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Translate.vc / португальский → русский / Thousand

Thousand перевод на русский

17 параллельный перевод
Para o Valle de São Fernando, em Thousand Oaks.
Для долины Сан-Фернандо - Фаузенд Оак.
Que vivam anos a fio com as alegrias que enaltecem
May you live to see a thousand reasons to rejoice
Mil palavras faladas alto
- Thousand words are spoken loud
* E vi milhares de flores crescer *
And watched ten thousand flowers grow
Mil prazeres estrondosos me aguardam
# A thousand thundering thrills await me
Star Wars : The Clone Wars S01E18 - Mystery of a Thousand Moons
and in my dreams, I've kissed your lips a thousand times
В своих мечтах я целовал твои губы Тысячу раз
* Estou quebrado em mil pedaços agora.
? I am broken now into a thousand pieces?
" E então acreditar que, se o Império Britânico e o seu reinado durarem mil anos, os homens ainda dirão :
"And so bear ourselves that if the British Empire " and its commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say,'This was their finest hour.'"
E de acordo com as últimas actualizações, a Salad Plantation deixou esgotar a salada Thousand Island.
И как гласит ее последний статус, В "Плантации салатов" кончился соус "тысяча островов" * "Плантации салатов" - сеть закусочных *
Northridge, La Cañada, Thousand Oaks.
Нортридж, Канада, Таусанд Окс.
Eu vejo milhares de presidentes a receberem bónus não declarados... mesmo quando despedem metade dos seus trabalhadores.
I see a thousand C.E.O.s collecting undisclosed bonuses even as they lay off half their workforce.
Vamos a uma feira em Thousand Oaks e a uma festa de aniversário em Pasadena.
У нас городская ярмарка в Саузэнд Оукс и вечеринка на день рождения в Пасадене.
Mil raparigas dancavam por dia
♪ A thousand girls would dance each day ♪
Sabes, normalmente, neste tipo de actividades, as raparigas gostam de verificar os homens primeiro.
He's got no money, and like a thousand people looking for him. Where's he gonna go? Он умный. он найдет, где спрятатся.
Lembras-te daquele sushi bar em Thousand Oaks?
Помнишь то место с суши в Таузенд-Оукс?
Sandra Margarida
Переводчики : yuli _ sh, kathrine795, NikkiTrikki, uZu v _ jey, Gilmary, bella _ firenze, AmayaMitsuko avrelio, thousand, StBadWolf, ViMark martishka0603, Juliapirate, kiman, exluvi и ещё 11 человек

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