In the old days перевод на португальский
703 параллельный перевод
You generally could use money in the old days.
Estou-me nas tintas com essa recepcionista.
Threatening to make Osage the terror of the Southwest... as in the old days of the Cimarron, huh?
Continua fazendo do Osage o terror do sudoeste... como nos velhos dias do silvestre?
Yeah, you used to be quite a guy in the old days, didn't you?
Eras um manda-chuva, nos velhos tempos.
The knocker must have been used in the old days to arouse the entire household.
A aldraba deve ter sido usada antigamente para acordar toda a casa.
This was the banquet hall in the old days.
Aqui era o salão de banquetes antigamente.
In the old days, they put a lamp in the window.
Nos velhos tempos, punham uma lamparina na janela.
In the old days, we just lopped off their heads.
Noutros tempos, decapitávamo-los!
In the old days there was a place in Boston, Young's Hotel. Had the best restaurant in the world.
O Young's Hotel de Boston, eles têm o melhor restaurante do mundo.
How about we have a glass of beer like in the old days?
E se bebêssemos um copo de cerveja, como nos velhos tempos?
I used to come here now and then in the old days, before the war.
Costumava vir aqui antigamente nos bons tempos, antes da guerra.
Yes, in the old days when he used to run rum out of Mexico and I was on the other side.
Quando ele trazia rum do México e eu era polícia.
In the old days you were always jealous. And you were wrong.
Sempre tão suspeito.
Back in Chi, in the old days, we'd pay $ 1 0 for an order of pompano.
Em Chi, pagava 10 dólares por um prato de pampo.
That was in the old days of the axe, of course. Yes.
Isso foi nos velhos tempos do machado, claro.
Do you remember in the old days how we used to play Eeny, meeny, miny, mo?
Lembras-te de jogarmos ao "pico pico serenico"...
Kids used to ride this thing a lot in the old days.
Os miúdos costumavam andar bastante nisto nos velhos tempos.
Yes, a horse, like in the old days.
Sim, um cavalinho como antigamente.
In the old days when I was a child, They used to hang our murderers at the four-turnings crossroads.
Antigamente, quando eu era criança, enforcavam os assassinos neste cruzamento de quatro caminhos.
In the old days he used to get angy when the sake ran out.
Dantes, ficava chateado, quando se acabava o sake.
In the old days, during times when the fishing was poor we used to sacrifice girls to prevent him from eating us all, yes!
Nos tempos antigos, na época em que a pesca era má... nós sacrificavamos raparigas para o impedir de nos comer a todos, sim!
You know, in the old days, they used to put your eyes out with a red-hot poker.
Antigamente, furavam os olhos com um ferro em brasa.
Back in the old days.
- Nos velhos tempos.
He and i worked together in the old days.
Eu e ele trabalhávamos juntos.
I want to be with Maurice, as I used to be in the old days.
Quero estar com o Maurice, como estava nos velhos tempos.
You did a lot for Ruth in the old days.
Fizeste muito pela Ruth.
This crazy brigand used to raid me so much in the old days I had to hire him.
Este bandido louco assaltava-me tanto que tive de o contratar.
See, this law that protects you also works for me. Maybe you were better off in the old days when you took and kept what you wanted with a hard fist and a fast gun. You don't like that.
A lei que o protege também serve para mim.
The things we talked about in the old days.
As coisas de que falámos há muito tempo.
Oh, how we used to talk in the old days. Do you remember?
Tal como falávamos antigamente, lembras-te?
You wouldn't know, but... in the old days I lived in the lap of luxury.
E como você saberia? Nos velhos tempos eu vivia na luxuria.
They used to say in the old days,
Como eu costumava dizer :
Like it was in the old days.
Como nos velhos tempos.
He always used to tell me how grateful he was in the old days when somebody would offer him a cup of coffee when he couldn't get home for a meal.
Ele estava sempre a dizer como ficava grato quando, antigamente, alguém lhe oferecia uma chávena de café, quando não podia vir comer a casa.
In the old days they would have handed Philip over to us for trial.
Se ele fosse entregue a um tribunal dos boiardos, não lhe aconteceria nada de mau.
In the old days, he had sung at night when he was alone steering on his watch on the turtle boats.
Nos velhos tempos, ele cantava | à noite, quando estava sozinho... no seu turno como piloto | nos barcos da pesca à tartaruga.
In the old days, we never hurt people in the face.
Antigamente nunca batíamos na cara.
Jim, do you ever think of the old days here in Gramercy Park?
Jim, costumas pensar nos tempos passados aqui, em Gramercy Park?
- In the good old days.
- Nos bons velhos tempos.
You'll be lucky if the old man talks to you in three days.
Dê-se por feliz se ele falar consigo nos próximos três dias.
He spoke of your beauty and brilliance and hospitality, of how, in the old days you were a symbol of everything worth having.
- Devido a quê?
Then people move in who never had to raw-hide it through the old days.
Depois, chegaram aqui pessoas que não viveram esses tempos duros.
In days of yore before the war When hearts now old were young
Em tempos idos, antes da guerra Quando corações velhos eram jovens
"Oh, that I were as in the months of old... as in the days when God watched over me... when his lamp shined upon my head... and by his light, I walked through darkness."
Quem me dera ser como eu fui nos meses passados... como nos dias em que Deus me guardava... quando fazia esplandecer a sua lâmpada sobre a minha cabeça... e quando eu pela sua luz caminhava pelas trevas.
[15 or 20 days later, on the basis of anonymous information, the marshal... ] [... would find an old army tank in the hole in Boscaccio... ] [... that had lain there forgotten since the war.]
15 ou 20 dias depois, com base em informações anónimas, o marshal... encontrou um velho tanque do exercito num buraco em Boscaccio... que lá estava esquecido desde a guerra.
This man Noah was born long before the Lord Jesus, but men in those days lived to be very old.
Este homem Noé tinha nascido muito tempo antes do Senhor Jesus, mas os homens naquele tempo viviam até serem muito velhos.
Just like the old days in Uvalde.
Como nos velhos tempos em Uvalde.
He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 84 days now without taking a fish.
Ele era um velho que | pescava sozinho num esquife... na Corrente do Golfo, e 84 dias se | passaram sem ele apanhar um peixe.
But after 40 days without a fish the boy's parents told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao which is the worst form of unlucky and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week.
Mas, após 40 dias sem peixe, | os pais do rapaz disseram... que o velho era, definitivamente | e oficialmente um "salao"... que é o pior tipo de azar... e o rapaz, sob ordem dos pais, | foi para outro barco... que apanhou três belos peixes | na primeira semana.
You know, in the old, wise days of Solomon if there was among his slaves some girl who filled his eyes he could choose her out from the rest and take her to him.
Penso nos sábios dias de Salomão... Se entre as suas escravas houvesse uma que lhe agradasse ele podia escolhê-la entre as demais. E ficar com ela para si.
When a man gets along in years, he shouldn't have to work so hard, so I'm going to retire you on half pay, let you have the old McCarthy cottage rent-free for the rest of your days.
Quando um homem começa a ficar velho, não deve ter que trabalhar tanto, Então vou deixá-lo aposentar-se com meio salário... e ficar com o chalé do velho McCarthy... sem pagar aluguel pelo resto da vida.
Praised be thou, O, Lord, our God, ruler of the universe......who wrought wondrous deliverances for our fathers in days of old.
Bendito sois Vós, Senhor Deus, Rei do Universo... que operou milagres por nossos ancestrais no passado.
in the real world 60
in the morning 1802
in the meantime 2026
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the middle of nowhere 42
in there 594
in the criminal justice system 149
in the darkness 43
in the morning 1802
in the meantime 2026
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the middle of nowhere 42
in there 594
in the criminal justice system 149
in the darkness 43
in the afternoon 211
in the beginning was the word 18
in the ass 21
in the flesh 166
in the basement 109
in the house 117
in the name of god 118
in the name of jesus 26
in the beginning 230
in the end 1091
in the beginning was the word 18
in the ass 21
in the flesh 166
in the basement 109
in the house 117
in the name of god 118
in the name of jesus 26
in the beginning 230
in the end 1091
in the first place 155
in the future 338
in the 715
in the bathroom 154
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the back 227
in the city 96
in the future 338
in the 715
in the bathroom 154
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the back 227
in the city 96