It isn't that перевод на русский
7,323 параллельный перевод
Once you have a bed and a kettle, that's it, really, isn't it?
У тебя есть только кровать и чайник, это правда?
That's yours, isn't it?
- Это твое?
Just because a terrorist says it's not, doesn't mean that it isn't, Agent Hanna.
Просто потому что террорист так сказал, не значит что это правда, агент Ханна.
Well, that's on you two, isn't it?
Ну, это от вас двоих зависит, да?
Well, that is just fan-friggin-tastic, isn't it?
Ну, блин, умереть не встать.
Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?
Не этого ли хотел Валак, когда это писал?
That's the book, isn't it?
Это та книга, да?
But I got to tell you, it's so much nicer that he isn't.
Но, признаюсь, так мне больше нравится.
And if he feels that it isn't...
И если ему кажется, то это не...
And Stefan wins, which means you two lose, which isn't that bad actually because now it just means we get to kill the both of you.
и Стефан выигрывает что значит, что вы оба проигрываете что на самом деле не так уж плохо потому что сейчас это значит всего лишь, что мы убьем вас обоих
Beth Laws - - that is your maiden name, isn't it?
Бет Лоус - - а это ведь ваша девичья фамилия, не так ли?
It's his scaphoid, which is split - - post-mortem I assumed, except when I put the two bits together, that's a hole, isn't it?
Это его ладьевидной кости, который сплит - - посмертные я предположил, кроме тех случаев, когда я положил два кусочка вместе, это дырка, разве не так?
That's okay with you, isn't it?
Ты же не против, правда?
On occasion but it's more fun that way, isn't it?
Так было бы интереснее, не правда ли?
That's your son, isn't it?
Это ваш сын, не так ли?
And that's when it happened, isn't it?
Тогда-то это и случилось, да?
But if his n.D.E. Led to the discovery of those young girls, That's exactly the kind of evidence we're searching for, isn't it?
Но его предсмертный опыт указал на место захоронения девушек, а ведь именно такого рода доказательства мы и ищем?
Hang about there for a week, come back home, make puddings and babies - - that's basically what you do, isn't it?
Зависните там на недельку,... затем возвращайтесь домой, делайте пудинги и детишек это ведь то, чем вы обычно занимаетесь?
Immortality isn't living forever, that's not what it feels like.
Бессмертие — это не вечная жизнь, не то, чего хотелось бы.
That sub isn't doing what it's supposed to.
Подлодка действует не так, как должна.
That sub isn't doing what it's supposed to.
Подлодка действует не по сценарию.
Oh, yeah. Interesting how all that turned out, isn't it?
Мда, интересным образом всё повернулось, не правда ли?
That's a bit grim, isn't it?
Немного мрачноватая картина, не правда ли?
Hard to believe that it isn't.
Трудно поверить, что нет.
It's funny how that works, isn't it?
Интересно это работает, не так ли?
I realized that whatever I felt for her... it isn't real.
Я осознал, что все мои чувства к ней.. - Кристин и Ева использовали меня, и мне так жаль, что я не мог этого понять. они ненастоящие.
Don't pretend staring at me like that isn't creepy because it is.
Не притворяйся, будто то, как ты смотришь на меня, не жутко, потому что это жутко.
But you said it... isn't that every parent's dream, to have their children surpass them?
- Не моя мечта.
That's gonna be a little tricky, isn't it?
- Это будет нелегко провернуть.
As far as threats are concerned, that's why we have you, isn't it?
Что касается угроз, для этого мы вас и держим, не так ли?
- That's right, isn't it?
- Но я права, верно?
Isn't it possible that I can have both?
Разве я не могу иметь сразу всё?
It's a little late for that, isn't it?
Тебе не кажется, что для этого поздновато?
Well, that's the $ 64,000 question, isn't it?
Итак, это вопрос на 64 000 $.
That isn't your primary residence, is it?
Но это не основное ваше место жительство, верно?
This isn't gonna be that thing where you pretend you got an important text from Holt, and it's just that video of screaming sheep.
Ты же не собираешься притвориться, что у тебя важное сообщение от Холта, а потом врубить видео с блеющей овцой.
That's quite a one-two punch, isn't it?
Это как удар ниже пояса.
That's ironical, isn't it?
Забавно, да?
That's appropriate, isn't it?
И в тему, правда?
It's too bad "supernatural relic hunter" isn't something that looks good on a résumé.
Жаль только, что "Охотник за сверхъестественными древностями" – не очень подходит для резюме.
Well, that's the puzzle, isn't it?
Это головоломка, не так ли?
So... it occurs to me that seeing as the Princess isn't leaving the palace his evening, there's no need for me to be on duty.
Слушай... я тут подумал. Раз принцесса весь вечер будет во дворце, мне необязательно быть здесь.
That's trying a bit too hard, isn't it?
По-моему, ты чуток перестарался.
That's why you woke up, isn't it?
Поэтому ты и очнулась, да?
That is why you checked into the hotel, isn't it?
Поэтому ты и поселился в отеле, верно?
And that really is the difference between us, isn't it?
" в этом сама € разница между нами.
I would never say yes to your deal. That's it, isn't it?
" то € бы никогда не пошла с вами на сделку, не так ли?
She knew how you felt about doctors. Maybe... maybe she wants to save your life, not end it. Isn't that what you do for someone you love?
она знала твое отношение к докторам может... она хочет спасти твою жизнь, а не окончить ее разве не это делаешь дл € того, кого любишь?
Well, isn't it a lot more likely that he was so affected By his run-in with this ryder person That he subconsciously inserted him into his memory?
Более вероятно, что на него так подействовало столкновение с Райдером, что он бессознательно занес его в свою память.
Isn't that what it means to be a doctor?
Как раз этим и занимается доктор.
It's that woman who came to the hospital, isn't it?
Можно спросить, кто та женщина, которая вчера приходила к тебе в больницу?
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27
it isn't fair 52
it isn't much 21
it isn't here 19
it isn't working 26
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27
it isn't fair 52
it isn't much 21
it isn't here 19
it isn't working 26
it isn't safe 35
it isn't over 20
it isn't me 34
it isn't true 86
it isn't you 23
it isn't funny 18
it isn't enough 18
it isn't like that 22
it isn't your fault 26
it isn't right 41
it isn't over 20
it isn't me 34
it isn't true 86
it isn't you 23
it isn't funny 18
it isn't enough 18
it isn't like that 22
it isn't your fault 26
it isn't right 41
isn't that the point 36
isn't that enough 159
isn't that what you wanted 60
isn't that crazy 40
isn't that right 1289
isn't that beautiful 37
isn't that great 227
isn't that nice 131
isn't that something 73
isn't that cute 44
isn't that enough 159
isn't that what you wanted 60
isn't that crazy 40
isn't that right 1289
isn't that beautiful 37
isn't that great 227
isn't that nice 131
isn't that something 73
isn't that cute 44
isn't that lovely 31
isn't that interesting 43
isn't that funny 103
isn't that amazing 62
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isn't that sweet 82
isn't that so 171
isn't that wonderful 76
isn't that what you said 43
isn't that weird 39
isn't that interesting 43
isn't that funny 103
isn't that amazing 62
isn't that good 40
isn't that sweet 82
isn't that so 171
isn't that wonderful 76
isn't that what you said 43
isn't that weird 39