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Goku перевод на английский

130 параллельный перевод
Il vaut bien les 23 000 gokus que mon frère possède!
It's worth the 23,000 goku that my brother has!
En outre il a reçu 300 goku.... mais avant que Maître Asano ne revienne... il fut contraint à l'emprisonnement.
He also received 300 Goku... but before Master Asano returned... he was ordered confined.
Goku-sa, répétons encore.
Goku-sa, let's practice again.
Goku-sa, ce sera notre tour après quelques personnes!
Goku-sa, our turn's comin'next after next after next after next after this!
Goku-sa, Quels sont tes hobbys?
Goku-sa, what are your hobbies?
Goku, tu m'entends?
Goku, can you hear me?
Goku, quelque chose est arrivé!
Goku, something terrible has happened!
Goku, c'était rapide!
Hey, Goku, that was quick!
Allons droit au but, Goku...
Getting right to it, Goku...
Goku, il est possible que ses pouvoirs surpassent de loin les tiens.
Goku, it's possible that his power may even be greater than that of you guys.
Goku, je comptes sur toi!
Goku, I'm counting on you!
- Goku, Que fais-tu ici?
- Goku, what are you doing here! ?
Où plutôt, Son Goku.
Or rather, Son Goku.
Goku, si tu n'as pas faim, je m'occupe de ton assiette!
Huh? Goku, if you aren't eating, I'll have yours!
Je suis SonGoku!
I am Son Goku!
Tu sembles avoir un rude adversaire, Goku.
Looks like you're having a tough battle of it, Goku.
Goku, Gohan, Trunks, nous nous éclipsons!
G - Goku, Gohan, Trunks, looks like we're better off not being here!
Donnez à Goku votre force!
Dammit! Give Son your power!
Goku, heureux que tu aies réussi!
Goku, glad you could make it!
Goku, ma grattitude.
Goku, my gratitude.
Tout est de ta faute, Goku-sa!
This is all your fault, Goku-sa!
Écoute bien, la première en finale sera l'héroïne de "Goku-Nyo"!
The first timer gets in the final for the heroine of'Goku
"Goku-Nyo"? ( Femmes de gangsters )
"Goku-Nyo" est une série de films!
Obviously, that's the nickname of the film series,
Ma priorité est "Goku-Nyo".
My mind is on'Goku-Nyo'.
J'ai besoin de me concentrer sur l'audition de "Goku-Nyo".
I need to concentrate on'Goku-Nyo'.
Avant j'étais un vrai Saiyan, mais maintenant, je suis avec Goku.
I used to be a pure Saiyan, and now I fight on the side of Goku.
- Des bandits, Goku.
- Bandits, Goku.
Goku, tu te reposes trop sur tes sens externes.
Goku, you rely too heavily on your external senses.
- Un jour, Goku.
- Someday, Goku.
- Tu as un don.
- You're special, Goku.
Je t'entraîne pas dans ce but.
I don't train you to fight boys, Goku.
À part toi, c'est mon unique trésor.
Besides you, Goku, it's my only treasure.
- Goku!
- Goku!
Goku, c'est ça?
Hey! Goku, right?
J'ai fait des pattes de poulet!
Goku! I got fresh chicken feet!
Joyeux anniversaire!
Goku? Happy birthday!
- Goku?
- Goku?
Va voir maître Roshi à Paozu.
Goku, find Master Roshi in Paozu.
Goku, n'oublie pas de toujours avoir foi en ce que tu es.
Goku, remember, always have faith in who you are.
Je suis Goku.
I'm Goku.
A ce niveau même la Galaxie du Nord risque d'être détruite! Goku-sa, c'est un grand jour! On évalue les parents.
At this rate... even my Northern Galaxy will be destroyed!
Le voyage de Goku et Bulma avait commencé.
Goku and Bulma set out on their journey in search of the seven Dragon Balls, which are said to grant any wish at all!

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