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Yes it was перевод на португальский

2,791 параллельный перевод
Yes it was
Sim, foi.
- Yes, it was.
- Foi, sim.
Yes. It was choking and so I gave him sheep-P-R.
Estava a sufocar, e eu ressuscitei-a...
Was it an image? Yes.
- Foi uma imagem?
Yes, it was!
Sim, era!
- Yes, it was.
- Sim, foi.
Yes, I just read it, and I was surprised, because I thought it was, as you thought.
Acabei de ler, fiquei surpreendido, pensava como tu.
Yes, it was a good book, because it was an honest book.
Sim, é um bom livro, porque é sincero.
Yes, it was.
Sim, foste um pouco.
Yes, it was a dark time in your country's history.
Foi uma época difícil na história de seu país.
Yes, it was cool, but that does not make her Nikki Heat.
- Foi fixe, mas não faz dela a Nikki Heat.
Yes, but not to woo her. It was to encourage Sarah, to let me out of my contract for a movie role.
Mas não para cortejá-la e sim encorajá-la a violar o meu contrato para fazer um filme.
Yes. I thought it was a compliment, but, no.
Pensei que fosse um elogio, mas não é.
Yes, I was in a taxi but the driver didn't look at all like the photograph on his license. So I leapt out and ran for it.
Sim, estava num táxi, mas o condutor não se parecia nada com a foto da carta dele, portanto, pus-me em fuga.
Yes, and it was fabu!
Sim e foi fabuloso!
Yes, I read it this afternoon, and, in fact, I was surprised.
- Sim, li-o esta tarde, e fiquei mesmo surpreso.
Yes, well, it was surprisingly satisfying.
Surpreendentemente, foi satisfatória.
Yes, Malcolm, it was nice to meet you, too.
Normalmente, não falo com miúdas tão escuras, mas vou abrir uma excepção.
Yes Maybe it was where announced the shootings.
Sim. Talvez porque era onde anunciavam os fuzilamentos.
Yes, I was going to do it..
Sim, eu ia fazer isso...
Yes. It seems it was a false alarm.
Sim, parece que se tratou de um falso alarme.
Yes, and it was used to kill two Frost sentries in the North.
Sim, e ela foi usada para matar dois sentinelas ao norte.
But it was my suspicion, yes, as to why he invited me into his home. He was a very, very talented chemist, but for reasons I never understood he was more interested in taking shortcuts than what would or could have been a very promising career. Personal shortcomings notwithstanding he was a warm, gentle person and I thought a lot of him.
Mas eu suspeitei que tivesse sido esse o motivo por que me convidou. estava mais interessado em ir por atalhos do que em optar por aquilo que podia ter sido uma carreira promissora. era uma pessoa gentil e calorosa
Yes. It was strange.
Sim, foi estranho.
I see, yes, and your way was better, was it?
Anos? E a sua forma foi melhor, não?
- Yes. Was it them?
- Foram eles?
Yes, it was him.
Sim, foi ele.
Yes, apparently it was the same caliber that I was shot with.
Sim, aparentemente era do mesmo calibre com o qual fui alvejado.
Yes. She was protecting her child. Which is exactly what we'd do if it was our kid in trouble.
Sim, estava a proteger o filho, exactamente o que faríamos se fosse a nossa filha em apuros.
And it was your birthday present, yes.
É o teu presente de aniversário, sim.
Yes, it was so but then we decided that you were more qualifýed.
Sim, mas depois decidimos que a senhora tinha mais qualificações.
Yes, but I pulled it back, it was an accident.
Sim, mas já o puxei outra vez, foi um acidente.
= = He asks : "Are you ready?" and she says, " Yes, it was not much work, and for your information...
Ele diz : "Já terminou?" e ela diz : " Sim, não era muito trabalho, e para sua informação...
- Yeah, well, when you put it like that, yes, I was fired.
- Dito assim... Sim, fui despedida.
Yes there was ; traces of it anyway... whatever it was it just felt wrong.
Alguns traços, seja lá o que for... não era nada bom.
- Yes, of course it was your fault.
- Sim, claro que foi culpa tua.
Yes, it was the price I had to pay.
Sim! Esse foi o preço que tive de pagar.
- Yes. - Based on its curvature, I was able to estimate what it might have been attached to.
- Baseado na sua curvatura, fui capaz de estimar onde podia estar empregado.
- See what and how it was injected. - Yes, ma'am.
Ver o que é, e como foi injectado.
It was your car that blew up, yes?
Foi o seu carro que explodiu, não foi?
Yes, but was it symmetrical?
- Sim, mas era simétrico?
- Yes, it was.
Sim, pois era.
If it was Carl, yes I'd want to know one way or another.
Se fosse o Carl, sim haveria de querer saber de uma maneira ou de outra.
Yes, listen to Dr. He did not even know what it was that attacked him
- Sim, ouve a doutora - Nem sequer sabemos o que o atacou
It was finally arranged that, yes, we would take a very large part of their colony.
finalmente coseguimos resolver isso, sim, tinhamos de retirar uma grande parte da colónia.
Yes. But it was Holt who said he knew where to get ones for a cheaper price.
Mas foi o Holt que disse que sabia onde conseguir umas mais barato.
Yes, but how would they know it was in my suitcase?
Sim, mas como sabiam onde estava?
- Yes, it was an accident.
- Sim, foi um acidente.
Yes, it was called Butterfat Ranch.
Sim, chamava-se Rancho Manteiga.
He was going to sell his beloved beast because he could no longer afford to feed it, but $ 200,000 buys a lot of fish, yes?
la vender o animal porque não tinha como mantê-lo. Mas 200 mil dólares compra muito peixe, não é?
- Yes. It was terrible.
Foi bastante má.

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