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Was it worth it перевод на португальский

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But now, you must ask yourself, despite the failure, was it worth it?
Mas agora, deves perguntar-te, apesar do fracasso, valeu a pena?
Was it worth it?
Valeu a pena?
Well, was it worth it?
E valeu a pena?
Yes, it was an amazing night, but was it worth it to lose a good friend over?
Sim, foi uma noite espantosa, mas valeu a pena perder um bom amigo por causa disso?
Was she worth it?
Ela valeu a pena?
Tell me... was she worth it?
Diz-me... Ela valeu a pena?
Was who worth it?
Quem é que valeu a pena?
My wife, was she worth it?
A minha mulher. Valeu a pena?
It was worth a try.
Valeu a pena tentar.
I didn't think this long-ass car ride was gonna be worth it but it's kind of worth it.
Não pensei que essa longa viagem de carro fosse valer a pena, mas meio que vale.
But for what it's worth, I thought he was really special.
Mas caso lhe interesse, eu acho que era muito especial.
It's got to be love not a broken heart Well, that was certainly worth the wait.
Bem, valeu a espera.
Oh, I know she was young, but it was worth it.
Eu sei que ela era jovem, mas valeu a pena.
He'd say that it was worth the wounds.
Ele diria que os ferimentos teriam valido a pena.
I knew I'd fall down too, but it was worth it.
Eu sabia que também iria presa.
Then it was worth the drive?
A distância valeu a pena?
Well, it was worth a try...
Bom, valeu a pena tentar...
It was worth everything to have her.
Tê-la tido compensa todo o sofrimento.
Was he worth it?
Valeu a pena?
Whatever she got, it was worth it.
O que aconteceu com ela foi merecido.
- Was the pain worth it?
- O sofrimento valeu a pena?
So I offered him double, triple what it was worth.
Então eu ofereci o dobro, o triplo do seu valor.
I was worth it.
Eu merecia.
- Yeah, it was worth a shot.
- Sim, mas valeu a pena arriscar.
... that it was all worth it.
... que tudo isto valeu a pena.
It was all worth it.
Valeu tudo a pena.
I sincerely hope it was worth it.
Espero, sinceramente, que tenha valido a pena.
You'll have to ask yourself if it was worth it in the morning.
Amanhã de manhã terás de te perguntar se valeu a pena.
I'm not sure if this falls under our purview, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Não sei se isto é da nossa competência mas penso que valha a pena mencionar.
My mother may never speak to me again after this job. So I want to make sure it was worth it. All right.
A minha mãe pode nunca mais falar comigo depois disto, portanto... quero certificar-me de que valeu a pena.
I hope it was worth it.
- Espero que tenha valido a pena.
Yeah. But, dude? It was worth it.
Sim, mas valeu a pena, meu.
And for what it's worth, Sophie was right.
Por mais insignificante que pareça, Sophie estava certa.
Well, I suppose it was worth it.
Bem, suponho que tenha valido a pena.
The makeup was worth it.
a reconciliação valeu a pena.
The big question is why George Mallory thought it was worth one more shot.
A grande pergunta é porque é que George Mallory pensou que valia a pena tentar mais uma vez.
It was worth it.
Que pena.
What was it about you that he felt was worth saving?
O que há em ti que ele pensava que valia a pena salvar?
It was worth a try, but there is too much friction,
Valeu a pena o esforço, mas há muita fricção.
I don't want you waking up one morning, wondering if it was all worth it.
Não o quero a acordar uma manhã, a pensar se valeu a pena.
And realize no matter how long it took, it was worth the wait.
E percebemos que não importa quanto tempo levou, valeu a pena a espera.
But all the suffering was worth it. Because now we've found you.
Mas todo o sofrimento valeu a pena... porque agora encontrámos-te.
An expensive lunch, but it was worth it.
Almoço caro, mas valeu a pena.
Was it worth all the hoo-ha?
Agora? Enquanto a sua família atravessa uma crise?
It was worth a shot.
- Vale a pena tentar.
Tillman must've gone to Hondo next and convinced him it was worth ignoring regulations in order to have the chance to fly something like that.
- Tillman deve ter procurado Hondo a seguir e convenceu-o de que valia a pena ignorar as regras para ter a hipótese de voar naquilo.
Tough call, I know, but I thought it was worth a try!
Embora sei que isso é dificil mas pensei que valeria a pena!
He told me once, it was worth a hundred silver...
Ele uma vez disse-me que vale cem pratas.
Well, it was worth a try.
Bom, valia a pena tentar.
Hope it was worth it.
Espero que tenha valido a pena.
They were barely surviving, but... as she saw Mustafa in his dark blue uniform of felt... she was thinking that it was worth all this suffering.
E nós estavamos orgulhosos do nosso uniforme.

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