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The deal was перевод на португальский

1,736 параллельный перевод
I thought the deal was supposed to close next week.
Pensei que o negócio era suposto ser fechado na próxima semana.
The deal was $ 100,000.
O negócio foi de US $ 100.000.
The deal was I got bill drunk.
O acordo era embebedar o Bill.
The deal was for one book.
O combinado foi um livro.
The deal was brokered by an American in the oil business.
O acordo foi quebrado por um americano do ramo petrolífero.
No, the deal was that if either of us ever got a girlfriend we'd have her fix the other one up with one of her friends.
O acordo era que, se um de nós alguma vez tivesse uma namorada, lhe pediria que arranjasse uma namorada para o amigo.
My end of the deal was to take out Kevin, for one, prove to Nate I was down for the long run for two, set up this insurance policy so there wouldn't be anymore of this tattletale bullshit.
O meu acordo final foi eliminar o Kevin, Por um lado provava ao Nate que não pretendia fugir ; Em segundo, assegurava desta maneira que se acabavam as lamúrias e desistências.
The deal was for you and a singer.
O acordo eras tu e uma cantora.
So the deal was sealed.
Assim, o negócio foi selado.
The deal was, just help build the windmill.
O negócio era, apenas ajudar a construir o moinho.
The deal was Hassan for the bomb.
- O acordo era o Hassan pela bomba.
But I was in Paris to finesse the deal.
Mas eu estava em Paris para tratar do negócio.
If I ever hear you tried to cut a deal on me or tried to roll on me, i'm gonna let the streets know you was ratting'franzine out.
Se eu ouvir por aí que me tentaste dedurar, todos saberão que entregou Franzine.
What was the deal when we first started this?
Qual foi o acordo quando começamos isso?
Frank suspected he was signing a deal with the wrong brother.
O Frank suspeitava que ele fosse assinar o acordo com o irmão errado.
Be better for the guys if they knew there was another dope deal lined up.
Não te parece melhor o pessoal saber que há outro traficante de droga ali fora?
No matter what the test said, and I thought I'd just- - I'd put it off and deal with it after the baby was born.
Pensei em... ignorá-lo e lidar com ele depois do bebé nascer.
Some kind of deal was going down ; I wanted the details.
Algo estava a acontecer e eu queria os detalhes.
Hey. We got a lead on the mystery deal Shelley was tracking.
Temos uma pista do negócio que Shelley estava rastreando.
That was part of the deal.
Fazia parte do acordo.
I was contacted by a geologist, a brilliant guy named Dale Allen Pfeiffer, who introduced me to the concept of peak oil and the basic issues about energy and helped me to realize that there was a great deal of evidence in 2001,
Fui contactado por um geólogo, um tipo brilhante chamado Dale Allen Pfeiffer, que me introduziu ao conceito do Pico do Petróleo e aos assuntos básicos sobre a energia e que me ajudou a perceber que havia uma substancial quantidade de evidências, em 2001,
Figured if whoever he made the deal with wasn't holding up their end of the bargain, why was he?
Que pensou que se o outro não estava a cumprir a sua parte, porque haveria ele de o fazer?
So if Charlotte was raped and ended up getting pregnant by a rapist and decided to keep the baby, that would be a deal breaker, right?
Se a Charlotte fosse violada, ficasse grávida do violador e decidisse ficar com o bebé, isso seria motivo para tu a deixares, certo?
he said he would take less, But only if... I was willing to... Offer him something to sweeten the deal.
Ele disse que aceitaria menos, mas só se... eu estivesse disposta a... oferecer alguma coisa que tornasse o acordo mais doce.
And I was like, " Dude, what's the big deal, okay?
E eu : " O que foi? É a Disneylândia.
Your plan was to cut a deal with one of my cohorts, make your demands, and return the ring only when they'd been met.
O teu plano era fazer um acordo, com alguém da minha corte fazer as tuas exigências, e devolver o anel só quando fosse atendida.
That's a Mexican standoff, and that was not the deal.
Isso é um duelo à mexicana e não foi o acordado.
Lew was the real deal.
O Lew era um caso sério.
- We brought them here, that was the deal.
- Aqui não. - Trouxemos-os aqui ; Esse era o acordo.
Mein Plan was to get both sides to sign a peace deal in front of the world's press, making Brüno über famous.
O meu plano era conseguir que ambos os lados assinassem um acordo de paz em frente da imprensa internacional, tornando Bruno super famoso.
Well... the whole deal with your mom, it was - it was hard on everybody.
Bem, a situação da tua mãe era difícil para todos.
The last thing Schumer told Ella was that Clément was giving him information on an IBBC arms deal.
Lembra-te que a última coisa que o Schumer disse à Ella foi que o Clément lhe ia dar informações sobre um negócio de armas do IBBC.
There was a deal, and your soul is the price.
Havia um acordo e o preço era a tua alma.
My dad was pushing a lid open with the Aryans making a deal with the Bloods.
O meu pai estava a pôr-se em aberto com os Arianos, fazendo o acordo com os Bloods.
Either deal with this privately tonight, or explain to your clients in the morning why you let the whole world know that Louis Tobin was screwing a towel girl half his age.
Ou trata disto em privado, esta noite, ou explica aos seus clientes, de manhã, por que deixou que o mundo inteiro soubesse que o Louis Tobin andava enrolado com uma empregada com metade da idade dele.
That was the deal.
Esse foi o contrato.
It was the act of taking the shoes that was the big deal... and the fact that he's been lying the whole time I've known him.
É no roubo dos sapatos que está o problema... e no facto de ele ter estado a mentir sempre desde que o conheci.
It's funny because at the end of the day, it's really no big deal, but... you remember a while ago, when I was having some tax problems and I wanted to take out a loan against the business?
É engraçado, porque no fim de contas, nem é um problema, mas... Lembras-te quando tive alguns problemas com o fisco e eu queria fazer um empréstimo pela clínica?
I was closing a deal for the boss.
Fui fechar um negócio do patrão.
He was doing a deal with the Americans, arms and intelligence for the both of us.
Ele fez um acordo com os americanos, armas e informações por nós.
He was doing a deal with the Americans after intelligence for the both of us.
Entregava-nos aos americanos, após interrogar-nos.
So the fact that your dad was at those games for you Is a big deal.
O facto de que o teu pai estava naqueles jogos para te ver é algo importante.
I was a good deal depressed by the situation...
Estava deprimido pela situação.
I mean, what was the deal yesterday with the safe key? Huh?
O que foi que se passou ontem com a chave da caixa?
Schue, that was the deal from the beginning.
Schue, era esse o acordo desde o princípio.
That was the deal.
Esse era o trato.
And then we kept talking and I was, like, what's the big deal?
Mas continuámos a falar e acabei por pensar que isso não tem importância.
Being your private lynch mob was never part of the deal.
Ser teu carrasco particular nunca fez parte do acordo.
Kill the deal, or I turn myself in to the U.S. Attorney and tell him my statement was a pack of lies you fed me.
Acaba com o acordo, ou entrego-me ao procurador federal e digo-lhe que a minha declaração foi um monte de mentiras que me pediste para dizer.
Kill the deal or I turn myself in to the U.S. Attorney and tell him my statement was a pack of lies you fed me.
Acaba com o acordo, ou entrego-me ao procurador federal e digo-lhe que a declaração foi um monte de mentiras que me pediste para dizer.
Killing my father, taking Anabelle, that was never part of the deal.
Matar o meu pai, raptar a Annabelle, não fazia parte do acordo.

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