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They didn't do anything перевод на португальский

147 параллельный перевод
- Didn't you know, they can do anything? - I'm beginning to believe it.
Estou a começar a acreditar.
- But they didn't do anything.
Mas eles não fizeram nada.
I did, I am, I told them you didn't have anything to do with me but they wouldn't listen.
Eu disse que você nada tinha com isso, mas não me ouviram.
Fizeram alguma coisa... de que não gostaram?
They didn't do anything.
Eles não fizeram nada.
They didn't much care for anything else. Cus all they wanted to do was be with each other.
E não se preocupavam muito com nada, porque tudo o que queriam era estar juntos.
They didn't do anything. What?
- Eles não fizeram nada.
I busted their window, and they didn't do anything.
- Dei-lhes cabo do vidro.
They didn't do anything to you.
Eles não lhes fizeram mal nenhum.
And they didn't do anything!
E não fizeram nada!
They didn't do anything to us.
Não nos fizeram nada.
They didn't do anything to us!
Não nos fizeram nada!
Didn't they all have anything better to do?
Não tinham mais nada para fazer?
They didn't do anything!
Eles não fizeram nada!
Peter, they didn't do anything.
Peter, eles não fizeram nada.
It worked. The guy walked in with a fucking phone, not a pistol! - He cleaned the place out and they didn`t do anything,
Um palerma entra por ali só com um telemóvel, sem uma pistola ou espingarda, só a porra dum telefone, limpa os gajos e eles nem mexem um dedo.
I didn't think they could do anything.
Pensei que eles não pudessem fazer nada.
They didn't want anything to do with you before you formed the union.
Já não queriam nada contigo antes de formares o sindicato.
Goddamn it, they didn't do anything to my ass!
Chiça, eles não fizeram nada no meu rabo!
They didn't do anything.
Eles não lhe fizeram nada.
I didn't do anything, and they ruined my life and took everything I had.
Eu não fiz nada e eles deram-me cabo da vida.
They didn't have anything to do with the shooting.
Nada tiveram a ver com o tiroteio.
They didn't do anything.
- Eles não fizeram nada.
I mean, technically, they didn't do anything wrong.
Tecnicamente, não fizeram nada de mal.
I held them up until 12 : 05 then they didn't want anything to do with me
Eu tentei, mas eles não quiseram saber.
They teamed up to form Harris-Kubrick Pictures. The only thing is, we didn't have anything to do.
Em parceria, formaram a Harris-Kubrick Pictures.
It was a very ingenious argument, totally specious because it didn't do anything to answer the charge that they had previously engaged in bullying and various anti-competitive practices.
Este foi um argumento muito ingénuo, totalmente ilusória porque ele não fez nada para responder à acusação de que eles se engajaram em ameaçar e realizar várias práticas anti-competitivas.
There's been a call this morning. There was someone there... but they didn't say anything.
Hoje recebi outra chamada em que do outro lado não falaram.
Hey, they didn't do anything..
Hey, elas não fizeram nada..
- They know I didn't do anything.
- Eles sabem que eu não fiz nada.
They didn't do anything wrong.
Eles não fizeram nada de mal.
Japanese-American citizens were imprisoned there, even though they didn't do anything wrong.
Os cidadãos nipo-americanos foram detidos lá, apesar de não terem feito nada de errado.
I'm sure they're not doing anything we didn't do.
Tenho a certeza que não farão nada que nós não fizéssemos.
Sure they're not doing anything we didn't do.
Tenho a certeza que não farão nada que nós não fizéssemos.
Because for once, they didn't do anything wrong?
Porque, para variar, não fizeram nada de errado?
We don't have our papers, so they didn't do anything!
Não temos documentos, por isso, ninguém fez nada!
And among dozens of locals from the lothians and across southern, they testified that the templars were bad Christians. That they didn't give money to the poor. That they would do anything to get extra land for the order.
E... dúzias de nativos de Lothian e de todo o Sul da Escócia afirmaram que os Templários eram maus cristãos, que não davam dinheiro aos pobres, que fariam tudo para conseguirem mais terras para a ordem
- So they didn't find anything by Pete's car?
- Não encontraram nada perto do carro?
I thought they were my tests and it didn't have anything to do with you.
Eram os meus exames, não era nada contigo.
Well I was at this conference on L functions and elliptic curves and it was kind of a standard conference and all of the people were there, didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, until people started telling me that they'd been hearing weird rumours about ANDREW WILES's proposed series of lectures.
Bem, eu estava nesta conferência sobre funções L e curvas elípticas, e era uma conferência normal e toda a gente estava lá, não parecia haver nada fora do comum, até as pessoas me começarem a dizer que tinham ouvido rumores estranhos sobre as séries de conferências propostas por Andrew Wiles.
They really didn't have anything in common except their due dates.
Não tinham nada em comum à excepção da data do fim da gravidez.
And then I didn't hear anything until Michael Eldridge called from FEMA to say they were in this bunker place.
E foi a realização do Rick. Não saber era a pior parte. Ele ligou de Cheyenne do aeroporto com o Ken.
They didn't call or do anything.
Não telefonaram nem fizeram nada.
They said they'd do anything he wanted if he didn't hurt them.
Disseram-lhe que faziam o que ele quisesse se não as aleijasse.
The museum director said she didn't think they had anything that needed testing.
A directora do museu disse que pensava não haver nada a precisar de ser testado.
Doesn't seem American to lock a person up for something they didn't have anything to do with.
Näo é de americano, prender uma pessoa por algo que a pessoa näo fez.
I didn't do anything wrong, and they fired me.
Não fiz nada de errado e eles despediram-me.
Then they start living their lives like they didn't do anything wrong.
Descontraem e começam a viver as suas vidas como se nada fosse.
I didn't know they were going to do anything to you.
Eu não sabia que eles tinham planos para si.
- But they didn't do anything to me.
- Mas eles não me fizeram nada.
Didn't have anything to do with what they were actually like.
E não tinha necessariamente a ver com o que elas realmente eram.

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