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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ Y ] / You were with me

You were with me перевод на португальский

2,293 параллельный перевод
You know when you were talking earlier about... What it felt like when you thought you were with me?
Sabes quando estavas há pouco a falar sobre... o que sentias quando achavas que estavas comigo?
You were with me.
Tu estavas comigo.
You put me in a room with you and no windows and no doors, and you're gonna wish that you were never born.
Tu colocaste-me num quarto contigo... Sem janelas e sem portas... e tu vais desejar que nunca tivesses nascido.
I do wish you were here with us.
Quem me dera que estivessem aqui connosco.
You were gonna ask for a divorce so you could be with some fucking fuckhead, Brian Speer?
Ias pedir-me o divórcio para estares com a merda de um paspalho, o Brian Speer?
All right, I knew you were a playboy, but you roped me in with your stupid charm.
Está bem. Sabia que eras um playboy, mas tu enredaste-me no teu estúpido encanto.
The guy who kidnapped Danny and tried to kill you and blew me up with grenades you two were like boyfriend, girlfriend?
O tipo que raptou o Danny, tentou matar-te e rebentar-me... com granadas. Vocês eram namorados?
People were handing me things like this big pipe, like a big Indian pipe with feathers on it and books and incense and, you know, all kinds of stuff, and trying to give me drugs and, you know, I'd say, "No, thanks, I don't want it."
Livros, incenso e todo tipo de coisas, e a tentarem dar-me drogas. Eu dizia : "Não, obrigado, não quero."
Now show me what you were doing there with your feet. I saw you do sort of a fancy foot...
Agora mostre-me aquele passe de pés à maneira que fez.
Roberto, you were often told me that I was a terrible father what I never told you, is that I agree with you there's so much I haven't told you that you need to know so if you want to hear about the past I'll tell you
Roberto, disseste-me muitas vezes que eu fui um péssimo pai. Aquilo que nunca te disse é que concordo contigo. Há tanta coisa que nunca te disse e que tu precisas de saber...
you were there tonight Lord I felt you there please be with me now
Estiveste lá esta noite, Senhor. Eu senti-Te lá. Por favor, acompanha-me agora.
I know that you have issues with your dad, and that's cool, but he really likes you and he definitely likes me, and we were just jamming ideas and goofing around and tripping our balls off.
Eu sei que tens problemas com o teu pai, por mim tudo bem. Mas ele gosta muito de ti e de certeza gosta de mim. Fizemos umas improvisações, uns disparates e tripámos juntos.
Why were you on the street relieving yourself like a clog, with two Latin chimps to boot, "Din Don"?
Mas tens que me explicar o que fazias na rua a esgalhá-lo que nem um louco, à frente daquelas duas macacas, "Din Don"?
You know, looking back, I realize, like, we all got together in that room at that time, and you know, I was still thinking about stuff with, like, my dad and loss and all that, and then what they were thinking about, having been through the situation with Andy and everything, so...
Olhando para trás, apercebo-me que, todos nos juntámos naquela sala naquele momento e eu ainda pensava em coisas como o meu pai e a perda e tudo isso, e depois o que eles estavam a pensar, passando pela situação com o Andy e tudo, por isso...
I wonder what you thought you were going to do with me.
Eu pergunto-me, o que pensaste que ias fazer comigo?
Like, were you telling the truth when you said you might be in love with me? - I'm gonna leave you two.
Como quando disseste que estavas apaixonada por mim?
It might amuse you to know that while you were upstairs having moose with me and Liv who, by the way, finds me very conventional I had Irina down here in that cage.
Ele pode divertir-te a conhecer. - que enquanto você estava no andar de cima com alces comigo e liv. - que, aliás, me acha muito convencional.
You told me that you were at home with your wife last night.
Disseste-me que estavas em casa com a tua esposa a noite passada.
I wanted to call and let you know that I've been thinking about what you were saying with the curtain and all that stuff.
Eu liguei para que, saibas que estive a penssar, no que me disseste, sobre a cortinam e essas coisas.
The problem is, if you don't share stuff with me, like the fact that you were with Geneva, it keeps me in the dark.
O problema é que, se tu não compartilhares comigo as coisas, com o facto de que tu estavas com a Geneva, o que me deixa no escuro.
You were discussing me with them?
- Falaste de mim para eles?
If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be living with someone and raising a beautiful baby girl, I would have said you were crazy.
Se me tivesses dito, há 10 anos, que eu estaria a viver com alguém e a criar uma linda menina, eu diria que estavas louco.
Bones keeps equating me with him'cause, you know,'cause we were snipers and, you know, we're the same.
Bones passa a vida a comparar-me com ele porque... fomos atiradores especiais e somos parecidos.
You ever think that maybe that's why you and me were put with Walter?
Já pensaste que talvez por isso estamos ao seu lado?
I used to think you were smokin', but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I thought you were mixed race, and that never fails to get me going.
Costumava pensar que eras todo bom, mas muito disso tinha a ver com o facto de pensar que eras uma mistura de raças, e isso deixa-me sempre doida.
But you told me you were in love with me.
Mas disseste-me que estavas apaixonada por mim.
I never had a permanent home growing up, and I remember living there with your folks, even though I thought you were a total dork at the time.
Durante a minha infância nunca tive uma casa permanente, e lembro-me que viver ali com a tua família, mesmo pensando que eras um completo idiota na altura.
I've wasted too much time being angry with you and asking why you were never there for me.
Desperdicei demasiado tempo a sentir-me zangado consigo e a perguntar porque nunca esteve presente na minha vida.
You were worried about how to break up with me?
Estavas preocupado em como acabar comigo?
Pretend you were the best friend I'd ever had. Open up to you like I've never done with anyone ever.
Fingir que eras a melhor amiga que alguma vez tive, abrir-me contigo como nunca tinha feito com ninguém.
Look, I thought you said you were cool with me taking my time.
Achei que estivesses bem comigo e com o meu tempo.
Serena told me how helpful you were with Eric yesterday.
A Serena contou-me da ajuda que deste com o Eric.
Where were you last night when you were supposed to be with me?
Onde estavas ontem, quando era suposto estares comigo?
So you're the one holding the shiv. So if I were you, Tomas, I'd make a deal with me.
Era você que estava com a faca, e, se eu fosse a si, Tomas, fazia um acordo...
That field you're looking at, Ava, when we were kids, Boyd and me, we'd be out there sunup till sundown playing with this old George Blanda football that Bowman had.
Nesse terreno que estás a ver, Ava, quando eu e o Boyd éramos miúdos, passávamos o dia a brincar com a bola assinada pelo George Blanda que o Bowman tinha.
You wouldn't have let me sit here and plan our wedding while you were still sleeping with her!
Não me fazias ficar aqui a planear o nosso casamento, enquanto ainda dormias, com ela!
But you told me you were having dinner with a woman, which leads me to believe you didn't want me to know you were having dinner with a Jake.
Mas disseste-me que ias jantar com uma mulher, o que me levou a acreditar que não querias que soubesse que ias jantar com um Jake.
Don't blame me because you were born with a clit for a cock and a tiny little beanbag to house what passes for balls.
Não me culpes por teres nascido com um clítoris no lugar da pila e um saquito que contém o que deviam ser testículos...
Maggie, you've never shied away from a fight in your life, not even when Patrick and me were brawling with baseball bats down on Hook Road.
Nunca fugiste de um combate na tua vida, nem quando eu e o Patrick discutimos com tacos de basebol na Rua Hook.
I feel like you're breaking up with me, but we were never really together.
Sinto que estás a acabar comigo, mas nunca chegámos a estar juntos.
And by then... Other things were happening... With you and me.
E nessa altura já tinham acontecido outras coisas entre mim e ti.
Yes. Were you just planning on using me to get information, just in case things with Barrett didn't pan out?
Ou só estavas a planear usar-me para conseguires informações sobre o caso se não funcionasse com a Barrett?
You remember when you said that if you were smart... You would have fallen in love with someone like me?
Lembras-te de dizer que se fosses inteligente te terias apaixonado por uma pessoa como eu?
Because last year, me and my boys over at the DEA were about to seize a fuckload of it from y'all, till one of you took off with it.
Porque no ano passado, eu e o meu pessoal na DEA, estivemos prestes a apreender uma grande quantidade vossa, até que um de vocês se pisgou com tudo.
Sir, base camp said you were trying to get in touch with me.
- Olá, senhor. A base disse que queria falar comigo.
But you were pregnant with me.
Mas estava grávida de mim.
Which got me to thinking, I know you had said that you were okay with not being able to have a child.
O que me levou a pensar, sei que tinhas dito que não te importavas em não ter um filho.
And you just had to be a little more patient with me, but you were too scared.
E só tinhas que ter sido um pouco mais paciente comigo, mas estavas demasiado assustada.
- He wanted to date me and I... - You were dating somebody - you were cooking with.
Ele queria namorar comigo e...
- That's what you were doing. - He wanted to date me - and I was with somebody already.
Ele queria namorar comigo e eu já estava com alguém.
In case you were wondering, that was me with my father.
Caso se estejam a perguntar, aquilo era eu com o meu pai.

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