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It was your fault перевод на португальский

375 параллельный перевод
Sure, it was your fault.
Claro que sim.
I didn't say it was your fault...
Não disse que era culpa sua.
- It was your fault.
- A culpa foi tua.
- What if I told you it was your fault? - Here we go
E se lhe dissesse que a culpa é sua?
And he believes it was your fault?
E ele acredita que foi sua culpa?
She was in a tearin'rage at me, and sure it was your fault for not telling her the truth in the first place.
Ela estava louca da vida comigo, e, claro, a culpa foi sua, de não lhe contar a verdade logo de início.
When they found me they assumed it was your fault.
Quando me encontraram, pensaram que tinhas sido tu.
You probably like thinking it was your fault.
Deve gostar de pensar que foi culpa sua.
I was thinking it was your fault because you'd been left in charge, or Manuel's for not waking you, and all the time, it was my fault.
Eu a pensar que a culpa era tua, porque estavas tu encarregue, ou do Manuel por não te acordar e afinal a culpa sempre foi minha!
It was your fault.
A culpa foi tua.
It was your fault.
A culpa foi tua!
He says it was your fault, and suggests that you apologize.
ele diz que a culpa é sua e sugere que Ihe peça desculpas.
It was your fault.
Tu é que tiveste a culpa.
- Bastard, it was your fault!
- Cabrão, a culpa foi tua!
Maybe it was your fault.
Talvez fosse tua.
I could fail a test and somehow it was your fault.
Se não passasse num exame, a culpa era tua.
I never really thought it was your fault.
Nunca pensei mesmo que a culpa fosse tua.
Why fight if it was your fault?
Quem ficou com o carro amolgado fui eu, não foste tu.
But then you came forward and you admitted that it was your fault?
Mas depois reconsideraste e admitiste que a falha era tua?
It was your fault, Sari. You said the road was clear.
Disseste que a estrada estava livre.
It was your fault.
Por culpa tua!
It was not your fault.
A culpa não foi tua.
- It's not your fault she was fired.
- Não tens culpa que tenha sido despedida.
Not if you say it was all your fault.
Não, se a culpa foi sua, não.
I'm sure it was my brother's fault, and I'm sure you had your reasons.
De certo que a culpa foi do meu irmão e que tiveste as tuas razões.
It was your fault? You're still stink of whiskey.
Foi culpa sua?
- It's not your fault there are no clues. - And all we needed was one little one.
- Não tem culpa da falta de provas.
We know it was not your fault.
Sabemos que não foi culpa tua.
- It was not your fault.
- A culpa não foi tua.
A culpa é vossa por dizerem que eu era o meu irmão gémeo.
My jug! - It was your fault...
- Mas foste tu.
It was all your fault.
A culpa foi toda tua.
It was all your fault!
Foi tua culpa!
Besides, it was your hero's fault.
A culpa é do seu herói.
I mean, not that it was completely your fault.
Não quer dizer que tenha sido inteiramente culpa tua.
It wasn't your fault... anymore than it was my fault.
Não foi culpa sua ou minha.
It was not your fault.
Não foi sua culpa.
It was not your fault either, master.
A culpa também não foi sua, mestre. Não, não.
It was all your fault. How come?
A culpa foi toda tua.
If I get killed or something, it's not gonna be your fault... that I was there all alone, all right?
Se eu for morto ou algo, não vai ser culpa tua que eu estava lá sozinho, está bem?
It wasn't your fault any more than it was mine.
Não foi culpa tua nem minha.
It was your own fault, Yurimaru.
Agora ele será a Rainha dos Diabos!
It was your own fault.
A culpa foi sua.
- It was your fault.
- Mas a culpa foi tua.
It was not your fault, David.
Não foi a tua culpa.
When you think about it, it really was sorta your fault.
Se pensar um pouco foi mas bem tua culpa.
It was completely your fault.
- Foi toda tua. - Não.
Just about everyone was relieved to hear it. It's your own fault.
- A culpa foi sua.
It was your own fault.
A culpa foi tua.
Was it your fault?
Foi culpa sua?
It's all your fault, Spawn. She was doing fine till you showed up.
A culpa é tua.

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