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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Bada

Bada перевод на английский

113 параллельный перевод
Tu as été un enf * *! avec les larmes...!
You were bada * *! Especially when you lowered your head for a moment, then, as you continued to talk, with tears...! It was art!
"Bada boum, plus de four..." Bonne soirée.
- And we all fall down
Prenez le bébé et partez : "Ba-da-bim, ba-da-boum".
Sure, take the baby and go bada bing, bada bong.
Ça, c'est de la nana qui fait boum!
Looked like the bada-bing-bada-boom girl.
Et bing et bang!
Bada-bing, bada-bang.
Et voilà, j'ai fini.
Bada-bing, bada-boom.
Bien sûr, on va passer une bonne journée.
We're gonna have a great day! Bada bing, bada boom!
"Bada-boom, bada-bing!"
Budda-boom budda-bing.
Le prochain mec qui me dit : "bada-boom bada-bing", il va se prendre un bon coup dans ses putain de boules!
Next guy says to me budda-boom budda-bing is getting kicked right in the fucking nuts.
Bada-boom, fils de pute!
Budda-boom mother fucker!
Tu veux essayer le bada-bing?
You want to try budda-bing?
Et c'en est fini.
Bing-bada-boom, it's done.
Bada boom.
Bada boom.
Big bada boom.
Big bada boom.
Big... bada big boom.
Big... bada big boom.
Ouais, big bada boom.
Yeah, big bada boom.
Badaboum? Big bada boom?
"Bada boom?" "Big bada boom?"
Big bada boom. In the cab.
Alors, il tue une centaine de termites, on le décore, et bing... il emballe la princesse.
So he kills himself 100 termites, gets a few medals, then bada-bing, bada-bip, bags himself the Princess.
Au Bada Bing, on vous invite.
Welcome to Bada Bing.
Bada Bing.
Bada Bing.
Un cadeau de vos amis du Bada Bing.
Something from your friends at the Bada Bing.
De la part de tes potes du Bada Bing!
From your friends at Bada Bing!
Jimmy est passé au Bada Bing.
Jimmy Altieri was in the Bing.
Bada da da, merci pour le rab.
Thanks. Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub.
Retourner au Bada Bing?
To go back to Bada Bing.
- Grazie!
Tôt ou tard, il va se pointer, et à ce moment-là...
Sooner or later he's gotta show. And when he does, bada-bing.
Alors j'attrape ma fidèle bombe de Frosty Flock et, budda-bing, budda-boom, le tour est joué.
So I grab my trusty can of Frosty Flock and bada-bing, bada-boom! I do the deed.
Unité 2, le grand Bing arrive vers toi.
Unit 2, you got Bada Bing headed your way.
Le grand Bing quitte le Bada Bing.
Der Bingle's leaving the Bing too.
C'est qui? Bada Bing Crosby?
Who is she, bada Bing Crosby?
Souhaitons tous la bienvenue au Bada Bing à Tracee!
Let's give a Big Bada Bing welcome to Tracee.
- Il faut qu'elles sortent, boumbada.
Bada-bing, bada-boom balls.
- Mon oncle s'appelle Bong!
- You should meet my Uncle Bada.
Fuyez tout catalyseur de colère... tels que caféine, nicotine, alcool, crack-cocaine... Mollo-Ciboulo, Lynche-Méninges, Clean-Narine... Bada-Boum ou Pelouse Planante.
You may not use rage-enhancing substances such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, crack cocaine Slippy-Flippies, Jelly Stingers, Trick Sticks Bing Bangs or Flying Willards.
Ouais, et après, lui et Paulie passeront au Bada Bing
Yeah, and then after, he and Paulie are hitting the Bada Bing.
Bada-bing sur son beau costume
Bada-bing all over his nice ivy-league suit.
Boum badaboum, des rayons jaillissen
Boom bada-bing, squiggly line, squiggly line.
Il suffit d'un chèque.
She runs ER. Bada-bing.
On descend à la 5e avenue, à gauche, ensuite à droite... on passe Broadway... et on y est.
We ditch this truck at Fifth Avenue, couple lefts, couple rights, bada-boom, past Broadway and... You're there!
Le Bada Bing, 14 : 30.
Bing, 2 : 30.
Je saisis mon fer quatre dans mon sac, et vlan!
I reach into my bag and grab my four iron, and bada-bing!
Ba da bada bo!
# Ba da bada bo! #
Bada bing, bada boum, yippee-ki-yay, sans savoir que Cléo est porteuse du VHC4, qu'elle a chopé, je sais pas... à un touriste sexuel.
Bada bing, bada boom, yippee-ki-yay, not knowing that Cleo is percolating HCV4 she picked up from, I don't know, a sex tourist.
Alors, on fait quoi? On va faire un tour au Bada Bing?
Hop in the car, drive down to the Bada Bing?
Le sexe, bada boum, c'est pour ça que je viens à ces réunions.
Sex, bada bing, that's why I come to these things.
Bada-bada-bada, ba-ba-ba!
Bada-bada-bada, ba-ba-ba!
Dites Bada Bada Boom...
Say bada bada boom..
Bada Bada Boom.
Bada bada boom.
On fait juste la photo et on se tire, hein?
So, we're just gonna do this photo and get out, right? Bada bing, bada boom.

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