Steve jobs перевод на португальский
225 параллельный перевод
- Steve Jobs?
Steve Jobs?
I don't know if you've met Steve Jobs. Yes.
Não sei se conhece Steve Jobs.
To tell you the truth, I was perfectly happy to be president of Pepsi-Cola until Steve Jobs came to recruit me and said :
Estava muito feliz como presidente da Coca-Cola... Até Steve Jobs me chamar e dizer...
We created the mouse and all the rest of it, and now these idiots in New York want to show it all to Steve Jobs.
Nós criamos o mouse e tudo o resto. Agora, Nova Iorque quer que mostremos tudo ao Jobs.
Paul. Hi, Steve Jobs. - Hi.
- Oi, Steve Jobs.
- Steve Jobs is killing us. Ballmer!
Steve Jobs está a destruir-nos.
Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs!
The weird thing was Steve Jobs was the one guy Bill would never yell at.
O Jobs era o único gajo com quem o Bill não gritaria. Era o contrário.
Steve Jobs, truly a guiding light.
Steve Jobs, uma luz guia.
We can, but thanks to Steve Jobs, we don't have to.
Podemos, mas graças ao Steve Jobs, não temos de o fazer.
- Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.
Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.
Is Steve Jobs on page one?
O Steve Jobs está na página um?
Steve Jobs, Steven Wozniak, Steve Ballmer.
Steve Jobs, Steven Wozniak, Steve Ballmer.
Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Steve Jobs, Sumner Redstone my doctor, my dentist, my accountant, my mother.
Do Spielberg, do Clint Eastwood, do Steve Jobs, do Sumner Redstone, do meu médico, do meu dentista, do meu contabilista, da minha mãe. - Do teu dentista?
Now, either that cost more than 25 bucks, or I'm seriously starting to doubt Steve Jobs'business strategies. Thanks!
Ou isto custa mais de 25 dólares, ou começo a duvidar das estratégias comerciais do Steve Jobs.
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, Kobe and LeBron, Jolie and Aniston.
Como o Bill Gates e o Steve Jobs, o Kobe e o Lebron... A Jolie e a Aniston.
Isn't it written somewhere in the Baby Boomer Code Book that you must own a certain percentage of anything Steve Jobs makes?
Não está escrito algures, no livro de código do "baby boomer" que tem de ter uma certa percentagem de coisas feitas pelo Steve Jobs?
It's like Steve Jobs and God got together to say, "We love you, Phil."
É como se Deus e o Steve Jobs se reunissem e dissessem : "Phil, nós amamos-te".
He and Steve Jobs started it... Yeah,
Ele e o Steve Jobs...
It's still six spots above Steve Jobs.
Está seis lugares acima do Steve Jobs.
He actually encouraged Bill Gates to go in one direction while... pushing Steve Jobs to go in another.
Encorajou o Bill Gates a ir numa direcção enquanto empurrava o Steve Jobs noutra direcção.
That upstart's name was Steve jobs.
O nome da nova celebridade era Steve Jobs. - Pedido negado!
It's a bad attempt at competing with Steve Jobs.
É uma má tentativa de competir com o Steve Jobs.
- Are you Steve Jobs?
- É o Steve Jobs?
And then there's Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
E também há o Steve Jobs e o Bill Gates.
Devon, the woman has the technical savvy of Steve Jobs.
Devon, a mulher tem o conhecimento técnico do Steve Jobs.
Not exactly feeling like the next Steve Jobs.
Não me sinto propriamente o próximo Steve Jobs.
Last month, I had a working dinner with Steve Jobs.
O mês passado... tive um jantar de negócios com o Steve Jobs.
Around the world, devoted fans mourned the death of Steve Jobs, the force of nature behind Apple.
... e definem o consumo "cool" em todo o mundo, tendo sido glorificados pelo homem que personificava a marca.
No-one had quite that mixture of arrogance, humility, talent and presence, which Steve Jobs had.
... e um tirano. O Steve Jobs a gritar com alguém, com toda a sua força, era uma coisa muito assustadora para a maioria das pessoas.
Steve Jobs yelling at you with his full force is kind of a pretty frightening thing for most people. How did a drug-taking college dropout create one of the most successful corporations in the world?
Esta é a história de como Steve Jobs levou a Apple de uma garagem suburbana à supremacia global.
His hippy background made him a better billionaire.
This is the inside story of how Steve Jobs took Apple from a suburban garage to global supremacy.
A Apple nunca foi uma empresa completamente convencional.
And hyped by Steve Jobs himself.
Jobs aderiu às duas coisas.
It was talked about and it was literally focusing on a revolution.
Tanto quanto sei, o Steve Jobs sempre teve a ambição de mudar o mundo.
Apple was still following the marketing template set out all those years ago. This year, Steve Jobs was centre stage for the launch of its latest tablet.
Pessoas dessas têm outra perspetiva no debate sobre se a tecnologia é boa ou má.
Steve Jobs always had that ambition to change the world. And he expected to do that by empowering, um... everybody.
Em 1976, Wozniak e Jobs começaram a vender o computador Apple I a partir da garagem da família de Jobs.
The Homebrew Computer Club had ideas of how small, little people who knew things about computers could change the world, could become masters.
Há grandes parcerias pelo mundo fora, como entre o John Lennon e o Paul McCartney e entre o Steve Jobs e o senhor. Entre vocês, quem era o John e quem era o Paul?
Steve Jobs later said he'd set up the business almost by chance.
Em 1981, a IBM lançou a sua resposta ao Apple II, o IBM PC.
It wasn't, "I only want money." It was Wozniak's next computer, which propelled Apple into the stratosphere.
A busca de Steve Jobs levou-o até Nova Iorque e a John Sculley, presidente da empresa de refrigerantes Pepsi.
Steve Jobs'search took him to New York and to John Sculley, President of the soft drinks company, Pepsi.
É que Jobs não agia num vácuo intelectual.
I'm Steve Jobs.
Sou Steve Jobs.
Steve gave us all jobs.
O Steve deu-nos trabalho a todos.
The deal comes with a steep price for the combined workforce of 128,000, with as many as 20,000 employees expected to lose their jobs when operations are integrated.
A firma Steve Price, que emprega 120.000 pessoas, anunciou que pelo menos 20.000 serão despedidos, para cortar despesas.
Apple's hi-tech products have inspired fervour.
Ninguém tinha aquela mistura de arrogância, humildade, talento e presença que o Steve Jobs tinha.
# Come gather round, people wherever you roam... # The young Steve Jobs came to believe technology COULD change the world.
Wozniak trabalhou sem parar para entregar a sua parte, mas mais tarde descobriu que Jobs lhe pagou consideravelmente menos de metade da quantia que tinha recebido da Atari.
Jobs found himself at the centre of two colliding worlds. The hippy movement and computers.
Não achou que não podia confiar no Steve ou que ele era demasiado astuto para si?
Jobs was inspired by the counter culture to believe society was there to be reshaped.
E o Steve disse : "Sim, talvez não seja possível reaver o nosso dinheiro, mas, pelo menos, finalmente teremos a nossa própria empresa." Ena pá.
He was asked by the fledgling computer company Atari to design a new Breakout game. Jobs asked Wozniak to do it in just four days, telling his friend they would share the fee.
O Steve focava-se muito na ideia de que se uma pessoa conseguisse construir coisas e vendê-las, ser-lhe-ia possível ter uma empresa, e de que ela só ganharia dinheiro e importância na sociedade se apostasse em empresas.
Buyers had to add their own case. The birth of Apple as a company had been masterminded by Jobs, a hippy with a business brain.
O Steve era o presidente da Apple, mas não era visto como uma pessoa que tivesse estatuto e maturidade suficientes para administrar a empresa.
One thinks of Lennon and McCartney and you and Steve Jobs. Who was Lennon, who was McCartney?
A forma como Jobs convenceu Sculley a aceitar o cargo entrou para a história do mundo dos negócios.
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