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Rex перевод на английский

2,403 параллельный перевод
Pendant qu'elle flirtait, je faisais des recherches.
Ah hem, well while she was taking AP Flirting I was doing some research on Rex.
Rex est unique, car c'est un mix scarabée / araignée.
You know what makes him so rare? He's a spider beetle hybrid.
Les collectionneurs paient cher pour ces créatures.
Rich collectors do put a price on creatures like Rex.
Imagine ce qu'on apprendrait sur la survie.
Or some brilliant scientist, imagine what we could learn about survival from Rex.
Tu as mon Rex Regis Plasmator. Rends-le-moi, et tes festivités continueront comme prévu.
You have my Rex Regis Plasmator, just return it to me and your festivities can go back as planned.
Voyez-vous ça. Des excréments sécrétés par le Rex Regis Plasmator.
Well, looky here excrement secreted by the Rex Regis Plasmator.
Fibre que la salive acide de Rex ne pouvait pas ronger.
Kevlar lining which Rex's acid saliva couldn't eat through,
Plus il y aura de monde, plus il vous sera difficile de trouver Rex sans nous.
The more feet that come in here the harder it's going to be for you to find Rex without us.
Je sens plein de trucs, mais pas Rex.
A lot of things but not Rex.
Normal. Le Rex Regis Plasmator est un maître de l'évasion.
Of course not, Rex Regis Plasmator it a master of evading capture.
Où est Rex?
Where is Rex.
Linden. Mais Rex, c'est un nom plus cool. Je peux l'utiliser?
Rex, it's Linden but ah, Rex is a much cooler name, can I use it?
- Linden... - Rex.
Super fête.
It's Rex, great party by the way.
Viens, Rex. Je te protégerai.
Come on Rex, I'll keep you safe.
Pourquoi? Rex vaut beaucoup d'argent au marché noir.
But why, I mean I get that Rex is worth a lot of money on the black market.
Ou mes parents s'assurent que Rex ait une bonne équipe de chercheurs, et on dit qu'on a failli se faire voler par un cyclope que j'ai terrassé.
Or my parents can make sure Rex gets the right research team and we can tell those officers that we were almost robbed by a Cyclops but I slayed him, your choice.
C'était involontaire.
Well and honest mistake and a lucky one for Rex.
Un coup de chance pour Rex. Un entomologiste du Sri Lanka s'occupera bien de lui.
My parents know an entomologist in Sri Lanka how's going to give him a proper home.
Nous avons Ty Samson, Rex Richardson et Kono Kalakaua.
We got Ty Samson, Rex Richardson and Kono Kalakaua.
- Rex?
- Rex?
- Rex, ton doigt!
- Rex, use your finger!
Voici Rex, le dinosaure le plus terrifiant et le plus méchant au monde!
This is Rex, the meanest, most terrifying dinosaur who ever lived!
J'aime beaucoup Radiohead, Pixies, T. Rex.
I like... I like Radiohead a lot, the Pixies, T. Rex.
Commence par Rex, au milieu.
Why don't you start with Rex here in the middle?
II a viré les pickpockets et les aboyeurs véreux et vendu deux clowns minables et un wagon pour acheter Lucinda, notre charmante obèse. Et Rex.
And August got rid of all the pickpockets and the grift barkers, and he sold off two deadbeat clowns and a train car so he could buy Lucinda, our lovely fat lady.
Mais tu as gardé les Coochie Girls.
- Rex. But you kept the coochie girls, didn't you?
C'est ainsi que commença sa série impressionnante de victoires, dont la mondialement célèbre "Femme mangée par un T-Rex".
Thus began his unprecedented winning streak that included the wand-famous "T-Rex Eating Girl."
Eex, Eex.
Rex, Rex.
OK Eex, à plus...
OK Rex, I'll talk to you later..
Les bras en position tyrannosaure.
That's right. And your arms got to be in a little T. Rex position.
M. Sullivan, c'est toujours un plaisir.
Mr Sullivan, it's always a pleasure to see you. REX :
- Rex, allons...
- Rex, please.
Je suis Rex Newbauer, gestionnaire de crédit et par chance... membre d'une cellule psychologique.
- Hey, everybody, I'm Rex Newbauer. I'm a loan officer. And we're in luck.
- Lâchez-moi!
- Rex, let go of my legs!
- Il va nous faire tuer.
- Rex, let him go. - He's gonna get us all killed!
Je ne veux accuser personne mais... L'autre soir, j'ai surpris Rex en train de mesurer la chambre forte.
I don't wanna impugn anyone's character, but the other night I caught Rex measuring the vault.
J'évite de grignoter.
Rex? No, I don't snack.
Il a de la ressource.
REX : He's a tough old bird.
Blythe a vu Rex mesurer la chambre forte et la Suisse a l'air de bien connaître les lieux.
Listen. Mr Blythe told me that he saw Rex measuring the inside of the safe, and I noticed that when I asked for the chair, Swiss Miss brought it right over.
Très mignon. Il avait quelques problèmes à être sous les feux des projecteurs.
Her dog, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Rex... cute little thing... he had some issues with being in the public eye.
- Oui. Le Tyrannosaurus rex est arrivé.
The Tyrannosaurus rex has arrived.
Saviez-vous que le Tyrannosaurus rex a des furcula fusionnées?
Were you aware that Tyrannosaurus rex had fused furcula?
On va faire quoi de Rex, enfin, de ce truc?
Alright, what are we going to do with Rex, I mean, it?
Rex aussi.
And Rex.
Je veux Rex.
I want Rex, Professor.
J'ai Rex.
I've got Rex.
- Rex!
- Rex!
J'ai fait quelques séances avec le chien Rex de Nancy Regan, un Cavalier King Charles spaniel.
Well, I did some readings for Nancy Reagan.

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