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Netscape перевод на португальский

21 параллельный перевод
And nobody just breaks into Netscape. Okay?
E ninguém entra no Netscape.
The reason Netscape is important is that they were the first large company to participate in open source.
A razão de a Netscape ser importante é que eles foram a primeira grande companhia a participar do código aberto.
And Netscape went open source essentially as a way to fight Microsoft, which was giving away Internet Explorer, but not letting anyone else have the source code, not letting companies collaborate.
E a Netscape recorreu ao código aberto essencialmente para lutar contra a Microsoft, que estava dando de graça o Internet Explorer, mas não permitindo a mais ninguém ter o código fonte, não permitindo companhias colaborarem.
And once they had turned those standards in to lock in devices, they could then use that control to drive Netscape out of the server market, which was where it was making its real money.
E uma vez que eles tivessem mudados esses padrões em dispositivos fechados, eles pudessem usar esse controle para retirar a Netscape do mercado de servidores, que era onde eles estavam realmente ganhando dinheiro.
My concern was that as time went on, Netscape's business would be threatened, by the fact that we didn't have enough people to do what we needed to do as a company in order to keep our software viable in the marketplace.
Minha preocupação era de, com o passar do tempo, o negócio da Netscape estivesse ameaçado, pelo fato de não termos pessoal suficiente para fazer o que precisávamos para tornar nosso software viável no mercado.
The Netscape release happened in early 1998.
A liberação do Netscape aconteceu no começo de 1998.
"The Cathedral and the Bazaar", the paper by Eric Raymond, was a significant influence on Netscape's decision to release source code.
"O Catedrático o Bazar", o artigo do Eric Raymond, foi uma influência significativa na decisão da Netscape em liberar seu código fonte.
As I said, Netscape, Netscape had already been talking about releasing source code for quite some time before anyone ever heard of Eric's paper.
Como eu disse, a Netscape já tinha conversado sobre liberar o código fonte algum tempo antes que alguém tivesse ouvido falar do artigo do Eric.
And apparently what happened, I was told later, although I had no idea that this was happening at the time, uh is that some people from Netscape actually heard the paper at the PERL conference and took those ideas back to Netscape and they kind of lit a fire there.
E aparentemente o que aconteceu, me disseram depois, foi que apesar de eu não ter a menor ideia que aquilo fosse acontecer naquela hora, algumas pessoas da Netscape ouviram a palestra na Conferência de PERL e levou aquelas ideias de volta à Netscape e elas atearam fogo lá.
The role of my paper was essentially to make the internal case at Netscape, uh to make the business case for why Netscape should release its source code.
A função do meu artigo era essencialmente mostrar a situação interna na Netscape, mostrar a situação comercial pela qual ela deveria liberar o código fonte.
The paper was called "Netscape Source Code As Netscape Product".
O artigo foi chamado "Código Fonte do Netscape Como Produto da Netscape".
[ And who was involved in making that happen at Netscape?
[ E quem estava envolvido em fazer isso acontecer na Netscape?
When I completed the paper, I first gave a copy to Mark Andreessen, who was co-founder of Netscape and was at the time one of, on the senior management team at Netscape.
Quando eu terminei o artigo, primeiro dei uma cópia a Mark Andreessen, que era o co-fundador da Netscape e era naquela época um dos membros da equipa directora da Netscape.
Mark then gave a copy of the paper to several other people within Netscape management, including Jim Barksdale.
Mark então deu a cópia do artigo a muitas outros directores da Netscape, incluindo Jim Barksdale.
Netscape actually announced that it was gonna release the source code on Jan 22nd, the same time it was going to give Communicator away for free.
A Netscape anunciou que iria liberar o código fonte em 22 de Janeiro, na mesma época em estaria oferecendo o Communicator de graça.
When Netscape decided to release the source code, people sort of got a wake up notice and said
Quando a Netscape decidiu liberar o código fonte, as pessoas receberam um alerta e disseram :
So Netscape's decision brought a lot of public attention to the idea of Free Software, what became known as Open Source, and brought a lot of attention to the Linux operating system, which was one of the most prominent examples of Open Source software at that time.
Portanto, a decisão da Netscape trouxe muita atenção à ideia do Software Livre, que se tornou conhecida como Código Aberto, e trouxe muita atenção ao Sistema Operacional Linux, que era um dos mais proeminentes exemplos de software de Código Aberto naquela época.
Now, this is the sweetest, sexiest deal to come along since Netscape.
Este é o negócio mais apetitoso e sexy, que apareceu desde Netscape.
It was called Netscape.
- Chamava-se Netscape.
She doesn't even know what Netscape is.
Nem sabe o que é Netscape.
We're still using Netscape.
Ainda estamos na idade da pedra.

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