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It was meant to be перевод на португальский

339 параллельный перевод
Maybe it was meant to be.
Possivelmente tinha de ser assim.
Perhaps it was meant to be a thunderbolt and there was no thunder available, say.
Talvez devesse ter sido um raio e não havia um trovão disponível, digamos.
It was meant to be a tooth the god Manjushri, the all powerful.
Era para representar um dente do deus Manjushri, o poderoso.
As it was meant to be.
Assim como está escrito.
# So, dear, can't you see that it was meant to be?
"Querida, não vês " que assim deve ser?
It was meant to be a challenge.
Era suposto ser um desafio.
- It was meant to be.
- Isto era inevitável.
It was meant to be.
Deveria ser.
- It was meant to be a joke!
Era uma piada! Sim...
I thought that's the way it was meant to be.
Achei que era esse o nosso destino.
It was meant to be that way
Estava escrito que seria assim
- It was meant to be an insult!
- Pode crer que era essa a intenção!
It was meant to be.
Estava destinado.
Bobby, I know how you feel. But it was meant to be.
Bobby, entendo como te sentes, mas isto tinha de acontecer.
Probably that's how it was meant to be.
Provavelmente era assim que estava destinado a ser.
You're the only one who can sing Marguerite as it was meant to be sung.
És a única que consegue cantar Marguerite como é suposto ser cantada.
That's bullshit! It was meant to be!
Tinha mesmo de acontecer!
As it was meant to be.
É como tem de ser.
I know it was meant to be!
Sei que estávamos destinados a isso!
It was meant to be like that, all over again.
Era suposto ser assim, novamente.
Which is exactly how it was meant to be.
O que é exatamente como devia ser.
It was meant to be, right?
Tinha que ser, não é?
This is Quark's the way Quark's should be the way it was meant to be.
Isto é o Quark's da maneira que o Quark's deve ser, da maneira como foi concebido.
It was meant to be A Day in the Life of Fernando Buttanda.
A reportagem era para ser um dia na vida de Fernando Buttanda.
Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen.
Agora, podemos ver o Green Acres como deve ser visto.
It was meant to be a joke.
Era só uma brincadeira.
That wasn't as comforting as it was meant to be.
Não foi tão reconfortante como esperava que fosse.
It was meant to be overlooked.
A intenção era passar despercebida.
It's the way it was meant to be played.
Foi para isso que inventaram o basebol.
Like it was meant to be
Assim era e assim devia ser
It was meant to be an infinity pool and go off the edge.
Era para ser uma piscina sem fim, estendendo-se para além da vedação.
It was meant to be.
Foi destinado a acontecer.
It was a lot of Beavers to be hang And lots of beavers meant lots of money.
Havia muitos castores para apanhar, o que significava muito dinheiro.
It was not meant to be crossed by us.
Não deve ser atravessado por nós.
The way I see it, it's about time we got us a sheriff who can treat that jailhouse scum like they was meant to be.
Pelo que vejo, chegou a hora de termos um xerife... que possa tratar essa cadeia como deve ser.
What I meant was, whatever it takes to be a cop's wife I'm just not sure I'm making it.
O que for necessário para ser mulher de polícia não tenho certeza de o ter.
I meant I was much too deep with Rex just to be able to say "The marriage arranged will not now take place", and leave it at that.
O que quis dizer foi que estava demasiado envolvida com o Rex para poder dizer que o casamento não se iria realizar e deixar as coisas nesses termos.
What I meant to say was... it might very well be a poltergeist intrusion... instead of a classic haunting.
Pode tratar-se de uma invasão de um poltergeist, em vez de uma assombração clássica.
They've taken it in the sense it was meant to be done.
Eu direi que não sei nada dessas coisas que andou a fazer.
It kind of feels like this whole thing was meant to be.
Parece que tudo isto estava destinado.
If you spew and she bolts, it was never meant to be.
Se vomitares e ela fugir, é porque não estava destinado.
And great pity it is, because he was never meant to be a murderer.
E é realmente pena, porque ele nunca teve propensão para ser um assassino.
Being named after your mother ; it seems as though it was always meant to be.
Por ter o nome da tua mãe, é como se estivesse destinado desde sempre.
All I meant was it's a little foolish to worry about your careers at a time like this when there's a good chance we're all about to be killed.
Só quis dizer que é um pouco tolo preocuparmo-nos com as nossas carreiras agora, quando há uma boa hipótese de sermos todos mortos.
To which he said I was nuts, and that all he meant was that with us having a new baby, it just seemed like a crazy time to move to sub-zero weather and a city full of strangers, and that I should think of you guys... and of his parents, and how moving so far away would be so hard on everyone.
Ele disse que eu estava louca e que só queria dizer que com o bebé é uma loucura mudar para uma cidade mais fria, cheia de estranhos, e que eu devia pensar em vós, pessoal, e para os pais dele, e quão chocante a distância seria tão difícil para todos.
If this was meant to be a trap, why tell us about it?
Se isto quis dizer ser uma armadilha, por que está nos falando dela?
It was not meant to be.
Não era para dizer isto.
I guess I thought it meant there was a reason for us to be together.
Acho que pensava que queria dizer que havia uma razão para estarmos juntos.
It was never meant to be easy.
Nunca foi suposto ser fácil.
No, I meant, when we first got together, I said a lotta stuff about what I was gonna be..... and I just wanted you to know that... I wasn't giving you some kinda line..... that I meant it.
Quando nós nos casámos, fartei-me de dizer o que queria da vida e quero que saibas que não te estava a dar música, que falava a sério.
It's like I was meant to be here.
Como se fosse para eu estar aqui.

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