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It was an emergency перевод на турецкий

249 параллельный перевод
After all, it was an emergency operation.
Neticede acil bir operasyondu.
I told that girl outside it was an emergency.
Kapıdaki kıza acil durum olduğunu söyledim.
- It was an emergency.
- Ama o çok acil bir durumdu.
It was an emergency.
Acil bir durumdu.
I told Mr Mclntyre it Was an emergency, I'd be right back.
Bay McIntyre'a acil bir durum olduğunu söyledim. Hemen dönerim dedim.
You said it was an emergency, not to give me a cigar.
Acil olduğunu söyledin bana puro vereceğini değil.
It was an emergency.
Acil durumdu.
- It was an emergency.
- Acil bir durumdu.
The guy said it was an emergency.
Acil olduğunu söyledi.
They said it was an emergency.
Acil olduğunu söylediler.
You said it was an emergency.
Taksi bile tutmadan koşarak geldim.
That is why I told you it was an emergency.
Size bu yüzden acil olduğunu söyledim.
He said it was an emergency.
Telefondaki beyefendi acil olduğunu söyledi.
The hotel didn't want to put them through but whoever it was convinced him it was an emergency.
Otel bağlamak istememiş ama arayan acil demiş.
Then, I realised it was an emergency, and left the hall.
Durumun ciddiyetini anlayınca, hemen salonu terk ettim
It was an emergency, and we were the closest.
Acil durumdu. En yakın burasıymış.
you said it was an emergency.
Çok acil olduğunu söyledin.
See, I was only driving because it was an emergency... and I mean, I just....
Bakın, acil durum olduğu için ben kullanıyordum. Yani sebep...
I told the service it was an emergency.
Servise acil bir durum olduğunu söyledim.
You said it was an emergency.
Acil olduğunu söyledin.
It was an emergency.
Olağanüstü bir durumdu.
It was an emergency.
- It was an emergency.
- Acil durum dedim.
He left his phone number and address, and he said it was an emergency.
Telefon numarasını ve adresini bıraktı ve acil olduğunu söyledi.
He said he would only call if it was an emergency.
Sadece acil bir durumda arayacağını söylemişti.
I am so sorry, Doctor, they said it was an emergency.
Üzgünüm, Doktor, acil durum olduğunu söylediler.
I mean, it was an emergency, Jerry.
Acil bir durumdu, Jerry.
I'm sorry, man, but it was an emergency.
Özür dilerim dostum, ama acil bir durumdu.
But it was an emergency.
Evet, ama acil bir durumdu.
It was an emergency.
Durum acildi.
You said it was an emergency.
Acil bir şey var demiştin.
It was an emergency call from the International Drainage Commission in Springfield.
Uluslar Arası Akaçlama Komitesi'nden gelen acil bir görüşmeydi.
- He said it was an emergency.
- Acil olduğunu söyledi.
It was an emergency situation.
Acil bir durumdu.
He convinced the judge that it was an emergency situation.
Ajan Mulder jüriyi bunun acil bir durum olduğuna ikna etmiş.
Sorry, it was an emergency. Emergency!
Özür dileriz, bu bir acil durum
I wouldn't be working on this rat unless it was an emergency.
Acil bir durum olmasa bu fareyi muayene etmezdim.
It was an emergency.
Aslına bakılırsa, acildi. Tamam mı?
Well, in a way... it was an emergency Oh, je comprend... at your age it's very common and it happens often, Oh but I have what you need...
Acil bir durum vardı da. Anlıyorum. Senin yaşında bu çok normal.
- It was an emergency, Mrs. Goldstein.
Ama bu acil bir durumdu, Bayan Goldstein.
I figured it was an emergency.
Acil bir durum olduğuna karar verdim.
It was an emergency. I do appreciate it.
Acil bir durumdu.
That in the event of an emergency before the split... The money was to be saved by whoever had possession of it at that time... Without any consideration of the fate of the others...
paylaşımdan önce beklenmedik bir durum oluşursa, para, o anda elinde bulunduran kişi tarafından diğerlerine ne olduğuna bakılmaksızın saklanacaktı... ve daha sonra güvenli bir ortam oluştuğunda paylaşılacaktı.
It's an emergency. Doc. we was sent for you.
Acil durum Doktor!
In other words, it reports that Captain Kirk was reacting to an extreme emergency that did not then exist.
Kaptan Kirk'ün mevcut olmayan acil bir duruma tepki verdiğini rapor etmiş.
It was at that moment that the Speaker of the House went into an emergency session.
Tam o anda Parlemento Başkanı, acil celse kararı verdi.
The guy said it was an emergency.
Adam acil dedi.
There was an emergency, it was just impossible.
Acil bir durum çıktı.
Was it an emergency again at the clinic today, dear? Mmm.
Klinikte yine acil hasta mı vardı?
It was an emergency I literally had to
- Onu durdurmanın tek yolu buydu.
Sir, it was an absolute emergency.
Çok acil bir durumdu, efendim.

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