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It really was перевод на португальский

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It was really nice talking with you.
Foi muito bom falar consigo.
I remember it was really rocky and bumpy... and he got down on one knee and then...
Lembro-me de estar muito agreste e agitado. E ele ajoelhou-se e depois...
You know, I lost my folks when I was a kid as well and it can affect you really badly that.
Sabes, eu perdi os meus pais quando era um miúdo também e pode afectar-te mesmo muito.
'I don't know, I can't pinpoint it but there was something that was really familiar.
Não sei. Não consigo definir, mas... havia algo que era mesmo familiar.
No, it was.. like when you meet a penpal or like a cousin... or somebody that you knew when you were really little.
Não, era... como quando te encontras com um correspondente ou como um primo ou alguém que conheceste quando eras muito pequeno.
It was really fun.
- Foi muito divertido.
It was really more of an observation.
Era realmente mais como que uma observação.
It's not really official without the mikvah, but that was wonderful.
Não é oficial sem o mikvah, mas foi maravilhoso.
For me it was a great way to really see what I needed, what I was using, and whether it would make any difference.
Foi uma maneira ótima de saber do que realmente precisava, o que estava a utilizar e se faria alguma diferença.
And the way I found to make up for my insecurity As for me being a beginner, it was really plunging into work And become addicted to work.
A maneira de compensar a minha insegurança por ser tão novato, foi dedicar-me ao emprego e tornar-me viciado em trabalho.
You know it was never really much of a secret.
Sabes bem que nunca foi um segredo bem guardado.
It was really hard... to watch what happened to him.
Foi muito difícil ver o que aconteceu com ele.
It was a really lovely night.
Foi uma noite ótima.
- Yeah, of course, it was really fun.
Claro, foi muito divertido.
I really think it was good for Danielle.
Acho que foi bom para a Danielle.
I think what they really wanted as to express what they felt inside it was a thing to say, look at Daft Punk latest album, it's not as good we were waiting for something else they're done... these were the discussions at that time
Acho que o objetivo deles era exprimir o que tinham no interior. As pessoas gostam de dizer que esse álbum dos Daft Punk não correu muito bem. Esperavam outra coisa deles.
In any case Phantom Of Paradise when we met with Thomas when we had 12,13 years old it was really the movie that contains all the things,
Conheci o Thomas quando tinha 12 ou 13 anos... e O Fantasma Do Paraíso tinha de tudo.
But we didn't do, like, touristy stuff, so it was really nice.
Mas não fizemos coisas de turistas, por isso foi mesmo bom.
and she was really drunk and she went, "Go on, then, we're going home tomorrow," and that was it, then!
Não consigo imaginar pessoas como nós dois serem assim se não fossem permitidas serem abertas.
And it was porn from like the'40s or'50s, it was crap and he sort of looked at me and I looked at him and I was really nervous then we both started wanking each other off, he had builder sort of hands and I was like,
Acho isso muito corajoso. - Obrigado. - É sua escolha.
Seeing her like that, it... mae it feel like none of it was ever really there.
Vê-la assim... Fez-me sentir que nada daquilo alguma vez foi real.
It was really bad timing and I overreacted.
Foi numa má altura e exagerei.
Well, it was really more of an excuse to drink good wine... and show off our french.
Embora tenha sido mais uma boa desculpa para beber bom vinho e exibir o nosso francês.
I really thought he was gonna say, "Let it go."
Pensei que ele ia dizer : "Esquece isso."
Look, we admit it, the idea that you guys came up with was really good.
Nós admitimos. A ideia que tiveram foi muito boa e adorava a vossa ajuda.
Really, it was just kissing.
- Nada a sério. Foi só beijar.
It was a near thing, really.
Foi por pouco.
The Lannisters and the Martells have hated each other for years, but you've fallen in love with Trystane. It was an accident, really.
Os Lannister e os Martell odeiam-se há anos, mas tu apaixonaste-te pelo Trystane.
No, it was really fun for me.
Não, foi muito divertido para mim.
It seems like he was a really good young man. Yeah.
Parece que ele era um jovem muito bom.
The problem is it was a really good lie.
O problema é que era uma mentira muito boa.
It was coming from somebody who really knew me.
Estava a vir de alguém que realmente me conhecia.
It was really hot out that night, okay.
Estava mesmo quente naquela noite, sim?
It was all really fucked up and I wasn't always safe.
Foi tudo muito louco, e nem sempre tive cuidado.
No, no I was really looking forward to it.
- Não, não, eu estava mesmo à espera disto.
It wasn't exactly profitable to be doing really harsh politi... It was probably doing fun political stuff.
Não era propriamente rentável fazer críticas políticas muito severas, mas ele podia contar piadas políticas...
So if he was giving you a compliment comedy-wise, it was really... it felt good.
Se ele elogiasse a tua comédia, era muito bom.
- And it was extremely stressful just watching him because first people would be mad that they're not really laughing.
E era extremamente stressante vê-lo em palco, porque as pessoas ficavam zangadas por não estarem a rir.
- The most memorable show that I saw Barry Crimmins do was he was performing with Billy Bragg and it was a big tour that Billy was doing with the Red Star Army'and Barry Crimmins was really opening the show.
O espectáculo mais memorável do Barry Crimmins que vi foi quando ele actuou com o Billy Bragg. Era uma grande digressão que ele estava a fazer com o Red Star Army, e o Barry fazia a abertura.
Well, if I'm honest, it wouldn't really be her I was coming to see.
Bem, para dizer a verdade, Não seria realmente a ela que eu iria ver.
And when he was done, he looked at me and said if I really wanted to, I could just pick it up and play it.
E quando acabava, olhava-me e dizia-me que se eu quisesse, podia simplesmente tocá-la.
I don't think I was ever really content with my life, because no matter how you have a go at it, no matter how much you try, you can't...
Acho que nunca estive realmente satisfeito na vida. Porque, por mais que tu procures, por mais que tu tentes, não podes...
You're not bad, it was always going to be a really hard decision and I think everyone's going to be pretty sad when they read it.
Não és mau, seria sempre uma decisão muito difícil e eu acho que todo a gente vai ficar muito triste quando souber.
It, it was all about him and he became a really selfish person.
Ele era o centro das atenções. E tornou-se uma pessoa muito egoísta.
I'm really embarrassed to say it, but, uh, no one else in the world was important.
... somos realmente privilegiados...
I probably see it more as a first life really, the last was more a dream then a life really...
Vejo-o mais como uma primeira vida, na verdade. As últimas foram mais como um sonho, na verdade.
- Maybe it was a really small camera.
- Talvez a câmara fosse pequena.
I'm really, really sorry. And there's no excuse, it was stupid, and thoughtless and crazy.
Fui estúpido, inconsciente e louco.
It was really beautiful.
Ficou mesmo bonito.
When I heard she was seeing someone... and I'm gonna be really honest with you, Lito... it drove me a little bit loco, because I couldn't stop thinking of how we used to lay in bed and look at the selfies she took with her past lovers, and how we used to make fun of them.
Quando ouvi dizer que ela tinha alguém vou ser honesto contigo, Lito fiquei um bocado louco porque não conseguia parar de pensar como ficávamos deitados a olhar para as selfies dela com os ex amantes e como fazíamos pouco deles.
Well, it was army barracks, really, for the veterans coming back from the war.
Eram casernas do exército, para os veteranos que voltavam da guerra.

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