It wouldn't matter перевод на русский
194 параллельный перевод
Anyways, if it had been that Mrs. Kennedy's husband by hisself... I wouldn't have lifted a finger, no matter what Rhett said.
Если бы речь шла только о муже м-с Кеннеди я бы и пальцем не пошевелила, что бы Ретт не говорил.
And if you had my memories, you wouldn't go there or talk about it or even think about it. What's the matter?
Я ненавижу это место!
Of course, without you, it wouldn't matter, anyway.
Ну что ж, без Вас это будет уже на важно.
No matter what you asked, I wouldn't do it.
не важно о чем вы просите, я этого не сделаю.
Laurie, no matter what happens I wouldn't have it any other way.
Лори, чтобы ни случилось... я ни о чём не жалею.
It wouldn't matter to me what you were or what you did, and you know it.
И для меня не имело бы значения, где ты был и что ты делал, и ты это знаешь.
It doesn't make a difference. No matter how much she didn't have, my mother wouldn't disinherit me.
Какой бы бедной ни была моя мама, она бы так не сделала.
- It wouldn't matter.
- Это неважно.
Because if it were all to disappear tomorrow, it wouldn't really matter.
Даже если всё это завтра исчезнет, то мне будет всё равно.
If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't matter whether the Parliamentary elections were won by the Tories or the Liberals.
Если бы не он, Нам бы дела не было до того, кто победил на выборах.
One or two, it wouldn't matter.
Один или два, не имеет значения.
That would explain the high-radiation readings, wouldn't it, Captain? If the matter - antimatter..?
Это объясняет высокий уровень радиации, если вещество...?
It wouldn't matter. He's gone.
Слишком поздно.
- It wouldn't matter if they were family.
- Уж извините, синьорина!
For that matter, we could make do with the women of the courtyard, it wouldn't be the first time.
Можно обойтись помощью наших женщин - это же не в первый раз.
I suppose it wouldn't matter if you served out your detention in my office.
Я думаю не страшно, если вы отработаете в моем кабинете.
Which, in the ordinary course of events, of course, wouldn't matter, except that I do it very sexily.
Что, при обычном стечении обстоятельств, не значило бы ничего особенного... кроме того, что я делаю это весьма сексово.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind six weeks'holiday. It's a damn nuisance, as a matter of fact.
Да, я бы не отказалась от шести недель каникул.
Well, you don't love flying, so it wouldn't matter to you.
Tы не любишь летать, тебе этого не понять.
If he were the devil himself, it wouldn't matter.
Будь он хоть самим дьяволом, неважно.
Plus, it wouldn't matter, my parents are at work.
Кроме того, мои родители на работе.
You know, Morris, if you were an ordinary kid, it wouldn't matter so much.
Моррис, будь ты обычным ребенком, это не имело бы такого значения.
- It really wouldn't matter to me.
- Правда, мне это не важно.
Perhaps it wouldn't matter anywhere else, but this is Wales.
" Может быть, где-то ещё это и не имело бы такого значения, но только не в Уэльсе.
Oh, I can throw away the uniform resign my commission, run all the way to the Nyberrite Alliance... but it really wouldn't matter.
Я мог выбросить униформу, снять с себя полномочия, примкнуть к Найберитскому Альянсу... но это ничего не изменит.
"It doesn't matter," but Harriet wouldn't say that, would she?
"Какая разница", но ведь Хэрриет так никогда не скажет, правда?
I love her for who she is, and if she weren't, it wouldn't matter.
- Не то, почему я люблю ее. Я любил ее для того, как увидел, и если она не была, это не имело бы значение.
It wouldn't matter if it were bars.
Мне без разницы, даже если бы это были слитки.
It wouldn't matter to me.
- А мне всё равно.
If I got hurt out there it wouldn't really matter.
Если бы ушибся я, это было бы неважно.
If it were a simple matter of trust, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you.
Если бы это был просто вопрос доверия, я бы без сомнений сказала вам.
It wouldn't matter. They're all unconscious. And we still have to land the airplane.
Люди без сознания и нам всё равно нужно сажать машину.
Because it wouldn't matter to you anyway. You'd still imagine fucking her, wouldn't you? Yeah.
Ты пялишься на ее задницу последние 10 минут.
It wouldn't matter, but I can see it hurts you.
Я вижу, тебе неприятно.
And it wouldn't matter.
И ничего.
Even if we told, it wouldn't matter since you're gonna have an accident.
Даже если мы скажем тебе, это не будет иметь больше значения, так как с тобой собирается произойти несчастный случай.
If that's the case, it wouldn't matter who I dance with.
В таком случае, не важно, с кем я танцую.
But it wouldn't matter.
Но это не важно.
I wanted you to be real rich and it wouldn't matter that I took your money because you had a lot more and you'd love me anyway and take me away.
Я хотела, чтобы ты был по-настоящему богат, и не имело бы значения, что я взяла твои деньги, так как их у тебя гораздо больше, и ты все равно любил бы меня и увёз бы отсюда.
Even if he were here, it wouldn't really matter to me.
Даже если бы он здесь был – для меня не было бы никакой разницы.
Even if you were, it wouldn't matter.
И даже если бы это было так, это не имело бы значения.
Fez, it wouldn't matter where we were.
Фез, не важно, где мы.
Emptiness. Like it wouldn't completely matter whether I get up or not. Whether I do something or not.
Будто имеет значение, встану я или нет сделаю что-то или не сделаю?
Even if that were true, it wouldn't matter. It's not about me.
Даже если это правда, то это не важно, потому что дело не во мне...
I genuinely believed that I wouldn't make the distance, and I also believed that I was going to die, and I sort of acknowledged it in a very matter-of-fact way.
Я абсолютно поверил, что мне никогда не одолеть того расстояния, и так же понял, что скоро умру. И сознание этого было чем-то само собой разумеющимся.
If it works how I think it does, it wouldn't matter how many blasts were fired at it.
Если это работает как я думаю, то не важно, сколько выстрелов было выпущено по ней.
It wouldn't matter what I said.
Ему все равно, что я скажу.
Wouldn't you expect her husband's death to be sour on her tongue no matter how it happened?
А ты не думаешь что смерть её мужа оставит у неё осадок не смотря на то как он умер?
it wouldn't matter. No.
Хотя это ночью.
In which case, it wouldn't really matter what we had on tape, would it?
Тогда действительно не имело бы значения, что мы имели бы на пленке, не так ли?
It could rain or pour outside, and it wouldn't matter to me.
Будь то дождевая вода или стрелы, они ничего мне не сделают.
it wouldn't be the first time 64
it wouldn't be fair 20
it wouldn't be 24
it wouldn't be right 29
it wouldn't hurt 20
it wouldn't have happened 24
it wouldn't 89
it wouldn't work 45
it wouldn't surprise me 20
it wouldn't have mattered 18
it wouldn't be fair 20
it wouldn't be 24
it wouldn't be right 29
it wouldn't hurt 20
it wouldn't have happened 24
it wouldn't 89
it wouldn't work 45
it wouldn't surprise me 20
it wouldn't have mattered 18
matter 86
matter of fact 310
it works for me 42
it works 619
it won't take long 230
it won't work 371
it won't matter 76
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it would be nice 40
matter of fact 310
it works for me 42
it works 619
it won't take long 230
it won't work 371
it won't matter 76
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it would be nice 40
it won't last long 21
it worked 1260
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
it won't be easy 142
it won't open 58
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it won't stop 55
it worked 1260
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it would have been 21
it would be great 34
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it won't open 58
it won't be long 101
it won't stop 55