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Browning перевод на английский

479 параллельный перевод
un permis de port d'arme, son certificat, dans la poche gauche un pistolet browning... n'est-ce pas?
F 5567, a weapon license, one identity card ; in your left inside pocket you carry a Browning - - is that correct?
La dame à la place 64 devrait prendre le browning dans la poche du monsieur de la place 11 et le donner au monsieur de la place numéro 5!
The lady from number 64 shall remove the Browning from the inside pocket of the Gentleman at number 11 and give it to the Gentleman at number 5!
Il brandissait son browning chargé de dix balles.
He raised his pistol, loaded with 10 bullets.
un manteau de voyage à carreaux, une pipe Dunhill, un Browning, d'occasion. Total : 9 livres 17 shillings.
All together 9 Pounds 1 7 Shilling.
"marre-toi avec Daddy Browning".
"Keep daffy with Daddy Browning."
Vous serez l'égale des plus grands :
I'm telling you, you'll be right up there with Peaches Browning...
Peaches Browning, William Bryan, - Queen Marie, Ma Ferguson...
William Jennings Bryan, Queen Marie, Ma Ferguson.
Américaine. 22 ans.
"Browning, Marie. American, age 22."
- Vous avez lu du Robert Browning?
- Have you read Robert Browning?
Je vois que vous lisez Elizabeth Browning.
I see you're reading elizabeth Browning.
Merci et bonsoir, Elizabeth Browning.
Thank you and good night, elizabeth Browning.
Ce serait arrivé de toute façon.
If it wasn't a Colt, it'd have been a Browning.
La version de Browning.
The Browning version.
Agamemnon traduit par Robert Browning.
Look. A translation of the Agamemnon by Robert Browning.
Ca bat Browning à plates coutures!
Well, it's a jolly sight better than old Browning's, anyway.
Ce sont les plus beaux vers de Mme Browning.
That's from my favorite sonnet by Mrs. Browning.
Si oui, vous serez aussi célèbre que Browning.
If you are right, you could be as famous as Browning or Graham.
Vous aimez la poésie de Robert Browning? Parfois.
Do you enjoy Robert Browning's poetry?
Accroche-toi là, Browning.
You hang on there, Browning.
Browning a un éclat dans la jambe.
Browning got a small chunk taken out of his leg.
- Browning, voyons ça.
- All right, Browning, let's have a look at it.
Passez-moi Browning-Schlagel McNally à New York.
Credit department. Get Browning, Schlagel and McNally in New York City now.
La plus grande agence de publicité de New York.
- Know the number? It's the biggest agency there. Browning, Schlagel and McNally.
Browning, Schlagel McNally.
Browning, Schlagel and McNally.
Vous connaissez Browning-Schlagel?
Ever hear of Browning, Schlagel and McNally?
Je suis chez Browning-Schlagel depuis 17 ans, à la tête du service pharmacie.
I've been with Browning, Schlagel and McNally 17 years in full charge of the drug account.
Vous savez combien de temps il faut pour avoir un tel bureau...
You know how long it takes at Browning, Schlagel and McNally to get a corner...?
Poèmes de Browning, Shelley, Keats.
Sergent Browning.
Sgt. Browning.
C'est Jack Browning et Mickey Farmer.
This is Jack Browning and Mickey Farmer.
Il y a un type... Jack Browning.
There's a guy named Jack Browning.
Ce Browning est très compréhensif!
This Browning of yours must be a very understanding man.
Jack Browning...
There was me and there was... Jack Browning and...
Comment va Browning?
How's your friend Browning?
On a ramassé Browning 5 min après.
George and me picked Browning up maybe five minutes later.
Où est Browning?
Where's Browning now?
Très joli, vraiment.
Very nice, Mr. Browning. Very nice, indeed.
Browning Corporation...
"Browning Development Corporation."
Tu crois à la salade de ce Browning?
You think Browning was giving us the straight goods?
Vous nous avez téléphoné... après avoir vu Browning... Alors, parlez.
Now I figure if you phoned us after talking to Browning, then maybe you had some answers.
Il dit que vous l'avez.
Browning says that, er, you have it.
Vous nous refilez le paquet et nous vous débarrassons de Browning.
You throw the bundle to us, and we'll make sure Mr. Browning never disturbs you again. Fair enough?
Browning a essayé de nous avoir.
Charlie, offhand, I would say Browning tried to cross us.
Voir Jack Browning.
We're gonna visit Jack Browning.
Quel est votre nom maintenant? Mme Browning?
What's your name these days, by the way?
il tenait un browning.
He was pale, too, clutching his revolver.
Attention à Slim.
Miss Browning, Madame de Bursac. Don't get tough with Slim.
Demande à Browning.
Then ask Browning. He oughta know.

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