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It'd be перевод на португальский

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When we said we'd take turns watching all the kids, I never thought it would be my turn.
Quando dissemos que tomaríamos conta das crianças à vez, nunca pensei que seria a minha vez.
That we could be together after that, once you'd made it.
E que, quando conseguisses, podíamos ficar juntos outra vez.
Either she likes it or she doesn't, but if she likes it, it'd be a really nice surprise.
Não sei se ela gosta, mas caso goste, seria uma bela surpresa.
I just thought it'd be a nice going-away present.
Achei que seria um bom presente de despedida.
Because it should be someone who loved her, someone who's family, and I... I'd do it for you.
Devia ser alguém que a amava, alguém da família.
I never figured it'd be mine, here it is.
Nunca imaginei que seria meu, e aqui está.
It'd be better if, in addition to the college kids and regular dirtbags, I didn't have my billionaires punching out my multimillionaires.
Seria melhor se para além dos trastes, não tivesse bilionários a esmurrar multimilionários.
If that quantity made it's way into a radiological device, we could be looking at thousands of casualties, mass evacuations and radioactive contamination throughout the D.C. area.
Se essa quantidade penetrar em aparelhos radiológicos, poderemos estar perante milhares de víctimas, evacuações em massa e contaminação radioactiva por toda a capital.
Look, I know we're part of a greater destiny and all, but I didn't know it'd be a life sentence.
Ouve, sei que fazemos parte de um destino maior, mas... não sabia que isso seria para sempre.
Well, I can't break confidentiality, but I-I think it'd be good if you found him soon.
Não posso dizer mas seria melhor se o encontrasses rápido.
I think it'd be good if you found him, soon.
Era bom que o encontrasses.
Who'd have thought it'd be good to see the Dropship?
Quem diria que seria bom ver a nave?
- Yes. - And let's face it. You'd have to be crazy to accept such a dangerous job.
E, sejamos francos, só sendo louco para aceitar um trabalho tão perigoso.
If you had to cut one out of the herd, have a chat with, who'd it be?
Se tivesse de tirar um do rebanho para ter uma conversa, qual deles seria?
It'd be deadly in a minute. But it's also impossible.
Estaria morto num minuto, mas também é impossível.
You'd be great at it.
Serias fantástica.
Okay, it's just you'd never allow yourself to be shot in the head before.
Também nunca tinhas levado um tiro na cabeça.
It'd be nice if we weren't quite so out in the open.
Seria bom se não estivéssemos tão em aberto.
I really thought it'd be ATCU proper who showed up at the compound.
Eu realmente pensei que seria ATCU adequada. Que apareceu no complexo.
It'd be dumb not to.
Era parvo se não o fizesse.
They thought it'd be a month long thing.
Pensaram que seria coisa para durar um mês.
To be honest, I thought it'd be that no-eyed boot licker, Gordon.
Sinceramente, pensei que fosse aquele graxista sem olhos, o Gordon.
Did it not occur to you that I'd be worried?
Não pensaste que pudesse estar preocupado?
It'd be irresponsible of me to drive now! Is that what you do around here?
Sabes como eu seria irresponsável se conduzisse neste estado?
I figured if anyone could decipher your chicken scratch, it'd be me.
Achei que se alguém decifraria os teus rabiscos, seria eu.
If I said I was sorry, I'd be saying it all day.
Se eu pedisse desculpa, passaria o dia a fazê-lo.
They got into a back-and-forth with a bunch of nasty trolls, who thought it'd be real funny to spook the local hero : you.
Eles falaram de um bando de trolls mauzões, que acharam que seria engraçado assustar nossa heroína local : Tu.
I'd be happy to talk about it with you, if you have the time.
Seria um prazer falar contigo, se tiveres tempo.
I mean, if it were true, you'd be a fantastic source of information, wouldn't you?
Quero dizer, se fosse verdade, tu serias uma fantástica fonte de informações, não serias?
A terrible storm was moving in and we'd all be in for it by then.
Uma terrível tempestade vinha a caminho e todos estaríamos expostos a ela nessa altura.
It'd be crazy to back out now.
Seria um louco se recuasse agora.
Not any history you think you'd know ; it'd be like,
Não uma história normal, mas tipo :
- I thought it would be cool if the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a shield. - Fitz agreed, so...
- O Fitz concordou, portanto...
Well, where else would you think it'd be?
Onde pensaste que eles estavam?
I swore it'd be the last mistake I'd ever make in my life.
Jurei a mim mesmo que seria o último erro que cometeria na vida.
Together you set up the theory of the plot and I suspect he hired me because he wasn't confident it'd be enough.
Juntos engendraram uma teoria e suspeito que me contratou, porque não estava confiante que fosse suficiente.
I had to be sure you'd help me stop it.
Tinha de saber que me ajudaria a evitá-lo.
You'd have to be trying in order to blow it.
Terias que tentar para poder lixar algo.
Oh, uh, my mom was alone so I thought it'd be good to be nearby.
A minha mãe estava sozinha, e eu achei que era bom estar por perto.
But that was a completely black assignment, so I'd be very interested to know how Shadowspire knew about it.
Estou interessada em saber como a Shadowspire sabia.
It would probably be a little less strange if you'd seen your baby girl in the last 18 years.
Seria menos estranho se tivesses visto a tua menina nos últimos 18 anos.
It'd be worth it to put Darhk away.
Valeria a pena se incriminasse Darhk.
If it's a cell next to Darhk, it'd be worth it. No.
Se for numa cela perto do Darhk, tudo bem.
It'd be me, and it'd be right.
Seria eu e seria o certo.
I know I would have just been behind a keyboard. I know it seems like hubris, but I've made a difference before, and I can't help think that if I was there, you know, maybe she'd still be here.
Sei que só estaria atrás do teclado, sei que parece arrogância, mas já ajudei noutras ocasiões e não consigo deixar de pensar que, se eu estivesse lá, talvez ela ainda estaria aqui.
I just can't believe that I thought that I'd be the one to unite this city while Damien Darhk was trying to kill it.
Nem acredito que pensei que uniria a cidade, enquanto o Darhk tentava matá-la. Fui arrogante.
Maybe it was because you'd be nuked, too.
- Ajudaste a Felicity.
I mean, you'd expect it to be terrifying, just panic and fear.
Digo, esperas que seja assustador, apenas pânico e medo.
Dude, even if this town wasn't full of small-minded idiots, it'd still be creepy as hell.
Meu, mesmo que esta cidade não fosse cheia de gente burra, ainda assim seria muito assustadora.
If it was Gus', that'd be weird.
Porque se for do Gus seria estranho.
It was supposed to last three months, and then I'd be gone.
Não, claro que não.

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