Put her down перевод на португальский
614 параллельный перевод
You put her down and you save me.
Ponha-a no chão e salve-me.
Put her down and keep her down.
Pouse-o de uma vez por todas!
Now, put her down.
Agora, pouse!
If she gets cold, you can put her down in the cabin.
Se ela sentir frio, pode levá-la para a cabina.
Put her down.
- Now, cowboy, put her down.
- Já o avisei. Largue-a.
- You're gonna put her down?
- Quer largá-la agora?
Consuelo tell me put her down.
A Consuelo disse para eu a pôr no chão.
All right, flyboy, you can put her down now.
Muito bem, piloto, podemos descer.
Are we gonna put her down?
We're gonna have to put her down before this one quits, too.
Devemos aterrizar antes que falhe este.
- Put her down there, 99.
- Pouse isso, 99.
Don't ask any questions and put her down!
Quem? Não faças perguntas.
A moment ago you told me to put her down.
Ainda agora me disseste para anotá-la.
Yes, Matejickova, put her down - Matejickova, well...
Sim, Matejickova, deixa ficar. Matejickova, bem...
Put her down, you dirty dog!
Põe-a no chão, cão sujo!
Put her down!
Põe-a no chão!
Put her down carefully.
Pouse-a com cuidado.
- You put her down right there.
- Ponha aqui.
Put her down!
He told me to put her down.
Disseram-me para pô-la no chão.
I'll put her down, see if I can get a connection.
Eu desço a nave, para ver se consigo ligação.
I'm going to put her down there myself, and keep her there until she finds it, and it is as simple as that.
Na próxima maré baixa, vou pô-la lá em baixo! E fica lá até o encontrar! É tão simples como isso.
- I think I'll put her down.
- Vou deitá-la. - Adeus.
All right, put her down here.
Vamos colocá-la aqui.
I'm gonna put her down right there.
Vou aterrar ali.
- Put her down!
- Coloque-a no chão!
Put her down.
Pousa-a. Pousa-a.
I'm gonna go and put her down. Bedtime!
Vou colocá-la na tenda.
I was just trying to put her name down for when she's three, like I put Belinda's name down, and Perry's.
Estava a tentar pôr o seu nome para quando já tiver três anos, como pus o nome da Belinda, e o nome do Perry.
Look, Janice apparently went upstairs to change. She put on her nightgown, heard a noise, came down, and surprised this burglar.
A Janice deve ter ido lá acima vestir a camisa de noite, ouviu um barulho, desceu e surpreendeu o ladrão.
If he should put Ann down and they fly close to pick him without her...
- Aviões. Se ele largar a Ann e eles conseguirem aproximar-se - para o apanhar sem a ferir...
- Did you put it down for her?
- Puseste-lho?
No Saxon princess seeks homage from the men who took her lands by conquest threw down her ancient laws and put her subjects to the sword.
Uma princesa saxã não procura homenagem dos homens que lhes tomaram terras desprezaram leis antigas e colocaram-os sujeitos ao jugo da espada.
Let the record show that the witness stepped down and walked to a place alongside the defendant and put her hand on his shoulder.
Que fique registado na acta que a testemunha desceu, caminhou até ao arguido e colocou-lhe a mão no ombro.
Put her down here.
Coloque-a aqui.
Put her down!
One afternoon I put my hand down her blouse.
Uma tarde, meti-lhe a mão na blusa.
Look... ... why don't you keep your side down and put her side up?
Olha, por que não desces do teu lado e sobes do lado dela?
Then we're gonna put her in the furnace, melt her down till she's liquid iron.
Depois ponho-o no forno e derreto-o até que se torne apenas em ferro líquido.
She forgot to put down her window shades one night.
Uma noite, esqueceu-se de fechar as persianas.
She put her foot down.
No outro dia, encostou-me à parede :
- Put down the axe. - I'm going to kill her!
- Arvid, deixa disso....
Just tell her to put down the phone and walk straight out the front door.
Diz-lhe apenas para pousar o telefone e que saia pela porta da frente.
Yes, we'll put her right down through there over that ridge.
Sim, vamos fazê-la passar por aquela cordilheira.
Put her legs down.
Levante-lhe as pernas.
Tell her to keep you there, put you in bed, give you lots of liquids. I'm gonna write it all down.
Diga que fique na cama... e que te dê muitos líquidos.
We're going to have to put her down.
Temos de pousá-lo.
Put her down!
- Deixa-me ir!
But if we could get a major car company to put this engine in production, I could settle down, finally make some sort of normal life for her.
Mas se uma companhia automobilística... fabricar este motor, eu poderei aposentar-me... e oferecer-lhe uma vida normal.
We slept her in the tent. I zipped it up when I put Reagan down.
Fechei o fecho da tenda quando pus o Reagan a dormir.
put her there 45
put her through 41
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
put her through 41
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41