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Werewolves перевод на португальский

642 параллельный перевод
I'm afraid, sir, that I gave up my belief in goblins, witches, personal devils, and werewolves at the age of six.
Eu temo, senhor, que deixei de acreditar em duendes, bruxas, demónios e... lobisomens... quando tinha seis anos.
Certainly you don't believe those newspaper stories about werewolves?
Não acreditas nas histórias dos jornais sobre lobisomens, pois não?
Certainly, you don't believe in werewolves, do you?
Certamente não acreditas em lobisomens, pois não?
Lobisomens deixam marcas no pescoço, vampiros mordem a garganta.
I used to get sharp pains in my neck and dreamt about werewolves.
Costumava ter dores agudas no pescoço e sonhava com lobisomens.
- Werewolves.
- Lobisomens.
He was talking about werewolves.
Ele falava sobre lobisomens.
Story about werewolves?
Uma história sobre lobisomens?
Warlocks, Werewolves and Demons.
"Bruxos, lobisomens e demônios"
Bats, werewolves, dragons, demons...
Morcegos, lobisomens, dragões, demónios...
pretty, intelligent girl like you believing in werewolves!
bonita, inteligente como tu a acreditar em lobisomens!
In Italy, the people walk around with fresh garlic wrapped around their necks to ward off the werewolves.
Na Itália as pessoas andam com um molho de alhos ao pescoço para afugentarem os lobisomens.
There are no such things as werewolves.
Não há lobisomens.
Marty had read all the legends about werewolves.
Marty já tinha lido todas as lendas sobre lobisomens.
With certain obvious exceptions werewolves are people like anyone else.
Com algumas excepções, um lobisomem é igual a qualquer um.
As a matter of fact, we're almost certain that ghouls and werewolves occupy high positions at City Hall.
Aliás, temos toda a certeza que demónios e lobishomens ocupam altos cargos na Câmara.
There aren't any werewolves or vampires or anything.
Não há lobisomens, nem vampiros, nem nada.
Oh! Vampires, werewolves...
Vampiros, lobisomens...
I don't know what you've heard about the "Werewolves", but you should know that sabotage is still going on as well as liquidations of Germans who cooperate with the Allies.
Não sei o que ouviu dizer sobre os Lobisomens. Mas ainda há sabotagens e os alemães que colaboram com os Aliados são liquidados.
Yeah, yeah. They're not stupid those Werewolves.
Aqueles lobisomens não são estúpidos!
I know silver bullets are werewolves. But I'm sure silver has something to do with vampires.
Eu sei, mas tenho a certeza que também tem a ver com vampiros.
And I supposed next you're gonna to tell me that werewolves exist.
A seguir vai dizer-me que os lobisomens são reais.
Nurses with walking corpses stealing hearts... and monsters and werewolves in the basement and the whole thing with the thing- -
Enfermeiras a roubarem corações... e monstros e lobisomens na cave e juntando umas coisas às outras...
You guys are werewolves too, huh?
Vocês também são lobisomens?
Like vampires. Zombies, werewolves, incubi, succubi...
- E zumbis, lobisomens, incubi, succubi.
You both kill vamps, and who could blame you, but I'm wondering about your position on werewolves.
Ambas matam vampiros, e quem é que pode censurar-vos, mas pergunto-me sobre a vossa posição em relação a lobisomens.
So, the legend that werewolves only prowl during a full moon might be erroneous?
A lenda que lobisomens só caçam durante a lua cheia pode ser errônea?
We're... hunting werewolves.
Estamos... a caçar lobisomens.
- You hunt werewolves for sport? - No, no.
- Caça lobisomens por desporto?
Now I've gotta deal with People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves!
Agora tenho que lidar com Pessoas a Favor do Tratamento Ético de Lobisomens!
The way werewolves always do.
Da maneira que eles fazem sempre.
Think you see werewolves a lot?
Achas que se vêem muitos homens lobos?
Mulder, you wanna talk about werewolves to me, you can knock yourself out.
Se quiser me falar sobre lobisomens, fique à vontade.
Afraid of werewolves?
Teme lobisomens?
And there are werewolves.
E há... Lobisomens.
There's more than werewolves in those trees.
Há mais do que lobisomens naquelas árvores.
Probably got one of his werewolves-in - training to drag his butt out of here.
Deve ter chamado um dos lobisomens - em-treino dele para o arrastar daqui.
You fear werewolves?
Em prata? Por causa dos lobisomens?
- You can't seriously believe in werewolves? .
- Não acreditava nos Lobisomens, pois não?
That's werewolves to you and me.
Há lobisomens para nós.
I've never witness the actual slaughter, but the next day no bodies, no werewolves - - just blood.
Nunca presenciei a matança, mas no dia seguinte... não há corpos, nem Lobisomens... só sangue.
And there were no werewolves in the barn when I blew.
E não havia Lobisomens no estábulo quando o estourei.
Every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost or an angel every story you've ever heard about vampires, werewolves or aliens is the system assimilating some program :
Cada vez que ouves alguém dizer que viu um anjo ou um fantasma ; todas as histórias que ouviste sobre vampiros, lobisomens ou extraterrestres... é o sistema a assimilar um programa qualquer, que está a fazer algo que não devia.
Lobisomens ( ou licantropos ).
But werewolves? TURLEY : Yes, I know.
Mas lobisomem, sim eu sei lobisomem.
There's werewolves and there's hybrid werewolves. The werewolves are normal. Normal werewolves.
Existem lobisomens e lobisomens híbridos agora lobisomens são normais...
- Werewolves?
- Lobisomens?
The Führer called them Werewolves
O "Führer" chamava-lhes seus "Wolfs" *.
That's werewolves.
Faz a lobisomens.
OK, it's funny if you don't believe in werewolves.
É engraçado se você não acredita em lobisomens.

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