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The village перевод на португальский

6,498 параллельный перевод
He and Heather Lanning were sent to the village to study the outbreak and help with the infected.
Ele e a Heather Lanning foram enviados para a aldeia para estudar o surto e ajudar com os infectados.
We noticed something in one of the photos of the village.
Sim? Percebemos algo numa das fotos da vila.
Your family were among those who were infected in the village, right?
A sua família estava entre os que foram infectados na vila, certo?
The village where they got most of the supplies, many of the people were killed by the earthquake.
A aldeia de onde eles mais tiraram mantimentos, muitos das pessoas foram mortas pelo terramoto.
The village where we take our prisoners of war.
Na vila para onde levamos os nossos prisioneiros de guerra.
The derre frigid bastard who only running down the village redeligste man and let him remain and bleed to death on the roadside.
O canalha que atropelou o homem mais honesto da cidade e o deixou à beira da estrada, a sangrar até à morte.
- I'll need to see how the village turned out.
- Preciso de ver como vai ficar a vila.
For what happened at the village.
Pelo que aconteceu na aldeia.
You were with him at the village.
Estavas com ele na aldeia.
Finn wasn't the only one at the village.
O Finn não era o único na aldeia.
Enough Grounders saw him at the village.
Terrenos suficientes viram-no na aldeia.
They want photos taken in the village, bro.
Querem tirar fotografias na aldeia, mano.
In civilizations past, when someone in the village was murdered the League would kill 50 people a day until the criminal was rooted out.
No passado, quando alguém na aldeia era assassinado, a Liga matava 50 pessoas por dia até o verdadeiro criminoso ser erradicado.
There's talk in the village that the dead are still with us.
Diz-se nas aldeias que os mortos ainda estão connosco.
And a woman in the village claims that all this death And injustice has left a door open Between this world and the next and some of the dead
E uma mulher da aldeia afirma que toda esta morte e injustiça deixou uma porta aberta entre este mundo e o próximo, e alguns dos mortos estão no lado errado.
There once was a village where there was a very happy family who employed all the villagers.
Havia uma vila, onde havia uma família feliz que empregava todos os moradores.
He was selling her to someone in the village.
Ele estava a vendê-la a alguém na vila.
She took a room in the village.
Está hospedada na aldeia.
We grabbed all the elders from the village and couldn't believe what we found.
Trouxemos todos os idosos da aldeia. Nem acreditámos no que encontrámos.
How long have you kept a place in the village?
- Há quanto tempo tendes casa na aldeia?
I went into the village and asked about this boy, and no one had heard of him.
Fui à aldeia, e fiz perguntas sobre o rapaz, e ninguém tinha ouvido falar dele.
Narcisse said this boy was injured outside of a village church, but he's not from the village or anywhere near here.
O Narcisse disse que o rapaz foi ferido à porta da igreja, mas ele não é da aldeia nem daqui de perto.
Lord Condé tells me the injured boy isn't even from the village.
D. Conde disse-me que o rapaz aleijado não é da aldeia.
I've sent for a man from the village Marc actually came from.
Mandámos chamar um homem da aldeia onde o Marco morava.
Thanking the village of noyon For their love.
De agradecimento à aldeia de Noyon pelo seu amor.
If this is about the village this morning, I didn't ask you because things there are still tense.
Se é por causa da viagem à aldeia, não te chamei, porque as coisas ainda estão tensas.
Reynaud's back at the village with a girl.
O Reynaud está na aldeia com uma rapariga.
Twice a week, I deejay at a club in the Village.
Duas vezes por semana, sou DJ num clube nocturno, em Village.
Uh, there's a shop in the village that sells the loveliest hairpieces.
Existe uma loja na aldeia que vende lindos acessórios.
I was on my way back to court from the village, as I said, and realized my horses needed tending.
Bom, regressava à Corte vinda da aldeia, como disse, e vi que os cavalos precisavam de cuidados.
I told you, I was on my way back from the village.
Já vos disse, estava de regresso ao Castelo.
Better than the beach? A Bedouin village about an hour from here.
Uma aldeia Beduína a, aproximadamente, uma hora de viagem.
The disease tore through a village in Bolivia called Campiza.
A doença arrasou uma vila na Bolívia, chamada Campiza.
Lanning and Weaver arrived at the Bolivian village two days after the first infections were reported, identified the pathogen as Ibare.
A Lanning e o Weaver chegaram à vila boliviana, dois dias após as primeiras infecções terem sido comunicadas, identificado o patogénico como Ibare.
So, what are you doing, hanging out in the West Village in a gay bar?
E o que é que estás a fazer num bar "gay" em West Village?
So, Reagan, you're gonna partner with Demarest, and you're gonna stay on the West Village beating.
- Então, Reagan... vais fazer equipa com o Demarest, no caso de West Village.
But what we do know is that there's a River Glen in Putnam County, New York, and we can place two former football players in the West Village the night of the incident, so there you go.
Mas, aquilo que sabemos é que existe um River Glen em Putnam County, Nova Iorque, e podemos colocar dois ex-jogadores de futebol americano em West Village na noite do incidente, então, é isso.
I tried to organize a protest in my village on the 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Square.
Tentei organizar um protesto na minha vila no 25º aniversário da Praça da Paz Celestial.
Which way to the village?
Qual é o caminho para a aldeia?
My parents were killed in the Hunan Province along with everyone else in their village.
Os meus pais foram mortos na província de Hunan com todas as pessoas da aldeia.
Komoyo called me yesterday, and she said the soldiers had entered their village.
Komoyo ligou-me ontem, e disse que os soldados entraram na sua vila.
He was like the Mayor of Olympic Village.
Ele era quase o prefeito da Aldeia Olímpica.
I tried to curb my cravings in this little shop in the West Village in New York, but they fill them with prune jelly.
Tentei satisfazer o meu desejo numa pequena loja em Nova lorque, mas são recheadas com geleia de ameixa.
An My village- - that's where the photo was taken.
Vilarejo An My, onde esta fotografia foi tirada.
- Yeah. There's a bar in the west village that has a bunch of ping-pong tables, so I thought we could head over there and have a drink, talk, and then, with any luck, things will get uncomfortably competitive.
Há um bar em West Village com mesas de ping-pong, então pensei que poderíamos ir lá, beber alguma coisa, conversar, e, com alguma sorte, as coisas ficarão muito competitivas.
The man from her village.
O homem da aldeia dela.
Tore up the whole village and everyone in it.
Desfez a aldeia inteira e todos os que estavam lá.
There's a village in the north, not far, not near.
Há uma aldeia no Norte, nem longe, nem perto.
All right, she's outside Pasolini's in the East Village.
Ela está no "Pasolini's", em East Village.
And to a queen, what are the problems Of one village girl?
E, para uma Rainha, o que são os problemas de uma rapariga aldeã?
The first piece I ever bought was in Greenwich Village.
A primeira peça que eu comprei foi em Greenwich Village.

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