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Natural перевод на английский

21,530 параллельный перевод
Murió hace ocho meses, por causas naturales.
Died eight months ago, natural causes.
Era un trío natural.
It was a natural three.
Probablemente muerta de causas naturales.
Ah, probably dead of natural causes by now.
no sé, la mitad de nada, Pero sigue siendo mucho... natural.
I don't know, half anything, but he's still very much... natural.
Ignora todos tus instintos naturales.
Ignore every natural instinct you have.
Y si no tienes el hielo adecuado, basta con dejarlo al natural.
And if you don't have the proper ice, just leave it neat.
Son extraterrestres. ¿ No conocen a Grandmaster Flash?
You're a natural, and you don't know who Grandmaster Flash is?
Además, eres un poeta innato.
Plus, you're a natural wordsmith, man.
Tú eres innato para todo.
You a natural everything.
- ¿ Es algo natural o aprendieron?
- They do that natural, or they was taught?
- Es natural.
- They do it natural.
Todo lo que hacen tiene un propósito natural.
Everything they do, it got a natural purpose.
- Un zumo natural.
- Organic juice.
Caitlin es un poco natural con el retractor de mejillas.
Caitlin's a bit of a natural with the cheek retractor.
Es algo que debe ser natural para usted, Sr. Hakim.
This is something that should be second nature to you, Mr. hakim.
Si quiera una apariencia relajada o natural o quiere jugar con sus trenzas ofrecemos una variedad de acondicionadores que mantendrán su cabello saludable.
not just for salad anymore. [man] Whether she wants a more relaxed look, or a natural, or just to have fun with braids, we offer a variety of organic conditioners that will keep her hair healthy.
Los azores son los únicos predadores naturales de estos monos.
Goshawks are virtually the only natural predators these monkeys have.
Es contra la justicia natural.
It's against natural justice.
Hemos descubierto que su tono natural.
We have uncovered your natural hue.
Miren, es el niño accidental en su hábitat natural.
Look. It's the accident child in his natural habitat.
- Tiene un talento natural.
She's a natural.
- Sigues dejando retumbar el si.
Still letting that B natural ring.
Los médicos consideran a las enfermeras como sus presas naturales.
The physicians there look upon nurses as their natural prey.
Mi padre me enseñó que el miedo es natural.
My dad taught me that fear is natural.
Es natural.
It's just nature.
- ¿ Natural?
- It's nature?
Dios mío, se siente tan natural.
Oh, my God, it feels so natural.
No quiero que suene insensible pero ¿ no creen que los aludes son desastres naturales graciosos?
I don't mean this to sound insensitive, but don't you think that mudslides are the funniest kind of natural disasters?
# Dejemos que salga natural #
♪ Let it come naturally ♪
No, porque en esa época me parecía natural perder la voz después de gritar.
Not really, because back then I thought it was natural that I should lose my voice after screaming.
Las piedras de cientos de años actúan como una jaula de Faraday.
It seems centuries-old stone acts as a natural Faraday cage.
¿ El impactante fenómeno es considerado... un ataque o un desastre natural?
Whether this shocking phenomenon is considered... an attack or a natural disaster?
Todo lo que hoy nos parece natural, banal,
All the things that we take for Naturally you
Todo dice, en síntesis que usted es parte natural de la vida, que no deberíamos odiarla que no deberíamos temerle.
It all basically says that you're a natural part of life, we shouldn't hate you, we shouldn't fear you.
Sí, es un manantial natural.
Yeah. It's a natural spring.
Cuando era pequeña, Nancy y Abel me llevaron al Museo de Historia Natural a ver una exposición de tótems.
You know, when I was little, Nancy and Abel took me to the Natural History Museum, to this exhibit on totems.
La piel en el abrigo natural, dice mi tío.
Skins a natural coolant, my uncle says.
Esto es lo natural en la profesión que hemos elegido.
This is the nature of the profession that we have chosen.
Usted sabe, eventos multigeneracionales como éste Recordar a uno de el orden natural de las cosas.
You know, multi-generational events like this remind one of the natural order of things.
No me he hecho nada, todo es natural.
I did not do anything. This is 100 % natural.
Va contra el orden natural.
It's against the natural order.
Bahía Blanca es un área de reserva natural para muchos delfines allí.
Green Gulf is a conservation area with plenty of dolphins there.
PR Department promueve la reserva natural de animales marinos.
The PR department is currently promoting the conservation of marine animals.
Bueno, ese tipo de poder no existe en el mundo natural.
Well, that kind of power doesn't exist in the natural world.
¿ Cómo ha ido tu clase de dibujo natural?
How was your life-drawing class?
Es el panza de hipopà ³ tamo. - En su hà ¡ bitat natural. -  ¡ Pià © rdete!
It's the gutappotamus in his natural flabitat!
Es un maldito innato.
He's a fucking natural.
Lo que hacemos ni siquiera es natural.
This stuff we're doing isn't even organic!
Se trata de la voluntad.
It is about a willingness, a willingness to fully exploit your labor force, your natural resources.
Es natural.
It's natural.
Dijo que quiere que sea natural.
Yeah, she said she wants to keep it all natural.

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