You did it in перевод на португальский
1,861 параллельный перевод
I don't know how you did it in Arizona, but here we play as a team.
Não sei como se joga no Arizona, mas aquí jogamos como equipa.
Are you sure Dad-Put his thing into another woman's thing and it felt good and then he did it again and then he probably saw or felt her boobs in the middle of all that?
- Tens a certeza de que o pai... - Pôs o coiso na coisa de outra? Soube-lhes bem e repetiram?
You know as well as I do that 60 % of what he did in office was right, and 30 % may have been wrong, but he thought it was right at the time.
Sabe tão bem como eu que 60 % do que ele fez durante o mandato estava correcto e que 30 % estava errado, mas na altura pensava que era correcto.
But, yes, I will admit there were times I did not fully meet that responsibility and I was involved in a cover-up, as you call it.
Mas, sim, admito que houve momentos em que não estive à altura dessa responsabilidade e que me envolvi num encobrimento, como lhe chamou.
I don't know how in the hell she did it, but it made me kind of glad that... that's what she did, you know?
Não sei como é que ela conseguia, mas fazia-me feliz que fosse essa a ocupação dela, percebe?
Did you have it all set in your head, and now you're happy, because it turned out the way you thought and you get to punish yourself like you wanted to do all along?
Tinhas tudo definido na tua cabeça? E agora estás feliz, porque foi tudo como havias pensado e podes castigar-te a ti mesmo? Como sempre o quiseste?
It's so good to see you. However did you get in?
Gosto tanto de te ver, mas como entraste?
You let them know when I.I.D. Comes callin'that their answer is that they didn't know anything about it, that they did what they were told, they turned in clean run sheets, and they don't know what anyone else sent upstairs for staff review.
Diz-lhes que quando o Departamento lhes ligar, a resposta deles é que não sabiam nada, que fizeram o que lhes mandaram, que entregaram a papelada, e que não sabiam o que foi enviado para avaliação.
Did you call it in?
Did you, like, hear it in his voice?
Percebeste isso na voz dele?
Why in the hell did you try to talk me out of it?
Mas porque tentou convencer-me a recusá-lo?
What you did — what Peter, what Matt did — it got in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish.
O que tu fizeste, o que o Peter, o que o Matt fizeram... meteu-se no caminho daquilo que eu estou a tentar alcançar.
Did you draw me in or did I do it to myself?
Envolveste-me ou eu envolvi-me?
It's lucky that you caught it when you did and brought her in.
Foi uma sorte tê-la detectado nesta altura.
Despite all my warnings for you to reconsider, you looked me straight in the eye and you said you wanted Hodges dead, to make it happen. And I did, and he's dead.
Apesar de todos os meus avisos para você reconsiderar, você me olhou direto nos olhos e disse que queria Hodges morto, para fazer isso acontecer e eu fiz e ele está morto.
I'm a Christian man, or whatever religion dominates the region that I'm selling in, but you have to admit, it did sound like she was talking about the big vajayjay, right?
Sou um homem cristão, ou de qualquer que seja a religião dominante na área em que vendo, mas tens de admitir, parecia mesmo que ela estava a falar da grande pachacha, certo?
Did you get it in there?
Puseste-o lá dentro?
Agnew, did you ever stop to think maybe it's because of the white power structure in this country screwing over minorities, and they make less money, and, you know, don't learn the etiquette of tipping?
Agnew, alguma vez paraste para pensar que talvez seja porque a estrutura de poder Branca neste país está sempre a foder as minorias, e eles ganham menos dinheiro, e, tipo, não aprendem a etiqueta de dar gorjeta?
How did you make it this far in your state?
Como é que chegaste tão longe no teu estado? Não é possível!
Did you see anything in my soul, or was it just empty?
Você viu alguma coisa na minha alma ou vazio?
You did not want to live in the main building, so I hope you'll like it here.
Você não quis ficar na casa principal, então, espero que goste desta aqui.
Somewhere deep in your soul, you know what it was... and yet did nothing.
Em algum lugar, no fundo da tua alma, tu sabias o que era... e ainda assim não fizeste nada.
Yeah, you know, I did think about it, but, like, I think I need a little bit more time just to work everything out in my head.
Sabes, eu pensei nisso, mas acho que talvez precise de mais algum tempo para me habituar à ideia.
Did you take it in?
Você quis levá-la?
It's amazing I did with all that racket you were making in the background.
Consegui mesmo com o escândalo... que estavas a fazer. Não conseguia nem pensar!
Just--did you know both of you live in one of the most perfect places on Earth to get a clear view of it tonight?
Sabem que onde vocês duas estão é o lugar mais perfeito na terra para ver claramente o eclipse?
Did you just leave it all in the locker room?
Deixaram as "bolas" no balneário?
How did you know it was Tom in my dream?
Como é que sabes que era o Tom no meu sonho?
Was he in the spy game as well or did you just fall into it yourself?
Ele também era espião, ou entrou nisso sozinha?
What did you put in it?
Ou que É que colocou nele?
You have dark glasses, and you pull up to the door and you run in, and it's like, " Did anybody see me?
Entrar na Extensions Plus era como uma janta de um filme do James Bond. Usa óculos escuros, Chegas À leva e entra em correr.
And while he's getting his nails dirty, did it ever occur to you to give him the slightest inkling that he is the first true Seeker in a thousand years?
E enquanto ele sujava as unhas, não te ocorreu dar-lhe a menor pista de que ele é o primeiro verdadeiro Seeker dos últimos mil anos?
Did you know it's good luck to start building in the rain?
Sabias que dá muita sorte começar uma construção á chuva?
Then why did you do it in the first place?
Foi por isso que lhe puseste fogo?
"It was you in the car arriving at her house " and shooting three bullets into her son's head, " making her grieve the way she did, blaming me the way she did.
Eras tu naquele carro a chegar a casa dela e que disparou três balas na cabeça do filho, fazendo-a ficar de luto como ficou, culpando-me como me culpou.
Truth is, I haven't thought about what you did in years, but your big apology brought it all back.
A verdade é que eu não pensava no que me fizeste há anos mas o teu pedido de desculpas trouxe tudo de volta.
Então, investiguei-a mais a fundo, o que, devo lembrar, me pediu para fazer, e afinal os pais da Tina morreram num incêndio tinha ela cinco anos.
For example, did you kids know that when something dies in the woods, it affects animal behavior?
Por exemplo, sabiam que quando uma coisa morre na floresta, afecta o comportamento dos animais?
Did you see it in today's paper?
Viste o jornal de hoje?
I don't know.Maybe I did say some things in that interview that I... probably shouldn't have said, but... you know, it's not like I did it on purpose, but...
- Não sei. Talvez tenha dito coisas na entrevista que não deveria ter dito, mas... Não é como se tivesse feito de propósito.
I'm telling you, I'm a bigger menace trying to put this thing in while I'm driving than I would be if I just did it without it, and besides that, I'm already here.
Sou uma ameaça maior tentando colocar isso enquanto dirijo, do que falando normalmente. E além disso, já estou aqui.
You know, your father did write it into the bylaws that any of his children who worked for Ojai would qualify for shares in the company.
Seu pai tinha afirmou que qualquer de seus filhos, que trabalhasse para Ojai poderia ter ações da companhia.
Did you tell the doctors in Philly about it?
- Disse aos médicos em Filadélfia?
It was a caring act. Which you did in a way that was immoral and illegal, but baby steps.
Foi um acto de bondade, cometido de uma maneira imoral e ilegal, mas foi um progresso.
Because after what you two did in that minivan, I wouldn't want to drive it either.
Porque depois do que vocês os dois fizeram naquela carrinha, também não a ia querer conduzir.
Anyway, the point is that I am sad, and I miss you, and I bitterly regret what I did, and it would be very, very nice if you called or, in fact, if we could see each other.
De qualquer forma, a verdade é que eu estou triste, e tenho saudades tuas, e ligeiramente arrependido daquilo que fiz, e seria muito, muito bom se me telefonasses ou, então, se nos podesse-mos encontrar.
Did you ever think maybe she was in it for the sex?
Já pensou que ela podia estar nisso pelo sexo?
Did you ever think maybe she was in it for the sex?
Já pensaste que, se calhar, ela só queria sexo?
All we did was to reflect the lives of people and make it so that you'play'the audience They came in droves to the bank to borrow money and stuff
Mas entretanto, o que fizeram com a campanha foi tê-la franchisado a bancos por todo o país e foi uma espécie de começo a receber alguma atenção para as coisas que se estavam a passar ou se poderiam passar em S.Francisco
What does that have to do with beer? Just want to take part in it, say'Did you see that? I get it'
E se há ali uma verdade, não é uma verdade sobre o produto nem sequer é uma verdade da tua relação com o produto quando o compras
I did something really really fucked up in the past and it's not really something you can undo.
Eu fiz algo mesmo muito estúpido no passado, e... não é exactamente algo que se possa desfazer.
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40