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Problem was перевод на португальский

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My problem was you, so you'd have a great life ahead.
O meu problema eras tu, que tens um futuro brilhante.
The problem was you.
O problema foste tu.
I wanted to ask you for that number to call and see if she went to see the doctor that week and what her problem was.
Queria perguntar-lhe por esse número para ligar a saber se ela visitou o médico nessa semana e qual era o problema que tinha.
If we chelate, we're not gonna know what disease he had, which means we're not gonna know if the problem was in his lousy old job or his still-lousy new life.
Se fizermos quelação, não vamos saber qual a doença tem, o que significa que não vamos saber se o problema estava no antigo péssimo trabalho dele ou na sua péssima nova vida.
Their problem was that, together with Cuba they acquired the debt incurred by the Spanish colonial regime.
O problema foi que, para além de Cuba, também ficaram com as dívidas contraídas pelo regime colonial espanhol.
Problem was, who's gonna trust a kid?
O problema era que ninguém ia confiar num miúdo.
Whose problem was he?
E era um problema para quem?
And then I'm gonna use whatever it is they find to make you wish that your biggest problem was keeping this job that you seem to hate so much.
E depois, vou usar qualquer coisa que eles encontrarem, para fazê-la desejar, que o seu maior problema, vai ser manter o seu emprego o qual parece que detesta tanto.
We wanted to know how widespread this problem was.
Queríamos saber como é que esse problema foi gerado.
It's not a who, it's a what. Dreibach is doing business with them, and I think that's where the problem was.
É uma empresa com quem a Dreibach está a negociar, daí estes problemas.
An hour ago, you didn't even think there was a problem.
Há uma hora, nem achavas que havia problemas.
Tipo, eu não sabia que era um problema.
So this Drew, he hang out with anyone who was violent, had a drug problem?
O Drew andava com alguém violento, que era drogado?
- So, what was the problem?
- Qual era o problema?
I'm afraid there was a bit of a problem.
Temo que houve um problema.
It was a problem. We were trying to teach this chimp sign language and nobody in the house really was fluent in sign language.
era um problema. estavamos a tentar ensinar linguagem gestual a um chimpanzé e ninguém cá em casa sabe realmente linguagem gestual.
It was a problem.
era um problema.
I was at ultimate practice... yes, I have a problem.
Estava a treinar. Tenho um problema.
Martha Elkin's blood pressure was slightly elevated, but I let her rest and I retook it and it's fine, so it should be no problem.
A TA da Martha Elkin estava ligeiramente elevada, mas deixei-a descansar, voltei a medi-la e está bem.
He was discharged because of an alcohol problem.
Foi dispensado devido a um problema com o álcool.
Did you have a problem or was that scheduled?
Teve algum problema, ou já estava marcado?
No problem, Lou Good jump So she was not there to dance?
Está tudo bem Lou, estou bem, quero apenas dançar.
That was always my problem in chess, making too many false assumptions.
Essa sempre foi a minha falha no xadrez, fazer muitas presunções erróneas.
So you think he was facing a work problem?
Acha que tinha problemas no trabalho?
Yeah, it was some kind of personnel problem.
Sim, algum problema pessoal.
I have just received exclusive word that tonight's blackout was not caused by an electrical grid problem as reported earlier.
Acabei de receber uma informação exclusiva de que o apagão de hoje não foi causado por um problema na rede eléctrica, como foi dito anteriormente.
I wasn't aware that there was a problem.
Não sabia que havia um problema.
She problem told you that he was abusing her, right?
Se calhar disse-lhe que ele abusava dela, certo?
Was I sacrificing truth for expedience in shipping the problem to South America?
Estaria eu sacrificando a verdade pelo mais vantajoso ao mandar o problema para a América do Sul?
That was a big part of the problem over there.
Isso era grande parte do problema.
Hey, no problem. My tech was nothing against him.
Não tens que agradecer, a minha tecnologia não chegava contra ele.
That was a big part of the problem.
- Sim. Foi uma grande parte do problema.
Was there a problem with the maitre d'?
- Houve problema com o funcionário? - Não.
You did what was best for you, and I got no problem with that.
Fez o que era melhor para si e por mim, tudo bem.
Yes, there was a problem with the credit card.
Sim, querida, houve um problema com o teu cartão de crédito.
♪ Oh, if there was a problem, you can't solve it ♪
* Se houver um problema, podes resolvê-lo *
Actually, there was a problem.
Na verdade, houve um problema.
He vomited a lot, was not walking. It seemed like a problem. Then he had facial paralysis..
O Adam vomitava exageradamente, não andava, sabíamos que havia um problema, e depois veio a paralisia facial, aqui.
But there was a problem with this machine.
Mas havia um problema com esta máquina.
If there was a problem, you'd tell me, right?
Se houvesse um problema, você dizia-me, certo?
What was the problem?
Que aconteceu?
In Portugal, decriminalization does not mean depenalization. There is still a clear disapproval towards drug consumption. But the stigma attached to dealing with the problem through criminal law was eliminated.
As pessoas poderão pensar que houve um grande aumento no consumo de canábis por estar disponível legalmente, mas se olharmos para as estatísticas, o consumo é comparável ao de outros países vizinhos.
Hello, I have a problem with my laptop and I was wondering when I could come by to get it fixed.
Olá, eu tenho um problema com meu laptop e perguntou se ele poderia Eu vou para organizá-lo.
The only way to solve the problem of drunkenness, many believed, was to get rid of the saloon.
Muitos acreditavam que a única forma de resolver o problema do alcoolismo era acabar com os bares.
Not at all. It was a movement that was embraced by progressives who thought of this as a fundamental kind of reform, in part because alcoholism was such a terrible problem and particularly a terrible problem for the working class, for the immigrant poor.
Foi um movimento defendido por progressistas que a encaravam como uma reforma fundamental, em parte porque o alcoolismo era um problema tão terrível, sobretudo para a classe operária e para os imigrantes pobres.
The same problem is true, of course, at the state level. It became increasingly clear that you needed national regulation, that something needed to cover the whole country if it was going to prohibit alcohol in a general way.
Era evidente a necessidade de regulamentação nacional, de algo que abrangesse o país todo, se era para proibir o álcool de forma geral.
The only problem from the point of the view of the drys was that Father Knickerbocker was holding a conspicuous huge beer mug in his hand.
O único problema do ponto de vista dos abstêmios... HISTORIADOR... era o Father Knickerbocker ter uma óbvia e enorme caneca de cerveja na mão.
You know what his problem was?
Sabe qual era o problema dele?
I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with.
Tenho um problema e queria que me ajudasse.
Happily, the Fiat was small enough, but I had another problem.
Felizmente, o Fiat era pequeno o bastante, mas eu tinha um outro problema.
What was her problem?
Qual é o problema dela?

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