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Linderman перевод на португальский

184 параллельный перевод
The most recent victim was 15 year old Debbie Linderman, a sophomore at Castle Rock High School.
A vítima mais recente... tinha 15 anos de idade, Debbie Linderman, uma estudante da escola de 2º grau de Castle Rock.
What is it, Linderman?
O que é, Linderman?
Whoa, Linderman, let me give you a tip.
Linderman, deixa-me dar-te um conselho.
Linderman, you know, I always pictured you... as a straight up bedwetter.
Linderman, sabes, eu sempre te vi como um bom empregado de mesa.
Come on, Linderman, let's go.
Vamos, Linderman, vamos lá.
That's impossible, Linderman.
Isso é impossível, Linderman.
Jesus, Linderman.
Jesus, Linderman.
- Linderman--
- Linderman...
Mr. Linderman, I'm gonna have to call you back in five minutes, okay?
Sr. Linderman, vou ter de voltar a ligar daqui a cinco minutos.
I went to see Linderman.
- Fui falar com o Linderman.
Yeah, Linderman wants his money back, so he sends some mouth-breather that's gonna put you in the hospital.
Sim, o Linderman quer o dinheiro, e manda um tipo pôr-te no hospital.
Mr. Linderman wants to be nice about this.
O Sr. Linderman quer ser simpático.
Mr. Linderman, I'm gonna have to call you back in five minutes, okay? Thank you.
Sr. Linderman, já lhe ligo, está bem?
I went to see Linderman.
- Procurei o Linderman.
Yeah, Linderman wants his money back, so he sends some mouth-breather that's gonna put you in the hospital.
O Linderman quer o dinheiro e pôs gorilas atrás de ti.
Mr. Linderman wants to be nice about this.
O Sr. Linderman quer resolver isto a bem.
He robbed Linderman and got away with $ 2 million,
Ele roubou o Linderman e fugiu com 2 milhões de dólares,
Mr. Linderman wants to see you.
O Sr. Linderman quer vê-la.
Those guys that you said Linderman would send to get his money back?
Disseste que o Linderman mandou gorilas...
And once Linderman finds out that they're dead, it's not going to matter who killed them.
Quando o Linderman souber que morreram, não importa quem os matou.
Mr. Linderman wants to see you.
- O Sr. Linderman quer falar consigo.
Mr. Linderman is willing to forget your debt in exchange for a favor.
O Sr. Linderman esquece a dívida se lhe fizer um favor.
There's a man arriving this afternoon from New York. A politician who wants some help from Mr. Linderman.
Hoje, chega um político de Nova Iorque que quer pedir ajuda ao Sr. Linderman.
Now, I say we roll the dice and hold off before we get into bed with Linderman.
Preferia não me meter já com o Linderman.
I can handle Linderman.
Eu sei lidar com ele.
With Linderman's $ 2 million, we can turn eight points into three and make it a horse race.
Com os dois milhões do Linderman, passamos de oito pontos a três!
But no Linderman?
- E com o Linderman, não?
How are you going to explain to your son what happened to you when you didn't honor your agreement?
Como vai explicar-lhe o que lhe aconteceu por ter falhado ao Linderman?
Look, I will find another way to pay Linderman.
Eu arranjo outra maneira de lhe pagar.
In order to do that I need money. Linderman's two million we can turn eight points into three and make it a horse race.
Para isso, preciso de dinheiro, os dois milhões do Linderman podem reduzir os 8 pontos para 3.
A politician who wants some help from Mr. Linderman.
Um político que quer a ajuda do Sr. Linderman.
Mr. Linderman reviewed the tape, and needless to say, was quite pleased with your performance.
- O Sr. Linderman viu a cassete e, escusado será dizer, ficou muito satisfeito com o seu desempenho.
Either that's you or you still owe Mr. Linderman $ 50,000.
Se não é você, ainda deve 50 mil dólares ao Sr. Linderman.
"Gee, it must be pretty important for Linderman to see me in office " if he's willing to go to this much trouble to keep me in line. "
o Linderman deve querer muito que eu ganhe para se dar a tanto trabalho para me controlar.
What? The painting you want, I sold it to a guy named Linderman.
O quadro que tu queres...
Linderman gave you four million dollars, and you're spending it on postcards.
O Linderman deu-te 4 milhões e tu gasta-los em postais!
Linderman bought it. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Foi comprado pelo Linderman.
I was surprised to learn the Linderman group recently invested in your campaign.
Fiquei surpreendido em saber que o Grupo Linderman o financiou.
Mr. Linderman was a good friend of my father's.
O Sr. Linderman era amigo do meu pai.
Yes, Mr. Linderman.
Sim, Sr. Linderman.
Mr. Linderman, I appreciate it.
Sr. Linderman, agradeço-lhe imenso.
- The money that you stole from Linderman.
O dinheiro que roubaste do Linderman.
And if we ran with Linderman's money, he wouldn't just kill me.
E se tivéssemos fugido com o dinheiro do Linderman, ele não me matava só a mim.
We used to get stuff done for Linderman.
Costumávamos fazer uns trabalhos para o Linderman.
After you left, I borrowed money from Linderman.
Depois de teres ido embora, pedi dinheiro emprestado ao Linderman.
When didn't I pay Linderman back in time, he sent two guys to collect.
Quando eu não paguei ao Linderman a tempo, ele mandou dois tipos para virem buscar.
He lives in Las Vegas.
Vendi-o a um tal de Linderman que vive em Las Vegas.
Did you talk to Linderman?
Falaste com o Linderman?
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