Whatever that was перевод на турецкий
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OK, whatever that was, I know it wasn't good. Beka?
Onlar iyi birşey değil Beka ne olduklarını onaylar mısın?
, I met Julian when I was, like, 16 or 17 or whatever but that was a long time ago
Julian ile 16 veya 17 yaşımdayken falan tanıştık ama bu çok uzun zaman önceydi.
I was left unable to conceive with whatever test that they did on me.
Bana yaptıkları testler yüzünden hamile kalamayacağım.
I just want to let you know that whatever happened in Whitby, which unfortunately was not much, is not because anything that you did.
Whitby'de ne olduysa olsun, ne yazık ki pek bir şey olmadı senin yaptığın bir şey yüzünden olmadığını bilmeni istedim.
Whatever, I'm just saying if you hear anything about it, that's all it was.
- Neyse, bir şey duyarsan eğer...
I mean, if it hadn't been for Medicaid or Medicare... whatever that stuff was... he'd have been in some ditch somewhere.
Yani, eğer burada olmasaydı bir yerlerde terk edilmiş olacaktı.
So anyway, I heard that he was carrying some of these fixings for that metalphetamine stuff, whatever the hell they call it.
Bazı karışımları onun taşıdığını duydum şu metalphetamin işi için, ne bok diyorlarsa işte.
Anyways, whatever you thought of this film, please tell your mates that it was wicked!
Zaten, bütünüyle bu filmin içindeydin, Lütfen arkadaşlarına anlar bu çok kötü!
Then what happens if whatever the fuck it was in there that killed the guy, killed me, what happens if that fucking thing gets in here?
O zaman oradaki adamı öldüren şey, beni de öldürürse ne olacak? Ya oradaki şey buraya girerse, ne olacak?
Frank, I swear to you, whatever Mona Lauder saw or thought she saw... was entirely a figment of that woman's hateful imagination.
Frank, sana yemin ederim ki, Mona Lauder'in... gördüğü veya gördüğünü düşündüğü şey her ne ise... bu tamamıyla, o kadının nefret dolu hayalgücünün bir uydurması.
Or like when they had their convention in Colorado, a week, whatever, the month after Columbine, that was just stupid.
Columbine'dan sonra Colorado'da da kongre yaptılar. Bir hafta ya da bir ay kadar sonra. Aptalca bir şey.
Like the last three years have been a poker game... and I was holding whatever it is that you hold... when you win.
Sanki son üç yıl bir poker oyunuymuş... ve kazandığında ortada ne varsa... sen kazandın der gibi.
We landed right on that son of a bitch whatever it was.
Her ne halt ise, lanet bir şeyin sağına indik.
I understand that whatever it was seemed urgent to you.
Anladığım kadarıyla, bunlar çok aciliyeti olan işler.
Look, whatever Cal wanted to do behind closed doors, that was his business.
Bakın, Cal gizli saklı ne işler çeviriyorsa bu onun bileceği şey.
The Alliance had her in that institution for a purpose... whatever it was, and they will want her back.
Alliance onu bir amaç için, enstitüde tutuyordu... o amaç her neyse, kızı geri almak isteyecekler.
The Alliance had her in that institution for a purpose... whatever it was, and they will want her back.
İttifak bir amaç için kızı o kurumda tutuyordu. Bu amaç her ne ise, kızı geri isteyecekler.
Said that there was only one place he could do that whatever that means.
Bunu yapabileceği tek yer varmış. Ne demekse.
Whatever was in that drawer that you didn't want me to see, I'm sure it was his.
Çekmecede görmemi istemediğin her neyse kesin Hyde'ındır.
If it was a code that involved math... or algebra or whatever... these little yos in the projects wouldn't be able to follow along.
Eğer zaten bu kod işin için de matematik... sinüs, kosinüs falan olsaydı... bu aptal zenciler bunu doğru dürüst halledemezlerdi.
She was whatever the name was on that ID card.
Sahte kimliği üzerinde ne yazıyorsa oydu.
And you wrote me saying that you wished your little wife was willing for you to take whatever course you thought best and was ready to help you in it with all her heart?
Bana küçük eşinin de senin uygun gördüğün yolu seçmesini ve tüm kalbiyle sana yardımcı olmaya hazır olmasını istediğini yazmıştın.
And the day I die, whatever the reason - - I wouldn't think it was destiny that pushed me to that end.
ve her ne sebeple olursa olsun bir gün ölürsem beni sona götürenin kader olduğunu düşünmezdim.
Well, there was that Indian wind god, spirit, whatever, Kraken.
Bir de rüzgar tanrısı vardı Kraken,
I guess I knew that on this day, I was gonna do... whatever I could do to help my fellow officers... to make sure that this time, the bad guys didn't get away.
sanırım bu gün olduğunu biliyordum. bu sefer... kötü adamların kaçamamsından emin olmak için... memur arkadaşlarıma elimden gelen yardımı yapmaya gitmiştim.
It's not that he didn't like me or whatever, maybe he was frustrated because he could not understand me.
Beni sevmediğinden ya da başka bir şeyden değildi ümiteleri boşa çıktığı için olabilir çünkü beni anlayamamıştı.
And the ones that existed had clear stipulations in their state issued charters. How long they could operate, the amount of capitalization, what they made or did or maintained, a turnpike, whatever, was in their charter and they didn't do anything else.
Ve olanların da devletçe verilen imtiyazlarında [Mary Zepernick ] açık kayıt ve şartlar vardı [ Şirketler, Hukuk ve Demokrasi Programı ] ne süre çalışabilecekleri sermaye miktarları ne yaptıkları veya yürüttükleri aldıkları ücret imtiyazlarında yazılıydı [ BİR YASA] ve başka şey yapmazlardı.
I was seeing the piano and I happened to have that Violent Sequence up and I was watching it and perhaps I felt a bit tired or whatever,
Çünkü neden bu akor bölümüne başladığım konusunda sıkılmıştım.
"Have they been to Graz?" Whatever it was that was hidden, whatever he was talking about,
...... Graz'a gittiler mi? " diye sorduğu şey gizliydi.
Whatever I was, that's not who I am any more.
Eskiden nasılsam, artık öyle değilim.
From whatever evil it was that turned you.
Size açık ne olursa olsun şerrinden.
- Whatever he was planning to do, it was going to be in that time frame.
Planı her neyse bu zaman çerçevesi içinde olacak demektir.
But I guess if I was to meet someone... Not that I'm looking to fuck around, but... I guess if I liked someone, whatever.
Ama biriyle tanışacak olursam yatacak birini aramıyor da olsam herhalde birinden hoşlansam...
Whatever happened in college, whatever happened to that girl, it was John.
Kolejde ne olduysa, o kıza ne olduysa, John'du.
Lieutenant, I was under the impression that when detailed against his will... to some backwards-ass, no-count, out-in-the-districts... lost-ball-in-tall-grass drug investigation... a veteran police of means and talent... can wear whatever the fuck he damn well pleases.
Teğmen, bir veteran polis baskı altında olduğunda işe yaramaz, hiç bir şeyi beceremeyen kendisini yolun ortasında kaybetmiş kişilerle birlikte bir uyuşturucu davasına atandığında her ne s.kim isterse giyebilir.
Because whatever went wrong on that ship was known to whoever... was supposed to pick that container up.
Fakat o konteynırı alacak kişi işlerin kötü gittiğini kesinlikle biliyordu.
Whatever was in that last truckload probably went out in car trunks.
Geçen seferki konteynırın içinde her ne varsa, demek araçlara yükleyip içeri soktular.
Pipes was convinced that whatever the Soviets said publicly secretly they still intended to attack and conquer America.
Sovyetler her ne söylüyorsa ikna ediciydi ama gizliden gizliye Amerika'ya saldırıp orayı fethetmek niyetindeydiler.
Whatever that just was.
Yumuşacık, sıcacık, ya da neyse o yok.
Somewhat less valuable than the Sisley that was hanging there, and whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway... if they're Francis Bacon, I'm a Jimmy Dean sausage.
Sisley'den biraz daha az değerli olan şey orada asılıydı, ve bu ucubelerin hepsi de koridordaydı- - Eğer onlar Francis Bacon ise, ben de Jimmy Dean sosisiyim.
It does whatever was that?
- 10 saniye! ! !
But it wasn't just that he was a great swimmer it was simply that he was a greater swimmer than anyone i ever knew was good--whatever they were good at
Ama bu kadarla kalmıyordu. Herhangi birinin bir işte olabileceğinden daha iyi bir yüzücüydü.
The idea that I put something in the water that, like, you know... whatever it was that Gaby said, that I had put some special effect in the water... is absolutely insane.
Suyun içine bir şey yerleştirdiğim fikri... Gaby'nin dediği herneyse, suya özel efekt yerleştirmiş olmam... tamamen akıl dışı.
As I was sitting there in the hull... it dawned on me that whatever film I had planned... had evaporated... and your film, John, this study about my life... had turned into, maybe, some sort of a horror movie.
Orada omurgada otururken, kafama dank etti ;... planladığım film her ne idiyse... uçup gitmişti,... ve, John, senin filmin, hayatım hakkındaki bu çalışma... galiba, bir çeşit korku filmine dönmüştü.
- You're getting me wrong Do you feel that whatever happened was wrong?
Tüm olanların bir hata olduğunu mu düşünüyorsun?
Once upon a time in China some believe around the year one double aught-three, head priest of the White Lotus Clan, Pai Mei, was walking down a road contemplating whatever it is that a man of Pai Mei's infinite powers would contemplate - which is another way of saying, "Who knows?" - when a Shaolin monk appeared on the road, traveling in the opposite direction.
Bir zamanlar Çin'de 1003 yıllarındaki bir inanışa göre Beyaz Nilüfer Klanı baş rahibi Pai Mei, koyu koyu düşünerek ki sonsuz güçlere sahip olan Pai Mei gibi bir adam koyu koyu ne düşünürse - bu da "Kim bilir?" demenin bir diğer yolu - yolda yürüyorken karşı yönden gelen bir Shaolin keşişi yolda bitivermiş.
I knew it since he was fixed on that school queen or whatever...
Okulun kraliçesi dediğin kıza bağlandığından beri belliydi bu.
Whatever music was playing when you started getting laid, you gonna love that music for the rest of your life.
Üniversitede hiç striptizci yok gördüğüm kadarıyla. Hiç clear heels giyen yok biyoloji bölümünde.
I was taught to believe that whatever the task, one should do the best of his ability.
Ne is olursa olsun, insan elinden gelenin en iyisini yapmalidir.
I understood that whatever was happening was wrong.
Yanlış şeyler oluyordu, bunu anladım.
Whatever happened there was recorded.. .. At the voice mail centre. And with that..
Olan biten her şey ses mail merkezinde kaydedildi.
whatever that means 174
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that was fast 352
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that was fast 352
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388
that was nice 214
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that was great 569
that was an accident 191
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388
that was nice 214
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that was great 569
that was an accident 191