to die.
Pensei que a minha mãe ia morrer. Ele era médico.
It was as if the elephant had thought "that poor devil is going to die, I'll resuscitate him."
Foi como se o elefante tivesse pensado, aquele pobre diabo vai morrer, vou ressuscitá-lo.
I always thought that if I was going to die, would not until... die if someone shoot me stopping a crime, or something.
Sempre pensei que quando eu morresse, iria ser como... alguém atirando em mim por um crime, ou algo assim.
I told Scott that he was not to flinch in any way. Not to make a play, not to call for help. Even if he thought he was going to die.
Disse ao Scott para não vacilar de forma nenhuma, não chamar a atenção, não pedir ajuda, mesmo que pensasse que ia morrer.
I thought he was going to die.
Pensei que ele ia morrer.
I'm sure Brick didn't think twice about it since he never thought he was going to die.
O Brick nem pensou duas vezes. - Pensava que não ia morrer.
I think he thought that I was going to die and, uh... he no longer believed that you would ever come back.
Deve ter pensado que eu ia morrer e deixou de acreditar no seu regresso.

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