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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ O ] / Of course she did

Of course she did перевод на португальский

181 параллельный перевод
She said it was her brother. - Of course she did.
Mas ela disse que o irmão dela é que está doente.
Well, of course she did.
- Claro que respondeu.
- Well of course she did!
- Claro que foi!
That is the proposition, isn't it? You did agree. Of course she did.
Não foi esse o acordo?
Of course she did, of course she did,
Claro que morreu, claro que morreu,
- Did your Mom like the omelet? - Of course she did.
- Achas que a tua mãe gostou das omeletes?
Of course she did.
Claro que foi.
- Your mother recommended him. - Yeah, of course she did.
- A tua mãe recomendou-o.
Honoria killed Gerald Hadleigh - of course she did.
Honória matou Gerald Hadleigh, é claro que foi ela.
Of course she did.
É claro que sim.
- Of course she did.
- Claro que sim.
Of course she did.
É claro que deixou.
Oh, of course she did. Why did I ask?
Claro, porque é que eu perguntei?
Of course she did.
- Claro que contou.
of course she did!
Claro que disse!
- Of course she did.
- Claro que falou.
Of course she did.
Claro que sim.
But of course she did take it, and we all know why.
Mas claro que ela a tirou, e todos sabemos porquê.
- Of course she did. Major...
- É claro que safou.
- Well, of course she did.
- Claro que ela perguntou.
- Honey, of course she did. It's just - -
- Claro que gostava.
Of course she did.
Claro que já.
- My mom just made it. - Of course she did.
- A minha mãe acabou de fazê-la.
Of course she did.
Claro que ela fez.
Of course she did.
Claro que apresentou.
- Of course she did.
- Claro que ela fez.
Of course she did.
Claro que ela disse...
Yeah, of course she did, well... at least you're keeping Pandy.
Sim, claro que disse. Pelo menos ficas com o panda.
Of course she did.
É claro que te contou.
- Of course she did.
- Claro que perguntou.
Of course she did.
- É normal.
Of course she did because that's where love exists, in delusional fantasies.
Claro que encontrou porque é aí que o amor existe, em fantasias ilusórias.
Of course, she knew that nothing I did or was done to could ever cancel out our love, the pleasure we gave each other.
Claro que ela sabia que nada do que fiz, ou do que me fizeram poderia anular o nosso amor, o prazer que dávamos um ao outro.
- Yes, of course she did, sir.
Sim, claro que caiu.
Nor did I, of course, it's still mine, as well she knows.
E não dei, são minhas, ela sabe disso.
Of course not. - Then how did she know?
- Então, como é que descobriu?
- Of course she did.
Claro que gostou.
Of course, it's a trick, but how did she do it?
Claro que é um truque, mas como é que ela o fez?
During the course of the incident, did she display any doubt, any fear..... when she had to make these life-and-death decisions?
Durante o incidente, ela mostrou ter dúvidas, qualquer receio, quando tinha de tomar decisões de vida ou de morte?
Of course she did it.
É claro que ela o fez.
She did teach me strength and... assisted of course by the usual Scarran incentives, I was also taught endurance.
Ela me ensinou a ser forte, e... com a assistência dos estímulos comuns dos scarianos... também aprendi a tolerância.
Of course she did.
- Claro que foi.
Did I- -? She was checked. Of course she was checked.
Claro que ela foi examinada.
Of course she did.
Of course you did, and she knew that.
Claro que amava, e ela sabia disso.
Of course, she did.
Claro que disse.
Of course, she did have a hard life.
Bom, ela teve uma vida dura.
Of course we talked to her about it, but she did it again the very next night, almost broke her collarbone.
É claro que falamos com ela sobre isso, mas ela fê-lo de novo na noite seguinte, quase que lhe partiu a clavícula.
One month ago, she did a two-week course of high-dose prednisone for URl-associated bronchospasm.
Há um mês, fez um tratamento de 2 semanas de prednisona para broncoespasmos.
Of course when she eventually found out after a couple of years, she punished me in the right way, she banished me, impoverished me but she did the right thing because any woman would do that and I should have learned from it and not gotten into another liaison.
Claro que quando ela descobriu depois de uns anos, ela me puniu direitinho, afastou-se de mim, privou-me de muitas coisas, mas fez a coisa certa porque qualquer mulher faria isso, e eu deveria ter aprendido e não me metido em nenhum outro caso.
Of course she did.
Claro que sobreviveu.

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