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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ W ] / We'll go with you

We'll go with you перевод на португальский

280 параллельный перевод
- When shall we go? - Ride with us. I " ll give you the answer.
Podemos ir?
- Then we'll go with you.
- Harry, tenho que ir ter com ele.
We'll even go on your honeymoon with you to Virginia City.
Iria de lua-de-mel contigo para Virginia!
We'll go skiing together as you did with Edwardes.
Vamos esquiar como fizeste com o Edwardes.
You'll go with Pappalardo's crew. We just want to give everyone a chance to earn his daily bread.
Não queremos nós que todos ganhem uma côdea de pão?
- Now, we'll go along with you.
Eu faço. Vamos.
We'll go with you to Ourém.
Iremos consigo a Ourém.
We'll go with you to the cova tomorrow.
Iremos contigo à Cova, amanhã.
We'll have to go in with you, sir.
Nós vamos entrar consigo.
- No, I'll go with you. - What do we owe this lousy war?
Como ousa falar assim comigo?
You'll have a date with another woman, and I with another man, and we won't go.
Terá um encontro marcado com outra mulher... e eu, com outro homem, mas não iremos.
Yeah. we used to say : "Wexler. you go ahead and kill anybody you want to. it's a free country. If you do it with hate in your heart you'll end up with nothing but an upset stomach."
Ah, sim. "Wexler, pode matar quem quiser, é um país livre... mas se fizer com ódio no coração vai acabar com uma dor de estômago."
we'll go with you.
Vamos contigo.
We'll go along with you, Major, my son and I.
Eu vou consigo, Major, eu e o meu filho.
Now that you're here with these friends of mine who want to have a good time, we'll go where we like.
Já que estamos aqui, com todos os meus amigos... bons rapazes também, vamos nos divertir um pouco.
I'll look at some more, you go see what's with Taubman, and at dinner, we'll talk it over nice and calm.
Vou procurar mais águas-furtadas, e tu vai falar com o Taubman. Ao jantar, conversaremos com calma.
We'll go on being a territory some more, with a lot of political appointees running it, according to what they learned in some college, where they think that cows are something you milk and Indians are something in front of a cigar store.
Continuaremos a ser território mais algum tempo, com uma data de políticos nomeados a mandarem em nós, de acordo com o que aprenderam numa universidade qualquer, onde pensam que vacas é algo que ordenhas e que índios é algo que se encontra à frente de uma tabacaria.
I promise you one thing, we'll never go back with this outfit.
Prometo-te que nunca vamos voltar com essa patrulha.
No stain, lady, you can not wash with blood. Well, we'll go hunting in the forest of Oden. Health!
não há mancha, que não possa ser lavada senhora com sangue bem, iremos caçar no bosque de Oden saúde uma boa caçada apaga os problemas sim!
I'll even go to Australia with you if we leave right now.
- Vou consigo para Austrália, se for agora.
When we go back to the Territory, you'll be with me.
Quando voltarmos ao Território, estará comigo.
Go now. If you're lucky, as I hope, you'll return with the happy news that we're expecting.
Se a sorte lhes sorrir, como espero... voltem com a boa notícia que queremos.
We'll go if you like and you needn't be friends with us any more, but...
Iremos se quiser e não precisa ser mais nosso amigo, mas...
We'll go with you.
Nós vamos consigo.
Now we'll check this with the authenticator, then you'll be free to go.
Agora vamos conferi-la no autenticador, e poderá ir.
We'll go with you
Vamos com ele!
You'll come back with a new boat. Then we'll both go to Santo Domingo.
Volta com um barco novo e ambos navegaremos para Santo Domingo.
- We'll go with you.
- Nós vamos contigo!
All right. Look. If you get married, we'll all go with you on your honeymoon, all right?
Se você se casar, todos iremos a lua-de-mel!
- I'll go with you. - Hey, we'll all go get him.
- Vamos todos buscá-lo.
We'd leave and the guy with the bread would go up to the counter. "We'll meet you in the car. Go ahead and take the bread out."
Na hora de pagar, o que levava o pão ía à caixa e dizíamos : " esperamos-te no carro.
I must go back to my friends... but we'll be back, and any of you who wish can come along with us.
Devo voltar aos meus amigos. Mas voltaremos, e quem quiser poderá vir conosco.
I'll go with you, but first we must rest.
Eu irei com você. Mas primeiro precisamos descansar.
We'll go with you.
Vamos consigo.
Go on. We'll catch up with you later.
Nós o alcançaremos mais tarde.
We'll hit them with the heaviest barrage of the campaign just before you go over the top.
Vamos dar-lhes com o fogo mais cerrado de toda a campanha, mesmo antes de vocês chegarem ao topo.
Anything I could tell you would be a lie, captain so how about we tag along with you to your destination and then we'll go our separate ways.
Tudo o que lhe disser, capitäo, será mentira. Por isso, que tal irmos com vocês até ao vosso destino e depois seguirmos os nossos caminhos separadamente.
Anything I could tell you would be a lie, captain so how about we tag along with you to your destination and then we'll go our separate ways.
Alguém! Penso que algumas destas plantas säo comestíveis.
We'll go with you.
Está bem, vamos convosco.
After I'm finished winding you up, go upstairs with him and we'll explain what you have to do.
Depois de te dar corda, vai lá para cima que ele explica-te o que tens que fazer.
A roving, a roving Since roving's been my ruin I aim We'll go no more a roving With you fair maid
Vaguear, uma vez que vaguear tem sido a minha ruína espero não mais vagabundear Consigo linda donzela.
Oh yeah, we'll go right into the station and tell them there's a bunch of clowns running around in the hills and killing you with cotton candy?
E dizemos que uns palhaços andam por aí a matar gente com algodão doce?
Geez, you know, I was just going to say we could probably use a little bit more exercise, but, uh, I'll go along with what you said.
Sabes, ia apenas dizer que deviamos fazer mais exercícios, mas vou seguir com o que tu disseste.
Listen, i'll tell you what, we're all gonna go back there with you.
Vou-te dizer uma coisa, vamos todos juntos contigo.
Listen friend, if we want to go tulip picking we'll go with me as top boy and if you want to stop us, then you'll have to come and rumble us
Ouve pá, se queres ir apanhar tulipas iremos comigo à frente. E se nos quiseres parar terás que vir e defrontar-nos.
Why don't you wait downstairs for me and when I finish with the lieutenant... we'll go home and we'll try and figure out just what you think you saw.
Porque não esperas lá em baixo por mim e quando eu terminar aqui... vamos para casa e tentamos descobrir o que foi que viste.
And then, you know, maybe we'll go out for ice cream later with sam malone.
E depois, talvez iremos comer um gelado... Quem é esse?
Then we'll have to go with you.
Portanto temos de ir consigo.
You come with me, we'll go down.
Tu vens comigo até lá, certo?
- Maybe when we go north, you'll take with you more than Eula and your dreams.
Talvez quando formos para o norte, leve mais que a Eula e os sonhos dela.
tomorrow We'll go down there... and you're gonna surprise her With flowers and candy.
Amanhã, vamos até lá... e tu vais surpreendê-la com flores e doces.

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